Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

That is the question we should all be concerned about. I don't believe that Mr. Nugent was threatening the U.S. President. It definitely sounded like a threat to me, but a threat requires more than just words. A threat requires intent to follow through.

But what we should be concerned about is whether or not recent laws have given the President the ability to declare a U.S. Citizen to be a threat to the U.S. It is not whether or not this President would ever use such a tactic, but whether or not a future President might. That was the problem with the Patriot Act and that is the problem with the NDAA.


Come on Immanuel, you're too rational for this.

Nugent told Obama to suck his cock.

Crude, yes. Rude, yes.



When someone suggests that upon the re-election of the President that they will be dead or in jail shortly thereafter, there really is not a lot of play in the interpretation of those words. Where do you get that he suggested that BO give him a BJ from that?

With the defense of Nugent, following the defense of Limbaugh,

you really begin to wonder what a rightwing leader would have to do to get the followers to even mildly rebuke him.

Treating President Obama with respect would probably do it.

You mean like they did Bush? We watched for eight years the DISREPECT that people heaped on Bush...anti-war marches with posters that said to shoot him, code pinkos interrupting Senate hearings with their crap, Sheehan camping out in front of his house shitting in his bushes, and the beat went on..
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With the defense of Nugent, following the defense of Limbaugh,

you really begin to wonder what a rightwing leader would have to do to get the followers to even mildly rebuke him.

Treating President Obama with respect would probably do it.

You mean like they did Bush? We watched for eight years the DISREPECT that people heaped on Bush...anti-war marches with posters that said to shoot him, code pinkos interrupting Senate hearings with their crap, Sheehan camping out in front of his house shitting in his bushes, and the beat went on..

The shoe is on the other foot this time...and the show has a scorpion in it...they are getting stung with thier own rhetoric...and they become unglued...
Uncensored2008 is a paid tool, not of the GOP but far right wing nut groups to try to influence opinion here.

Well then, send me my check, goddammit...


His masters should read and mark this: Uncensored brings us hours of laughter and ridicule of him and his opinions.

Glad to be of service to a fraud like you... How many times will you vote for Obama this time?

Frankly, I've always wondered about people who really think either Soros or the Koch brothers are paying people good money to post on a message board with only about 30,000 members where only about 1,000 people post with any regularity.

And nearly everyone has already made up their minds about most stuff.

I guess I just can't see the point in doing that.

Do you really (left and right) think that no one can hold a view you disagree with unless they are paid to do so?
You see the vid there Rabbi?

All your gun nut buddies at the NRA.

Do you care what Ted Nugent thinks, Swallow? Is he some kind of political guru to you?

Why you fagging again there Rabbi? You so hard up you need a 51 year old heterosexual to cum in your mouth? That's pretty hard up.

That's if your a man..and I have my doubts about that.

I'll take any allies we can get, in the battle to defeat Obama, and everything he and the rest of you commies stand for; and to that end, I am willing to play as dirty as your side always has, I am willing dig up what ever mud we can throw, I am willing to pull out all the stops, to keep your kind from destroying this nation. If it's legal, we'll do it; count on it.

As for "respecting" Obama, I don't, and I won't, not even if he makes himself dictator for life. He is, and will remain, a coward, a vacuous intellectual snob, and a slick-talking, unpatriotic, and throughly disrespectful empty suit. Given the opportunity, I'd tell the man that, to his face. He is not personally worthy of the respect of anyone who ever served this nation in uniform, nor indeed, that of any American who has actually worked for a living, something he has NEVER done.
Uncensored2008 is a paid tool, not of the GOP but far right wing nut groups to try to influence opinion here.

Well then, send me my check, goddammit...


His masters should read and mark this: Uncensored brings us hours of laughter and ridicule of him and his opinions.

Glad to be of service to a fraud like you... How many times will you vote for Obama this time?

Frankly, I've always wondered about people who really think either Soros or the Koch brothers are paying people good money to post on a message board with only about 30,000 members where only about 1,000 people post with any regularity.

And nearly everyone has already made up their minds about most stuff.

I guess I just can't see the point in doing that.

Do you really (left and right) think that no one can hold a view you disagree with unless they are paid to do so?

Is that WHY YOU are here?

Unmasked again, aren't YOU Joey?
With the defense of Nugent, following the defense of Limbaugh,

you really begin to wonder what a rightwing leader would have to do to get the followers to even mildly rebuke him.

Treating President Obama with respect would probably do it.

You mean like they did Bush? We watched for eight years the DISREPECT that people heaped on Bush...anti-war marches with posters that said to shoot him, code pinkos interrupting Senate hearings with their crap, Sheehan camping out in front of his house shitting in his bushes, and the beat went on..

So that makes it alright? Because someone else did it, we can give it a pass?

Didn't your mother ever teach you two wrongs don't make a right?
You mean the story about how Ted went around for 2 weeks shitting and pissing in his pants in order to get out of going to Nam? That is a true story. Coward.

If righties that are such patriots and support the troops and the mission and the government when Republicans are in charge are now going to flip flop and defend a draft dodger like Ted, that proves they will argue anything their mastes on Fox tell them to defend.

I'm seeing a lot of people vowing that this "shit & piss" story is true.

Is anyone ever going to support it?

Yeah. Nugent.

He was the one who told the freaking story.

Should be easy to link it, then
Well then, send me my check, goddammit...


Glad to be of service to a fraud like you... How many times will you vote for Obama this time?

Frankly, I've always wondered about people who really think either Soros or the Koch brothers are paying people good money to post on a message board with only about 30,000 members where only about 1,000 people post with any regularity.

And nearly everyone has already made up their minds about most stuff.

I guess I just can't see the point in doing that.

Do you really (left and right) think that no one can hold a view you disagree with unless they are paid to do so?

Is that WHY YOU are here?

Unmasked again, aren't YOU Joey?

He was unmasked a while back.:clap2:
Frankly, I've always wondered about people who really think either Soros or the Koch brothers are paying people good money to post on a message board with only about 30,000 members where only about 1,000 people post with any regularity.

And nearly everyone has already made up their minds about most stuff.

I guess I just can't see the point in doing that.

Do you really (left and right) think that no one can hold a view you disagree with unless they are paid to do so?

Is that WHY YOU are here?

Unmasked again, aren't YOU Joey?

He was unmasked a while back.:clap2:

Yeah, man, that' sright. I mean, I was posting RW stuff, but then Soros came upwith a bigger check. Really.

"We're coming for your guns, Barbara!"

Looons. :cuckoo:
He was unmasked a while back.:clap2:

Yeah, man, that' sright. I mean, I was posting RW stuff, but then Soros came upwith a bigger check. Really.

"We're coming for your guns, Barbara!"

Looons. :cuckoo:

Then you are a misguided idiot.

Not at all. I criticize conservatives when they are wrong, I criticize liberal when they are wrong. It really depends on the issue.

It just so happens that the GOP completely lost its mind and nominated Romney, a person I really dislike on a personal level.

While the rest of you will go through the motions of pretending you like the guy until he loses in November (after which, he'll become the "guy who lost because he wasn't really a conservative") I'm standing by my position. Romney would be an awful president. Worse than the guy we have now because as bad as he is, at least he has a heart.

Now, on this one, a great example of how you guys are being played.

The Great Gun Debate has been over for a long time now. No national gun law has been proposed since the Clinton years. Many of the Clinton laws have been allowed to expire. Even with the Giffords and Martin shootings, no one has proposed even modest new laws.

But the NRA is a scam based on convincing people like you that ATF agents are about to kick in your door and confiscate your guns.

Now, for the record, I'm against gun laws for the same reason I'm against abortion laws and drug laws. Because they are unenforceable when you already have 200 million or so guns in private hands, and so many people don't consider them valid.

But the two reasons the gun fetishists give for wanting them are pretty silly.

The first is that they need them for "Protection". But the fact is, a gun in a home is far more likely to kill or injure a family member than a bad guy.

The second is that you all need to have a gun in case you have to overthrow the government.

Equally silly. The government will always have more guns, bigger guns, be a lot better with them and when they come to take you out, it's usually to the cheering of your neighbors because you were frightening their children.
The government will always have more guns, bigger guns, be a lot better with them and when they come to take you out, it's usually to the cheering of your neighbors because you were frightening their children.


Iraq and Afghanistan have been quick and easy cake walks.
The government will always have more guns, bigger guns, be a lot better with them and when they come to take you out, it's usually to the cheering of your neighbors because you were frightening their children.


Iraq and Afghanistan have been quick and easy cake walks.

That you can't see the difference between an invasion (where no one wants you there) and taking out the asshole with a personal arsenal is sort of telling.

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