Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

Amend the 2nd amendment.

Got it.

Second Amendment isn't about gun ownership it's about militias...

At least until the crazy SCOTUS bunch got to it.

Once again, do you live in a universe where you think Jared Loughner should be allowed to buy a semi-automatic weapon, with an extra large clip, knowing what we now know about the guy?

Do you really think that this is a good idea?

No. The second Amendment makes reference to militias as part of its rationale. But it is absolutely ABOUT gun ownership.

Your spin is false.
a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the home than an intruder or criminal.

All these guns, all these prisons, and yet we have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world....

So you think the Government should take away our guns?

I think that's impractical, given how many guns are out there.

I think practical laws like background checks on new buyers, so you don't have a guy like Loughner being able to buy a gun even though he was hearing voices in his head and was removed from college, is a good step.

I think we need to do a lot of rethinking of how we handle crime in this country. When prisons became profit centers, we created a crime industry.

So the US Locks up 2 million people, and Germany locks up 78,000. (Which is one in 150 vs. 1 in 1000). Eventually these people get out, and they are worse than when they came in.

And there are easy to steal guns in nearly every home. Because most crooks know the time to rob a house is when no one is in it.

You want to know how you end crime?

Let me loose one night in Winnipeg.

Just one fucking night.

Here endeth the lesson..

Give me one night in Toronto.

Give me one night in Montreal.

How do we do it.

I'll fucking show you. Give me one night.
Amend the 2nd amendment.

Got it.

Second Amendment isn't about gun ownership it's about militias...

At least until the crazy SCOTUS bunch got to it.

Once again, do you live in a universe where you think Jared Loughner should be allowed to buy a semi-automatic weapon, with an extra large clip, knowing what we now know about the guy?

Do you really think that this is a good idea?

"Knowing what we know now" has nothing to do with it.
No one can predict the future.
a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the home than an intruder or criminal.

All these guns, all these prisons, and yet we have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world....

Yep. They load themselves, cock themselves and fire themselves.:cuckoo:

Way to avoid the point, spanky. Point is, yup, a person is involved, but for every person who was shot by another person in self defense, there were 43 murders, accidents and suicides made a lot easier by the fact someone had a gun in the house.

But know you gun nuts need to feel "Safe".

Not avoiding a thing. Ever heard of responsible ownership? They have classes asswipe. And those NOT being responsible should be held responsible.

Your scare tactics mean squat.

Don't want the citizen to keep and bear arms? Amend the Constitution.

And good luck getting that passed.
Amend the 2nd amendment.

Got it.

Second Amendment isn't about gun ownership it's about militias...

At least until the crazy SCOTUS bunch got to it.

Once again, do you live in a universe where you think Jared Loughner should be allowed to buy a semi-automatic weapon, with an extra large clip, knowing what we now know about the guy?

Do you really think that this is a good idea?

No. The second Amendment makes reference to militias as part of its rationale. But it is absolutely ABOUT gun ownership.

Your spin is false.

Guy, the courts have ruled both ways over the years... One more liberal justice, and it's totally about militias... (which, btw is how the courts ruled it in the 1930's in Miller v. US, when people were shooting up the cities with tommy guns.)

so why didn't you answer the question.

Do you really think it's a sane policy for someone like Loughner or the VA Tech shooter to be able to walk into a gun store and buy a crapload of guns?

Or do you think that might actually be, you know, kind of a bad idea.

No right can be "absolute". You have to temper it with a bit of commone sense. Freedom of speech does not mean you can shout "Fire" in a crowded theatre.

I think law abiding, trained citizens with healthy mental states should be allowed to own firearms.

It's the crazy people, the stupid people and the criminals I worry about.
Amend the 2nd amendment.

Got it.

Second Amendment isn't about gun ownership it's about militias...

At least until the crazy SCOTUS bunch got to it.

Once again, do you live in a universe where you think Jared Loughner should be allowed to buy a semi-automatic weapon, with an extra large clip, knowing what we now know about the guy?

Do you really think that this is a good idea?

"Knowing what we know now" has nothing to do with it.
No one can predict the future.

Armchair QB's like Joey are so full of it.
Amend the 2nd amendment.

Got it.

Second Amendment isn't about gun ownership it's about militias...

At least until the crazy SCOTUS bunch got to it.

Once again, do you live in a universe where you think Jared Loughner should be allowed to buy a semi-automatic weapon, with an extra large clip, knowing what we now know about the guy?

Do you really think that this is a good idea?

No. The second Amendment makes reference to militias as part of its rationale. But it is absolutely ABOUT gun ownership.

Your spin is false.

And the Founders intent was for the citizen to be armed to protect their liberties against ALL enemies...even if that enemy might some day be thier own government.
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Way to avoid the point, spanky. Point is, yup, a person is involved, but for every person who was shot by another person in self defense, there were 43 murders, accidents and suicides made a lot easier by the fact someone had a gun in the house.

But know you gun nuts need to feel "Safe".

Run it by me in Manitoba asswhipe? No one wants to even talk about Indian kids just stabbing everyone on a day to day basis in down town winnipeg. OMG address a real issue?

Down town winnipeg is well lets stab anyone for any money because no one gives a sht but no one cares either so we just keep stabbing white people cause we are pissed off and don't care.

I was in Winnipeg once. Kind of depressing.

I'm not sure what your point is, but you seem to be kind of nuts, so I'm not sure if I should keep encouraging you.

ETA: finally got a chance to edit.

As a nation, we're completely insane and we know it. And we love it. And we laugh at ourselves. Marty Short is a primo example. I went to school with him. He's hysterical.

OK, nuts aside.

I was running blind there for a bit with no edit button so my thoughts were half baked.

I was trying to point out that for all our gun laws, nothing means jack shit when it comes to Winnipeg for example. In less than half an hour a couple of days ago, two teenagers stabbed 3 men. In broad daylight. 8 am in the morning. Within half an hour 3 men's lives were changed.

But talk to any city councilor and they'll tell you in a heartbeat we have a crime problem with the Hell's Angels. Not one peep about First Nations youth. No one in politics will address truth. So nothing ever gets fixed or done. And the children are destroyed by drugs and violence, but no one wants to address the issue because of PC.

It's insane.

So you see, one doesn't need a gun tp commit heinous acts. Killers just resort to other weapons.
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Not avoiding a thing. Ever heard of responsible ownership? They have classes asswipe. And those NOT being responsible should be held responsible.

Your scare tactics mean squat.

Don't want the citizen to keep and bear arms? Amend the Constitution.

And good luck getting that passed.

Actually, all we need is to replace one more knuckle dragging conservative on the SCOTUS with a guy who realizes there's a part about a "Well-Regulated Militia" that allows common sense gun laws.

I'm all for responsible ownership. I think you should be allowed to buy a gun after you've taken a class, proven you can handle it, understand gun safety and assure people that you aren't mentally ill. (That last one might be a challenge in your case, I'll admit.)

Which, by the way, are the same standards we have for automobile ownership...
You are the true example of a clueless person you give yourself away by using the talking points of the hard left and gun grabbers.

Clueless how?

Right now we have tens of thousands of Americans that die each year to gun violence. And it's fairly consistent. The stupidity of allowing people to carry a handgun into any place they please or while driving is why this has been happening for many generations. We've had several of our own leaders shot by guns..and several were killed. This sort of violence is rare in the industrialized world..and in many third world nations. Yet instead of common sense legislation..the NRA goes if to thumb their noses at this..and comes up with the "Stand your ground" nonsense. It was legislation that was never needed..and indeed has added to the body count.

You do realize that when a gun is used in a death it's still recorded as a firearm death even though the death maybe self inflected or accidental, in self defense. You do realize there are high numbers of murders with the use of a knife.

Maybe Joey would be for banning anything that could be made a weapon.

Note the word responsibility isn't in his lexicon...
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Not avoiding a thing. Ever heard of responsible ownership? They have classes asswipe. And those NOT being responsible should be held responsible.

Your scare tactics mean squat.

Don't want the citizen to keep and bear arms? Amend the Constitution.

And good luck getting that passed.

Actually, all we need is to replace one more knuckle dragging conservative on the SCOTUS with a guy who realizes there's a part about a "Well-Regulated Militia" that allows common sense gun laws.

I'm all for responsible ownership. I think you should be allowed to buy a gun after you've taken a class, proven you can handle it, understand gun safety and assure people that you aren't mentally ill. (That last one might be a challenge in your case, I'll admit.)

Which, by the way, are the same standards we have for automobile ownership...

like criminals are going to do all that..
RESPONSIBLE citizens that own guns already do all the above..
Your problem is with the criminals so you all want to step on the responsible citizens usual with some of you
Not avoiding a thing. Ever heard of responsible ownership? They have classes asswipe. And those NOT being responsible should be held responsible.

Your scare tactics mean squat.

Don't want the citizen to keep and bear arms? Amend the Constitution.

And good luck getting that passed.

Actually, all we need is to replace one more knuckle dragging conservative on the SCOTUS with a guy who realizes there's a part about a "Well-Regulated Militia" that allows common sense gun laws.

I'm all for responsible ownership. I think you should be allowed to buy a gun after you've taken a class, proven you can handle it, understand gun safety and assure people that you aren't mentally ill. (That last one might be a challenge in your case, I'll admit.)

Which, by the way, are the same standards we have for automobile ownership...


U.S. Supreme Court Reaffirms 2nd Amendment Rights


Auto Ownership Gracie? Are you serial? Per the Constitution Article 1, Section 8? The Government (Congress) authorizes funding to post roads.

So the Government can impose anything they like regarding the operation of a vehicle on public roads. They have ZERO jurisdiction on private roads.

The Second Amendment is an enumerated right that may NOT be infringed unless of course the process takes place to CHANGE that amendment.

Aren't good at this, are you?:eusa_hand:
Not avoiding a thing. Ever heard of responsible ownership? They have classes asswipe. And those NOT being responsible should be held responsible.

Your scare tactics mean squat.

Don't want the citizen to keep and bear arms? Amend the Constitution.

And good luck getting that passed.

Actually, all we need is to replace one more knuckle dragging conservative on the SCOTUS with a guy who realizes there's a part about a "Well-Regulated Militia" that allows common sense gun laws.

I'm all for responsible ownership. I think you should be allowed to buy a gun after you've taken a class, proven you can handle it, understand gun safety and assure people that you aren't mentally ill. (That last one might be a challenge in your case, I'll admit.)

Which, by the way, are the same standards we have for automobile ownership...

like criminals are going to do all that..
RESPONSIBLE citizens that own guns already do all the above..
Your problem is with the criminals so you all want to step on the responsible citizens usual with some of you

Ummm, nope.

The majority of gun deaths ( 55%) in the US are suicides. . 40% of gun deaths are homicides. 3% are accidents and 2% are "legal" shootings. (Police, etc.)

Of the 40% that were homicides, far more were domestic disputes than street crime.

But the problem with your thinking is kind of the "No True Scotsman" fallacy.

Of course, everyone whose kid shot himself after listening to Marilyn Manson or shot his brother in law over the last strip of bacon thought of himself as a "responsible gun owner."
Aren't good at this, are you?:eusa_hand:

Better at it than you are, dumbass.

Hey, here's the thing. I don't think guns should be banned.

But I also don't think that the SCOTUS was doing anything but judicial activism, overturning 70 years of previous precedents that allowed gun control laws to be passed.

As a practical matter, you can't ban guns, but you should regulate them.
Aren't good at this, are you?:eusa_hand:

Better at it than you are, dumbass.

Hey, here's the thing. I don't think guns should be banned.

But I also don't think that the SCOTUS was doing anything but judicial activism, overturning 70 years of previous precedents that allowed gun control laws to be passed.

As a practical matter, you can't ban guns, but you should regulate them.

I note YOU didn't quote the entire post... So in an effort to be fair with readers? I'll POST again what YOU neglected to address...


U.S. Supreme Court Reaffirms 2nd Amendment Rights


Auto Ownership Gracie? Are you serial? Per the Constitution Article 1, Section 8? The Government (Congress) authorizes funding to post roads.

So the Government can impose anything they like regarding the operation of a vehicle on public roads. They have ZERO jurisdiction on private roads.

The Second Amendment is an enumerated right that may NOT be infringed unless of course the process takes place to CHANGE that amendment.


Nice dodge asshole. YOU aren't getting away with it.
I note YOU didn't quote the entire post... So in an effort to be fair with readers? I'll POST again what YOU neglected to address...

Nice dodge asshole. YOU aren't getting away with it.

There was nothing there that was worth my time TO address.

The only reason this actually pretty bad decision passed was because you have five assholes on the SCOTUS. And frankly, I'm actually sort of shocked that so many so-called conservatives who are against judicial activism support this bit of judicial activism.

Oh, wait. It's only judicial activism when THEY do it.
I note YOU didn't quote the entire post... So in an effort to be fair with readers? I'll POST again what YOU neglected to address...

Nice dodge asshole. YOU aren't getting away with it.

There was nothing there that was worth my time TO address.

The only reason this actually pretty bad decision passed was because you have five assholes on the SCOTUS. And frankly, I'm actually sort of shocked that so many so-called conservatives who are against judicial activism support this bit of judicial activism.

Oh, wait. It's only judicial activism when THEY do it.

Naturally. I schooled you on the Constitution and yet you wish to circumvent it.

Sorry Joey. You fail.
Naturally, since Nugent has been questioned and it's all gone, the resident dem-bulbs want to turn the discussion towards who should be allowed to own weapons
Naturally, since Nugent has been questioned and it's all gone, the resident dem-bulbs want to turn the discussion towards who should be allowed to own weapons

That and the case with Zimmerman..They are now using it for a case against our Second Amendment rights...which make you wonder if this wasn't all planned with Obama speaking and Sharpton and Jackson going down there..

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