Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

That and the case with Zimmerman..They are now using it for a case against our Second Amendment rights...which make you wonder if this wasn't all planned with Obama speaking and Sharpton and Jackson going down there..

You mean someone might actually think that some clown shooting an unarmed kid in the middle of the street outside his house is a bad thing?

Gun owners should be as anxious to see Zimmerman fry as anyone. If you accept the premise that "People kill people" and not "guns kill people', then you have to hold hte people accountable, right?

good grief, all the FACTS haven't come out in this case yet..
And then we have Sharpton and Jackson down there trying to stir racial hate even though Zimmerman is hispanic and the kid was black..Now Jacksons coalition is calling for gun laws of some kind..Like we already don't have them.

that is what I was talking you can calm down

I'm perfectly calm. Zimmerman is a guilty as a cat in a canary cage.

Now all that said, the fact is, the Democrats have no stomach for even common sense gun laws, much less sending the ATF around to steal your goodies...

but the NRA wouldn't have a business if you couldn't be manipuated.
Clueless how?

Right now we have tens of thousands of Americans that die each year to gun violence. And it's fairly consistent. The stupidity of allowing people to carry a handgun into any place they please or while driving is why this has been happening for many generations. We've had several of our own leaders shot by guns..and several were killed. This sort of violence is rare in the industrialized world..and in many third world nations. Yet instead of common sense legislation..the NRA goes if to thumb their noses at this..and comes up with the "Stand your ground" nonsense. It was legislation that was never needed..and indeed has added to the body count.

You do realize that when a gun is used in a death it's still recorded as a firearm death even though the death maybe self inflected or accidental, in self defense. You do realize there are high numbers of murders with the use of a knife.

Maybe Joey would be for banning anything that could be made a weapon.

Note the word responsibility isn't in his lexicon...

Joe's just another Jake.
You do realize that when a gun is used in a death it's still recorded as a firearm death even though the death maybe self inflected or accidental, in self defense. You do realize there are high numbers of murders with the use of a knife.

Maybe Joey would be for banning anything that could be made a weapon.

Note the word responsibility isn't in his lexicon...

Joe's just another Jake.
Sure...with more words...and as much sense...:lol:
You mean someone might actually think that some clown shooting an unarmed kid in the middle of the street outside his house is a bad thing?

Gun owners should be as anxious to see Zimmerman fry as anyone. If you accept the premise that "People kill people" and not "guns kill people', then you have to hold hte people accountable, right?

good grief, all the FACTS haven't come out in this case yet..
And then we have Sharpton and Jackson down there trying to stir racial hate even though Zimmerman is hispanic and the kid was black..Now Jacksons coalition is calling for gun laws of some kind..Like we already don't have them.

that is what I was talking you can calm down

I'm perfectly calm. Zimmerman is a guilty as a cat in a canary cage.

Now all that said, the fact is, the Democrats have no stomach for even common sense gun laws, much less sending the ATF around to steal your goodies...

but the NRA wouldn't have a business if you couldn't be manipuated.

You are a dolt. And you have absolutely NO idea whether or not Zimmerman is guilty at all.

What you DO have is a willingness to prejudge. Ho hum. Lots of idiots do that. It requires no brains. So you're qualified.

Manipuate that.
You are a dolt. And you have absolutely NO idea whether or not Zimmerman is guilty at all.

What you DO have is a willingness to prejudge. Ho hum. Lots of idiots do that. It requires no brains. So you're qualified.

Manipuate that.

actually, I'm pretty certain he is guilty. But you know what, even if I thought he was innocent, I'd still be all for throwing him to the wolves...

First, to avoid a race riot and second to make an example out of him to the next gun fetishist who thinks he's Batman.

I'm sort of ruthless like that.
You are a dolt. And you have absolutely NO idea whether or not Zimmerman is guilty at all.

What you DO have is a willingness to prejudge. Ho hum. Lots of idiots do that. It requires no brains. So you're qualified.

Manipuate that.

actually, I'm pretty certain he is guilty. But you know what, even if I thought he was innocent, I'd still be all for throwing him to the wolves...

First, to avoid a race riot and second to make an example out of him to the next gun fetishist who thinks he's Batman.

I'm sort of ruthless like that.

Fuck a race riot.

I'm a better shot and I don't have to turn my gun sideways.

Not avoiding a thing. Ever heard of responsible ownership? They have classes asswipe. And those NOT being responsible should be held responsible.

Your scare tactics mean squat.

Don't want the citizen to keep and bear arms? Amend the Constitution.

And good luck getting that passed.

Actually, all we need is to replace one more knuckle dragging conservative on the SCOTUS with a guy who realizes there's a part about a "Well-Regulated Militia" that allows common sense gun laws.

I'm all for responsible ownership. I think you should be allowed to buy a gun after you've taken a class, proven you can handle it, understand gun safety and assure people that you aren't mentally ill. (That last one might be a challenge in your case, I'll admit.)

Which, by the way, are the same standards we have for automobile ownership...

Check out the billion dollar boondoggle that we had up here. Long gun registration. Hand guns were already regulated. But the Liberals in the 90's and yes they really are called Liberals decided we needed a long gun registry.

You know, because some prairie farmer may decide to mass murder varmits or people one day.

Thank the good Lord, our Conservative government has finally overturned this law. It cost a fortune to administrate. And it was a complete joke.
Check out the billion dollar boondoggle that we had up here. Long gun registration. Hand guns were already regulated. But the Liberals in the 90's and yes they really are called Liberals decided we needed a long gun registry.

You know, because some prairie farmer may decide to mass murder varmits or people one day.

Thank the good Lord, our Conservative government has finally overturned this law. It cost a fortune to administrate. And it was a complete joke.

Wasn't there also a case where some lunatic walked into a college classroom and slaughtered a bunch of female students because they were "feminists"?

Montreal Massacre events mark 1989 shootings - Montreal - CBC News

Fourteen women died when shooter Marc Lépine staged his attack at Montreal's École Polytechnique on Dec. 6, 1989.

Armed with a rifle, he stormed into a classroom, separated the men from the women, and declared he hated feminists before opening fire on the women. Lépine turned the gun on himself after his 20-minute rampage, which wounded 13 others.

The shooting, which came to be known as the Montreal Massacre, sparked a national debate about gun control and violence against women.
You are a dolt. And you have absolutely NO idea whether or not Zimmerman is guilty at all.

What you DO have is a willingness to prejudge. Ho hum. Lots of idiots do that. It requires no brains. So you're qualified.

Manipuate that.

actually, I'm pretty certain he is guilty. But you know what, even if I thought he was innocent, I'd still be all for throwing him to the wolves...

First, to avoid a race riot and second to make an example out of him to the next gun fetishist who thinks he's Batman.

I'm sort of ruthless like that.

Fuck a race riot.

I'm a better shot and I don't have to turn my gun sideways.


Uh huh. Another tough guy. Zimmerman thought he was a "tough guy", too, didn't he.

Now look where he's at.
You are a dolt. And you have absolutely NO idea whether or not Zimmerman is guilty at all.

What you DO have is a willingness to prejudge. Ho hum. Lots of idiots do that. It requires no brains. So you're qualified.

Manipuate that.

actually, I'm pretty certain he is guilty. But you know what, even if I thought he was innocent, I'd still be all for throwing him to the wolves...

First, to avoid a race riot and second to make an example out of him to the next gun fetishist who thinks he's Batman.

I'm sort of ruthless like that.

What's 'ol Rahm doing about violence in Chicago? :eusa_whistle:
Yes, I am, because Nugent is clearly the bottom of the barrel.

Old trumped up charges from 3 years ago. Ted settled just to get rid of it. How these fucks found out about another bear he had wounded but not harvested I'll never know.

The plea deal, filed Friday in U.S. District Court in Anchorage, Alaska, stems from federal allegations that arose during a bear hunt in May 2009 that was filmed for Nugent's television show, "Spirit of the Wild," on the Outdoor Channel.

News of the plea deal broke a day after Nugent was questioned and cleared by the Secret Service over comments he made at an annual meeting of the National Rifle Association where he said he would be "dead or in jail" if President Barack Obama were re-elected.

In the plea agreement, Nugent admitted to shooting and killing a bear using a bow and arrow during a hunt on Sukkwan Island in southeast Alaska, just days after he wounded another bear.

Alaska limits licensed hunters to the bagging of one bear per hunting season. Under the law, the wounding of a bear counts toward the season's bag limit.

"Nugent failed to locate and harvest the wounded bear," the plea agreement said.


Btw, this happens all of the time. You don't even know if you hit the's gone and back in hiding and you never find it.......because it's still alive. Nugent didn't even know if the hit the bear in question.

Neither the federal complaint nor the plea agreement revealed how federal authorities found out about the violation, though scenes from the hunt aired on Nugent's show. Nugent nor his attorney, Wayne Anthony Ross, immediately responded to a CNN request for comment.
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Check out the billion dollar boondoggle that we had up here. Long gun registration. Hand guns were already regulated. But the Liberals in the 90's and yes they really are called Liberals decided we needed a long gun registry.

You know, because some prairie farmer may decide to mass murder varmits or people one day.

Thank the good Lord, our Conservative government has finally overturned this law. It cost a fortune to administrate. And it was a complete joke.

Wasn't there also a case where some lunatic walked into a college classroom and slaughtered a bunch of female students because they were "feminists"?

Montreal Massacre events mark 1989 shootings - Montreal - CBC News

Fourteen women died when shooter Marc Lépine staged his attack at Montreal's École Polytechnique on Dec. 6, 1989.

Armed with a rifle, he stormed into a classroom, separated the men from the women, and declared he hated feminists before opening fire on the women. Lépine turned the gun on himself after his 20-minute rampage, which wounded 13 others.

The shooting, which came to be known as the Montreal Massacre, sparked a national debate about gun control and violence against women.

Yuppers. But he did shoot 4 men as well. And gun control up here hasn't worked at all. It's been a bad joke. And a billion dollar boondoggle to boot.

And his real name wasn't Lepine. It was Gamil Gharbi. His father who was Algerian hated women. He dumped his son and his wife when the kid was only 7.
The cool thing about this thread is I know..with no firearms..I can kick Ted's ass.

He's a pussy.

And a pedophile.

Loving that conservatives see this guy as a Hero.
The cool thing about this thread is I know..with no firearms..I can kick Ted's ass.

He's a pussy.

And a pedophile.

Loving that conservatives see this guy as a Hero.

Teddy Kennedy was a drunk cheater and a murder, and he was a hero of the left.

I like Ted Kennedy...warts and all. He got into an accident..

As alot of people do.

And he spent the rest of his life making up for it.

Did Bush spend the rest of his life making up for all the people his decisions caused the deaths Iraq?

The cool thing about this thread is I know..with no firearms..I can kick Ted's ass.

He's a pussy.

And a pedophile.

Loving that conservatives see this guy as a Hero.

Teddy Kennedy was a drunk cheater and a murder, and he was a hero of the left.

I like Ted Kennedy...warts and all. He got into an accident..

As alot of people do.

And he spent the rest of his life making up for it.

Did Bush spend the rest of his life making up for all the people his decisions caused the deaths Iraq?


He got in an accident? Is that all or did he allow a woman too drown to death in that accident?
Teddy Kennedy was a drunk cheater and a murder, and he was a hero of the left.

I like Ted Kennedy...warts and all. He got into an accident..

As alot of people do.

And he spent the rest of his life making up for it.

Did Bush spend the rest of his life making up for all the people his decisions caused the deaths Iraq?


He got in an accident? Is that all or did he allow a woman too drown to death in that accident?

Teddy ran home...left Mary Jo mommy and daddy to shield him.
You are a dolt. And you have absolutely NO idea whether or not Zimmerman is guilty at all.

What you DO have is a willingness to prejudge. Ho hum. Lots of idiots do that. It requires no brains. So you're qualified.

Manipuate that.

actually, I'm pretty certain he is guilty. But you know what, even if I thought he was innocent, I'd still be all for throwing him to the wolves...

First, to avoid a race riot and second to make an example out of him to the next gun fetishist who thinks he's Batman.

I'm sort of ruthless like that.

What's 'ol Rahm doing about violence in Chicago? :eusa_whistle:

quite a lot....


Hailing 10 percent reductions in violent crime, and 11 percent reductions in property and overall crime compared to January 2010, Weis said there was a difference between what crime statistics show and the public’s “fear of crime.”
Check out the billion dollar boondoggle that we had up here. Long gun registration. Hand guns were already regulated. But the Liberals in the 90's and yes they really are called Liberals decided we needed a long gun registry.

You know, because some prairie farmer may decide to mass murder varmits or people one day.

Thank the good Lord, our Conservative government has finally overturned this law. It cost a fortune to administrate. And it was a complete joke.

Wasn't there also a case where some lunatic walked into a college classroom and slaughtered a bunch of female students because they were "feminists"?

Montreal Massacre events mark 1989 shootings - Montreal - CBC News

Fourteen women died when shooter Marc Lépine staged his attack at Montreal's École Polytechnique on Dec. 6, 1989.

Armed with a rifle, he stormed into a classroom, separated the men from the women, and declared he hated feminists before opening fire on the women. Lépine turned the gun on himself after his 20-minute rampage, which wounded 13 others.

The shooting, which came to be known as the Montreal Massacre, sparked a national debate about gun control and violence against women.

Yuppers. But he did shoot 4 men as well. And gun control up here hasn't worked at all. It's been a bad joke. And a billion dollar boondoggle to boot.

And his real name wasn't Lepine. It was Gamil Gharbi. His father who was Algerian hated women. He dumped his son and his wife when the kid was only 7.

Nice dancing around the subject, but it wasn't about where gun control works or not... it's about the fact that this guy never should have had a gun to start with, and this massacre resulted in some efforts being made to keep that from happening again.

I suppose some of you fetishists think that the occassional massacre from a crazy person is more acceptable than you having to fill out a form or two....

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