Uh, Do Liberals Realize that the Stormy Daniels-Donald Trump Incident Happened 12 Years Ago?

Funny how the special prosecutor had a set mission.........and it wasn't about a Bimbo.

Cohen admitted to the pay off to the media. It didn't exactly take a master sleuth the dig up the information.
Again..........so.............he didn't have to pay a red cent.............

And has nothing to do with the assigned investigation.

This is an investigation WITHOUT BOUNDS until they find ANYTHING to FRAG the President and you know it.
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?

Hate to tell you, but your timing is a bit off. The NDA came about after Trump had gotten the nomination. To tell you the truth, nobody much cares about him boning Ms. Daniels, but rather they are more interested in a close friend of Trump paying her 130,000 for an NDA to keep her quiet about the affair to help Trump win the election.

And yeah, it is a good question..................why the hell did Trump wait so long to enact the NDA? Why didn't he have her sign one back in 2006, or even in 2012? Quick answer................it was done to help Trump keep a lid on any bad press during the election.
Doesn't matter. This country has sunk so low that nothing is too absurd that we can't go full drama queen over it. Like a birth certificate. It's just an ongoing food fight, like in elementary school.
Nope. The issue is the payoff. Thanks for your moment of dishonesty, though.
I can certainly understand why someone like you wouldn't like that post.


Nobody has ever claimed that Russia and Stormy Daniels were connected. The "hush money" was reported by the Wall Street Journal, and confirmed by Cohen himself.
Non disclosure agreements are not against the law.................For a one night stand that's 130k.............she took the money.
The hush money was probably against the law. It violated campaign finance laws.

Also, Cohen may have committed fraud to evade the Patriot Act.

And this was all done to affect the outcome of the election.

All caught up now?
Has nothing to do with Russia Collusion or the so called Election meddling by Russia.........You caught up now.
No one said it had anything to do with the Russian collusion. That's why a New York attorney is handling it, and not Mueller.

All caught up now?

By the way, "collusion" is a fake Fox News obsession. The word "collusion" is nowhere in the letter appointing Mueller as special counsel.

Do try to keep up!
Brought out by the trial in MSM..........from a porn star...............
How did Mueller get that information anyway.........what prompted him to go there............Was STORMY doing the Russia tooo.

Was it a new Porn movie STORYM does Moscow..................

He went there FISHING.................PERIOD..................and you know it.
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?

Do Contards realize that the payoff to Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about Trump's adulterous affair happened just days before the 2016 election?

So voters wouldn't get reminded again that Donald Trump is a serial adulterer?
Working class guys have a whore follow a $100 bill down. Rich guys have them follow a Bank America Platinum Card down. Look how much Charlie Sheen paid for sex? It’s a whole culture. Porn stars hook on the side with rich guys. You think they drive Porsche’s from screwing on film?
They don't care how they do it................They are dirty........and use every BS excuse to get their way.

When they do it.............oh well.............we know that.



Yeah- Donald colluded the heck out of her while his new wife and baby stayed at home......

And then his attorney paid her off so voters wouldn't hear about it.
Working class guys have a whore follow a $100 bill down. Rich guys have them follow a Bank America Platinum Card down. Look how much Charlie Sheen paid for sex? It’s a whole culture. Porn stars hook on the side with rich guys. You think they drive Porsche’s from screwing on film?

Man- you are sure impressing the hell out of me about the kind of guys that hire prostitutes.

Thank you for sharing your personal story.
Nobody has ever claimed that Russia and Stormy Daniels were connected. The "hush money" was reported by the Wall Street Journal, and confirmed by Cohen himself.
Non disclosure agreements are not against the law.................For a one night stand that's 130k.............she took the money.
The hush money was probably against the law. It violated campaign finance laws.

Also, Cohen may have committed fraud to evade the Patriot Act.

And this was all done to affect the outcome of the election.

All caught up now?
Has nothing to do with Russia Collusion or the so called Election meddling by Russia.........You caught up now.
No one said it had anything to do with the Russian collusion. That's why a New York attorney is handling it, and not Mueller.

All caught up now?

By the way, "collusion" is a fake Fox News obsession. The word "collusion" is nowhere in the letter appointing Mueller as special counsel.

Do try to keep up!
Brought out by the trial in MSM..........from a porn star...............
How did Mueller get that information anyway.........what prompted him to go there......
You really do live in a Fox News cave, don't you.

EVERYONE had that information, idiot! Cohen made public statements, as did Trump.

Cohen openly admitted he used $130,000 to pay off Daniels. That's a violation of campaign finance laws.

Jesus, will you EVER catch up?
Nobody has ever claimed that Russia and Stormy Daniels were connected. The "hush money" was reported by the Wall Street Journal, and confirmed by Cohen himself.
Non disclosure agreements are not against the law.................For a one night stand that's 130k.............she took the money.
The hush money was probably against the law. It violated campaign finance laws.

Also, Cohen may have committed fraud to evade the Patriot Act.

And this was all done to affect the outcome of the election.

All caught up now?
Has nothing to do with Russia Collusion or the so called Election meddling by Russia.........You caught up now.
No one said it had anything to do with the Russian collusion. That's why a New York attorney is handling it, and not Mueller.

All caught up now?

By the way, "collusion" is a fake Fox News obsession. The word "collusion" is nowhere in the letter appointing Mueller as special counsel.

Do try to keep up!

He went there FISHING.................PERIOD..................and you know it.

You don't get a search warrant of a lawyers office by telling a judge you just want to test out your fishing pole.
The payoff is the problem, not him fucking a porn star. The payoff took place in the heart of the campaign

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com


Nobody has ever claimed that Russia and Stormy Daniels were connected. The "hush money" was reported by the Wall Street Journal, and confirmed by Cohen himself.
Non disclosure agreements are not against the law.................For a one night stand that's 130k.............she took the money.

The pay off is the issue, and it's one of Cohen's own making. Had he not admitted to it the story very likely would have faded away. Nobody cares that Trump cheated on his wife with a porn star. Everybody but the most deluded believed the story when they first heard it.
It was consensual sex................bottom line..........NOT AGAINST THE LAW.............
They shouldn't have paid a cent.....................

Certainly they should not have paid a cent to prevent voters from hearing that story.

But they did.
Working class guys have a whore follow a $100 bill down. Rich guys have them follow a Bank America Platinum Card down. Look how much Charlie Sheen paid for sex? It’s a whole culture. Porn stars hook on the side with rich guys. You think they drive Porsche’s from screwing on film?

Man- you are sure impressing the hell out of me about the kind of guys that hire prostitutes.

Thank you for sharing your personal story.
No problem.
They don't care how they do it................They are dirty........and use every BS excuse to get their way.

When they do it.............oh well.............we know that.



Yeah- Donald colluded the heck out of her while his new wife and baby stayed at home......

And then his attorney paid her off so voters wouldn't hear about it.
Extra marital affairs are issues for a different court.........where they divide up assets in the divorce.................Not a Russia investigation.

Your side is fishing.............and will fish for anything......anyway.........anyhow........

People with have a brain cell KNOW THAT..............guess needing a full brain cell leaves you guys out.
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?


How many years before Kenny boi starr’s Thing was whitewater?

We’ll wait.

And while we’re at it...to quote Joe Scarborough (an actual conservative)

Robert Mueller—Republican
Attorney General—Republican
FBI Director—Republican
DAG Rosenstein—Republican
(4) FISA Judges—Republicans
Acting US Atty SDNY—Republican

This Conspiracy of Democrats is run ENTIRELY by Republicans.
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?

Do Contards realize that the payoff to Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about Trump's adulterous affair happened just days before the 2016 election?

So voters wouldn't get reminded again that Donald Trump is a serial adulterer?
It would have really ruined pussy grabbing Trump's presser with Clinton's accusers if Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal walked in the room to join them. :lol:
Doesn't matter. This country has sunk so low that nothing is too absurd that we can't go full drama queen over it. Like a birth certificate. It's just an ongoing food fight, like in elementary school.
Nope. The issue is the payoff. Thanks for your moment of dishonesty, though.
I can certainly understand why someone like you wouldn't like that post.

Like? It's not a like it dislike thing. It's a truth or lie thing. I'm not concerned that Donny got his pecker wet with a porn star. It's a bit weird that he'd do it when his wife is a model and he's got a new kid, but I don't fault him for his wanting to bang.

It's the lies and the cover up. That's weak. The fucker had his "fixer" clean up his mess and is now throwing his fixer under the bus.

You are pretending that this is partisan politics. Lame and weak.


Nobody has ever claimed that Russia and Stormy Daniels were connected. The "hush money" was reported by the Wall Street Journal, and confirmed by Cohen himself.
Non disclosure agreements are not against the law.................For a one night stand that's 130k.............she took the money.

The pay off is the issue, and it's one of Cohen's own making. Had he not admitted to it the story very likely would have faded away. Nobody cares that Trump cheated on his wife with a porn star. Everybody but the most deluded believed the story when they first heard it.
It was consensual sex................bottom line..........NOT AGAINST THE LAW.............
They shouldn't have paid a cent.....................

Certainly they should not have paid a cent to prevent voters from hearing that story.

But they did.
So. your GREAT CAMPAIGN to SAVE AMERICA from the RUSSIANS.............is a PORN STAR...........

Only in America Folks..................LOL
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?

I doubt many really care that the fat cheeto has to pay women, paid women through out his nasty little life, paid porn actors, even married a porn actor. What American patriots care about is that he paid bribes to get into the WH.

Think about it. If he weren't rich, the woman he could get is his own daughter and even that's iffy.

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