Uh Oh, Al-Qaeda is strongest it's been since 9/11

As long as there a people who think there's only one way to do things and anyone not doing it their way should be killed, we will have terrorists.

That "we are creating terrorists" crap is, well, crap. We aren't twisting anyone's arm and saying "become a scumbag, piece-of-shit murderer of innocent people." Their religious leaders are.

It is more on the lines of:

Every action, causes a reaction.

The Iraq study group did mention that the CIA, I believe, said that terrorism world wide had increased since the War in Iraq, to some of its highest levels on record.

What we don't know is that if we had stayed in Afghanistan, fighting the terrorists that were responsible for attacking us, and had not pulled back our forces... and redeployed them and our resources to Iraq, that terrorism would not have increased at the same levels....so I do think this is a hard thing to confirm, it is more speculation.
It is more on the lines of:

Every action, causes a reaction.

The Iraq study group did mention that the CIA, I believe, said that terrorism world wide had increased since the War in Iraq, to some of its highest levels on record.

What we don't know is that if we had stayed in Afghanistan, fighting the terrorists that were responsible for attacking us, and had not pulled back our forces... and redeployed them and our resources to Iraq, that terrorism would not have increased at the same levels....so I do think this is a hard thing to confirm, it is more speculation.

and we know how the kook left fells about the US and the troops

and we know how the kook left fells about the US and the troops


Rsr, please stop doing this...

I mean, even when I somewhat agree with the "right's" views on some things, you still pull out these divisive comments on "liburals" and THIS can NOT be good for OUR country Rsr.

Do you see me slamming the "Lunatic Right" all day long with useless derogatory comments that do nothing to mend us in every one of my posts?

Of course not! Because all this does is hurt us... imo, and keeps our country divided amongst itself, which as the saying goes, A country divided against itself, will not stand!.... :( And I am not talking about "free thought or free speech" here, where the two parties may differ on policy, I am talking about divisivness....hatefulness...or things said with malice as its intent.

And personally, I don't want to see us falling or not standing as a country at the top....MORE... than I want to see the Republicans go down like a rock, in the election.
Rsr, please stop doing this...

I mean, even when I somewhat agree with the "right's" views on some things, you still pull out these divisive comments on "liburals" and THIS can NOT be good for OUR country Rsr.

Do you see me slamming the "Lunatic Right" all day long with useless derogatory comments that do nothing to mend us in every one of my posts?

Of course not! Because all this does is hurt us... imo, and keeps our country divided amongst itself, which as the saying goes, A country divided against oneself, will not stand!.... :( And I am not talking about "free thought or free speech" here, where the two parties may differ on policy, I am talking about divisivness....hatefulness...or things said with malice as its intent.

And personally, I don't want to see us falling or not standing as a country at the top....MORE... than I want to see the Republicans go down like a rock, in the election.

Care, these are the folks Reid speaks with everyday on the phone. The kook left is running your party - and what is wrong with posting the pictures these nuts display at their rallies?
and we know how the kook left fells about the US and the troops


Dude, i've been to more anti-war rallies than you've posted the word Lib on this message board, and i've never seen anyone carrying a sign even remotely like that.

For you to assign the entire anti-war movement (Or the 'left' as you like to call it) with that type of label is fucking bullshit.

The problem, is that because people like you exist, those few idiots ruin the entire movement's image.

But only in the eyes of people like you.
Dude, i've been to more anti-war rallies than you've posted the word Lib on this message board, and i've never seen anyone carrying a sign even remotely like that.

For you to assign the entire anti-war movement (Or the 'left' as you like to call it) with that type of label is fucking bullshit.

The problem, is that because people like you exist, those few idiots ruin the entire movement's image.

But only in the eyes of people like you.

Check out these gems from a peace nik rally is San Fran a few months agp

much to the dismay of those suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome

Libs will dismiss this as another scare tactic of course

That was a nice piece of mind reading. I guess that you did not get my point. I’ll spell it out for you. Just as you would claim that because Bush is president, there has not been another terrorist attack on US soil, one could claim that because Bush is president, AQ is gaining strength. Of course I don’t believe that these things happen because Bush happens to be president. I’m just pointing out the faulty logic of Non sequiturs.
That was a nice piece of mind reading. I guess that you did not get my point. I’ll spell it out for you. Just as you would claim that because Bush is president, there has not been another terrorist attack on US soil, one could claim that because Bush is president, AQ is gaining strength. Of course I don’t believe that these things happen because Bush happens to be president. I’m just pointing out the faulty logic of Non sequiturs.

Libs are the first ones to blame Bush for everything - but are the last to give credit where crdeit is due
Check out these gems from a peace nik rally is San Fran a few months agp


To a pro-war person like yourself, ANY sign stating disapproval of the war would piss you off. I saw nothing wrong with almost all of those pictures.

Imperialist America IS humanity's #1 enemy. But America doesn't have to be imperialist, so I don't blame America. I blame idiots like you who buy into the idea of "war is good". It's not the corporations fault, it's not Bush's fault. It's YOURS, and people like you for letting it happen.

I have REAL work to go do out on the streets, so you have fun here with your message board.

To a pro-war person like yourself, ANY sign stating disapproval of the war would piss you off. I saw nothing wrong with almost all of those pictures.

Imperialist America IS humanity's #1 enemy. But America doesn't have to be imperialist, so I don't blame America. I blame idiots like you who buy into the idea of "war is good". It's not the corporations fault, it's not Bush's fault. It's YOURS, and people like you for letting it happen.

and you expect Amercia to listen to the wackos in those photos?
To a pro-war person like yourself, ANY sign stating disapproval of the war would piss you off. I saw nothing wrong with almost all of those pictures.

Imperialist America IS humanity's #1 enemy. But America doesn't have to be imperialist, so I don't blame America. I blame idiots like you who buy into the idea of "war is good". It's not the corporations fault, it's not Bush's fault. It's YOURS, and people like you for letting it happen.

That's a pretty ludicrous statement.
Sorry if the facts go over your head

RSR, I'm going to honestly tell you that among all people I've ever talked to either in person, or on the internet, that you are THE MOST lost of anyone I've ever talked to.

I mean, no one else even comes close.

I've never seen someone so locked into the bullshit as you.
it is one the lefts talking points - enough said

What facts? Typically all that you provide are gross unsubstantiated generalities.

Prove it. Where is the statement in an official Democrat web site – or are you simply going to find one liberal individual who said something once in the heat of argument who later apologized for the outburst.

Remember when you explained that Richard Durbin on the Senate floor compared interrogation techniques used at Camp X-Ray, Guantanamo Bay, as reported by the FBI, with those utilized by such regimes as Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and the Khmer Rouge. He later appologized for the comment but it was enough for you to conclude that, per the liberal dictionary, capitalists are Nazi.

Once brash comment in the heat of a debate does not constitute a talking point.

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