UH-OH... Hillary NOT the Liberal Favorite... In Fact She's AT THE BOTTOM!


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Poll: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters DON'T want in 2016

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is on top of yet another poll today. But it's not the result her team was hoping for.

In a new Rasmussen Reports poll, Clinton tops five others as the one candidate voters don't want to win in 2016.

"Regardless of whom you would vote for, which candidate would you least like to see win the Democratic nomination in 2016? Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Martin O'Malley, Andrew Cuomo, Antonio Villaraigosa or Cory Booker?" Rasmussen asked.

The results: Clinton 27 percent, Biden 24 percent. The rest were in the 15 percent to 17 percent, reported Rasmussen. Women are more enthusiastic supporters of Clinton than men are. Men are more likely to hope she doesn't get the Democratic nomination.

Poll: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016 | WashingtonExaminer.com
No libtards responding to thread...

... thread WIN!

Too bad libroids... got any other great ideas for president? Maybe WEINER? ... :lol:
Since when has what the Voter wanted ever mattered?

in 2016 Americans will select the prechosen candidate from the American Royal Families Bush and Clinton.
I can't imagine her being the president. I have already seen her ineptness with foreign affairs. We don't need more Benghazi messes in the future. In the picture taken during the Obama take down we saw her response. She can't take it.
Cuomo will be a serious contender.

On the GOP front, I see Rick Santorum is already throwing his hat in the ring for 2016. I wonder how he would score in a "Don't Want" poll.
Well according to the pubs America will be gone by 2016 anyways. So why are you bothering to look up articles about the election? :confused:
No libtards responding to thread...

... thread WIN!

Too bad libroids... got any other great ideas for president? Maybe WEINER? ... :lol:

So, she doesn't scare the Right. Ok, good to know. Could have fooled me with all the whining going on about her.
I followed the links, and I don't really see the list of questions or methodology, or even purpose of the poll, beyond giving the RW something to say about nothing. Essentially the poll shows she's got name recognition. The poll supposedly did not ask questions of any pol group, just 1000 likely voters. Hill has the most yea and nea votes. Surprise! Suprise! Suprise.

if you want polls, go to real clear politics.
I doubt the old bag will even run.

2008 was her year and she got thrown under the bus for the half black dude.

She and Bill should disappear into the sunset. Of course she won't need OL'Perv Bill if she doesn't run so mayby she'll finally kick that womanizing skirt chaser to the curb.
No libtards responding to thread...

... thread WIN!

Too bad libroids... got any other great ideas for president? Maybe WEINER? ... :lol:

O'Malley or Cuomo.

You want people here to pretend they prefer Hillary Clinton? What is wrong with you, exactly?

Where do you people acquire these mental abnormalities?
Poll: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters DON'T want in 2016

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is on top of yet another poll today. But it's not the result her team was hoping for.

In a new Rasmussen Reports poll, Clinton tops five others as the one candidate voters don't want to win in 2016.

"Regardless of whom you would vote for, which candidate would you least like to see win the Democratic nomination in 2016? Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Martin O'Malley, Andrew Cuomo, Antonio Villaraigosa or Cory Booker?" Rasmussen asked.

The results: Clinton 27 percent, Biden 24 percent. The rest were in the 15 percent to 17 percent, reported Rasmussen. Women are more enthusiastic supporters of Clinton than men are. Men are more likely to hope she doesn't get the Democratic nomination.

Poll: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016 | WashingtonExaminer.com

From the same poll
"A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 63% of Likely Democratic Voters would choose Clinton if the 2016 Democratic presidential primary were held in their state today. Vice President Joe Biden is a distant second with 12% support. Several other prominent Democrats muster five percent (5%) or less support from voters in their own party. (To see survey question wording, click here.) "

"Among all Likely Voters, Clinton leads the pack of possible Democratic contenders with 39% of the vote. But the former secretary of State also is number one when voters are asked which candidate they would least like to see win the Democratic nomination in 2016: 27% feel that way about her, but Biden’s a much closer second at 24%."

She would still win the primary, so what is the point of the thread?
Biden will destroy Hillary in the primaries. He's smart, has an endearing personality and a warm smile
Poll: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters DON'T want in 2016

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is on top of yet another poll today. But it's not the result her team was hoping for.

In a new Rasmussen Reports poll, Clinton tops five others as the one candidate voters don't want to win in 2016.

"Regardless of whom you would vote for, which candidate would you least like to see win the Democratic nomination in 2016? Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Martin O'Malley, Andrew Cuomo, Antonio Villaraigosa or Cory Booker?" Rasmussen asked.

The results: Clinton 27 percent, Biden 24 percent. The rest were in the 15 percent to 17 percent, reported Rasmussen. Women are more enthusiastic supporters of Clinton than men are. Men are more likely to hope she doesn't get the Democratic nomination.

Poll: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016 | WashingtonExaminer.com

What was her fainting spell? A stroke? Many stroke victims go right into dementia. I'm not seeing Hillary as a viable candidate for the presidency. It was pretty clear that the dems were going to carry the electorate after Bush, so they could have run an old yellow dog. Oh, wait, they DID run an old yellow dog. And he won!

The time for Hillary was about as good as the time for a black. But that has changed now.
Poll: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters DON'T want in 2016

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is on top of yet another poll today. But it's not the result her team was hoping for.

In a new Rasmussen Reports poll, Clinton tops five others as the one candidate voters don't want to win in 2016.

"Regardless of whom you would vote for, which candidate would you least like to see win the Democratic nomination in 2016? Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Martin O'Malley, Andrew Cuomo, Antonio Villaraigosa or Cory Booker?" Rasmussen asked.

The results: Clinton 27 percent, Biden 24 percent. The rest were in the 15 percent to 17 percent, reported Rasmussen. Women are more enthusiastic supporters of Clinton than men are. Men are more likely to hope she doesn't get the Democratic nomination.

Poll: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016 | WashingtonExaminer.com

What was her fainting spell? A stroke? Many stroke victims go right into dementia. I'm not seeing Hillary as a viable candidate for the presidency. It was pretty clear that the dems were going to carry the electorate after Bush, so they could have run an old yellow dog. Oh, wait, they DID run an old yellow dog. And he won!

The time for Hillary was about as good as the time for a black. But that has changed now.

Run with that thought. :lol:
Rassmussen? Is he still around, I thought he lost all credability in 2012.:)

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