Uh-oh....looks like *somebody* can't even unite her OWN party

How in the hell is Hitlery going to unite the country? She can't even unite her own party... :eusa_whistle:

Wasserman Schultz booed off stage in Philadelphia

Dear P@triot The Conservatives, Christians, Constitutionalists, Libertarians on the Right are more divided.

All the left has to do is keep selling govt benefits as their agenda, and they've got that.

The right has it harder, because in order to fulfill the principles of not depending on federal govt, that means organizing, investing and building all the programs directly among the people. Not relying on voting people into office, because free market solutions don't depend on legislation or politics. Just DIY.

So this is the Conservatives big chance to prove that real Constitutional govt is NOT about depending on the Feds to legislate for us.

In the meantime, the message on the left is to sell out and run everything through govt. That's why they have it made.

Clinton doesn't need to spend a dime.

Just smile, wave, repeat the same agenda and the Democrats get voted in.
Uh-oh....looks like *somebody* can't even unite her OWN party

Uh-oh....looks like *somebody* can't even unite her OWN party
She is having trouble doing so.

Less trouble, however, than Trump is having.
I would say it's about equal now that liberals know the DNC engages in voter fraud even against their own voters. Liberals that didn't vote for Hitlery are pissed - and rightfully so.
Uh-oh....looks like *somebody* can't even unite her OWN party

since the majority of the country thinks we are going in the wrong

Queen Hillary represents that wrong direction
hard task

Much worse....


the Democrats will need every vote they can get
alienating and rigging the system for Queen Hillary will not help


So far the Queen's "bump" has not really been that good
One supposes her implying the mother of soldier killed in Bengahzi
possibly lied- does not help

RCP Average 7/22 - 7/31 -- -- 44.9 42.7 Clinton +2.2

CBS News 7/29 - 7/31 1131 RV 3.0 47 41 Clinton +6
PPP (D) 7/29 - 7/30 1276 LV 2.7 50 45 Clinton +5
LA Times/USC 7/25 - 7/31 2188 LV -- 42 46 Trump +4
Rasmussen Reports 7/26 - 7/27 1000 LV 3.0 43 42 Clinton +1
Reuters/Ipsos 7/25 - 7/29 1050 LV 3.5 40 35 Clinton +5
Economist/YouGov 7/23 - 7/24 1057 RV 4.5 47 42 Clinton +5
CNN/ORC 7/22 - 7/24 882 RV 3.5 45 48 Trump +3
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Uh-oh....looks like *somebody* can't even unite her OWN party
She is having trouble doing so.

Less trouble, however, than Trump is having.
I would say it's about equal now that liberals know the DNC engages in voter fraud even against their own voters. Liberals that didn't vote for Hitlery are pissed - and rightfully so.
Some are - most are simply swallowing it. Remember that the left is comprised of those that trust the government and its officials - that makes them inherently more likely to come together under the party rule. It goes with their political understanding. The right is the exact opposite.

The other problem is that Trump does not seem to know when to shut the fuck up. This latest round where the news SHOULD have been dominated by Hillary blatantly lying about the FBI investigation mere weeks after the statements by Comey, it was dominated by Trump disparaging a gold star family instead. Considering that the party has always tried to hold onto military and veterans, Trump is only furthering the divide rather than uniting the party.
I've said for decades that she is a sociopath (doesn't take a world-renowned psychologist to recognize what the pathological lying mixed with the inability to connect with people on a genuine level equals)...


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