Uh-oh! Terrible news for Hillary in new poll

LOL.......wait until she hits the debates....

Who do the Republicans have that they think can debate?


Why don't you show me where Hillary EVER had a good debate?

I'll wait ;)

The decision has already been made, it will be either Hillary or Jeb.

I suppose you will vote for Jeb. Just remember his brother, who led to 8 long years of Obama. In fact, compare "W" to Obama. What exactly is so different? Both drove up spending, both consumed us with wars, both passed massive entitlements, both ignored illegal immigration, etc, etc., etc.

These decisions are not up to us. The decision is made by the powers that be that finance their winning nominations. The press, the educators, and the myriad of corporate entities will see to it that the ill informed and uneducated public will vote for whom they wish.
LOL.......wait until she hits the debates....

Who do the Republicans have that they think can debate?


Why don't you show me where Hillary EVER had a good debate?

I'll wait ;)

The decision has already been made, it will be either Hillary or Jeb.

I suppose you will vote for Jeb. Just remember his brother, who led to 8 long years of Obama. In fact, compare "W" to Obama. What exactly is so different? Both drove up spending, both consumed us with wars, both passed massive entitlements, both ignored illegal immigration, etc, etc., etc.

These decisions are not up to us. The decision is made by the powers that be that finance their winning nominations. The press, the educators, and the myriad of corporate entities will see to it that the ill informed and uneducated public will vote for whom they wish.

You really shouldn't suppose anything, I will not vote for Jeb.

I did not vote for McCain and I will not vote for another Bush.
Hillary is sinking fast. The only water noodle keeping her afloat is the lack of a democrat challenger. That won't last. She can't hide forever. If she's this bad off now, it isn't getting better in the next year.
Wait till she has to debate somebody and she has to answer questions about her incompetency as Sec. of State.
LOL.......wait until she hits the debates....

Who do the Republicans have that they think can debate?


Why don't you show me where Hillary EVER had a good debate?

I'll wait ;)

The decision has already been made, it will be either Hillary or Jeb.

I suppose you will vote for Jeb. Just remember his brother, who led to 8 long years of Obama. In fact, compare "W" to Obama. What exactly is so different? Both drove up spending, both consumed us with wars, both passed massive entitlements, both ignored illegal immigration, etc, etc., etc.

These decisions are not up to us. The decision is made by the powers that be that finance their winning nominations. The press, the educators, and the myriad of corporate entities will see to it that the ill informed and uneducated public will vote for whom they wish.

You really shouldn't suppose anything, I will not vote for Jeb.

I did not vote for McCain and I will not vote for another Bush.

So who will vote for Jeb? Not you? Certainly not me.

Well then, who then will stop Hillary?
Sounds like the Republicans are getting somewhat fearful of Hillary,
LOL.......wait until she hits the debates....

Who do the Republicans have that they think can debate?


Why don't you show me where Hillary EVER had a good debate?

I'll wait ;)

The decision has already been made, it will be either Hillary or Jeb.

I suppose you will vote for Jeb. Just remember his brother, who led to 8 long years of Obama. In fact, compare "W" to Obama. What exactly is so different? Both drove up spending, both consumed us with wars, both passed massive entitlements, both ignored illegal immigration, etc, etc., etc.

These decisions are not up to us. The decision is made by the powers that be that finance their winning nominations. The press, the educators, and the myriad of corporate entities will see to it that the ill informed and uneducated public will vote for whom they wish.

You really shouldn't suppose anything, I will not vote for Jeb.

I did not vote for McCain and I will not vote for another Bush.

So who will vote for Jeb? Who then will stop Hillary?

Unlike most I do not claim to speak for anyone but me.
How long will it take for Democrats to realize that Hillary Clinton is terrible candidate who will lead them to disaster in 2016? That is the key question that most of them are unable to face as the former first lady and disastrous secretary of state rides momentum (and her potential opponents’ fear of her retribution) toward the nomination. Once she is nominated in late July, 2016, they will be stuck with her, an act of God being the only out. So they have a year to think it over.

I will leave aside her terrible track record, her inability to speak extemporaneously without committing gaffes, her unappealing screech when excited, her inner arrogance and anger, and the ethical compromises as SecState that led her to destroy the email evidence that could have either exonerated or convicted her. What is of concern here is some terrible polling results over something she can do nothing about."

"Blog Uh-oh Terrible news for Hillary in new poll

WE tried to tell you.
i am sure Hillary misses the good old days when she was a child and abe lincoln was president and there were only three channels on TV at that time.
Sounds like the Republicans are getting somewhat fearful of Hillary,

Fearful of Hillary?

It does not really matter if it is Jeb or Hillary, just like it did not matter if it was "W" or Obama.
How long will it take for Democrats to realize that Hillary Clinton is terrible candidate who will lead them to disaster in 2016? That is the key question that most of them are unable to face as the former first lady and disastrous secretary of state rides momentum (and her potential opponents’ fear of her retribution) toward the nomination. Once she is nominated in late July, 2016, they will be stuck with her, an act of God being the only out. So they have a year to think it over.

I will leave aside her terrible track record, her inability to speak extemporaneously without committing gaffes, her unappealing screech when excited, her inner arrogance and anger, and the ethical compromises as SecState that led her to destroy the email evidence that could have either exonerated or convicted her. What is of concern here is some terrible polling results over something she can do nothing about."

"Blog Uh-oh Terrible news for Hillary in new poll

WE tried to tell you.
i am sure Hillary misses the good old days when she was a child and abe lincoln was president and there were only three channels on TV at that time.

Well hell, Hillary was named after Sir Edmund, she landed under fire in Bosnia, she left the WH dead broke....she is a dumb lying bitch.
How long will it take for Democrats to realize that Hillary Clinton is terrible candidate who will lead them to disaster in 2016? That is the key question that most of them are unable to face as the former first lady and disastrous secretary of state rides momentum (and her potential opponents’ fear of her retribution) toward the nomination. Once she is nominated in late July, 2016, they will be stuck with her, an act of God being the only out. So they have a year to think it over.

I will leave aside her terrible track record, her inability to speak extemporaneously without committing gaffes, her unappealing screech when excited, her inner arrogance and anger, and the ethical compromises as SecState that led her to destroy the email evidence that could have either exonerated or convicted her. What is of concern here is some terrible polling results over something she can do nothing about."

"Blog Uh-oh Terrible news for Hillary in new poll

WE tried to tell you.
i am sure Hillary misses the good old days when she was a child and abe lincoln was president and there were only three channels on TV at that time.

Well hell, Hillary was named after Sir Edmund, she landed under fire in Bosnia, she left the WH dead broke....she is a dumb lying bitch.

Obama lies pretty much about everything as well.

Now did that stop him?
LOL, nope she is hiding.

When she is forced into the light and is faced with intelligent opponents she will crumble and fall.

You kids just watch and see.
Who are these intelligent opponents and when will they make themselves public? What makes you think they will be heard above the chatter of the current crop of Republican candidates.

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