Uh-oh! Terrible news for Hillary in new poll

How long will it take for Democrats to realize that Hillary Clinton is terrible candidate who will lead them to disaster in 2016? ...
They're not going to realize it until it's too late. Why? They have nobody else warming-up in the bullpen, so they're stuck going with their broken-armed pitcher.
She's broken the way a battleship is to bathtub toys...
Yes... please continue to believe that... the arrogance of Shrillary and her Minions will be her undoing.
Possible, but unlikely. No one comes close to her experience or standing.
Oh, any of several present and former governors will do quite nicely... Shrillary has zero experience in governing.
What she knows is what matters, Washington DC.
like i mentioned in another thread, I will be looking forward to her debates with Ted Cruz, and being wired up to a lie detector for all three debates.
I'd prefer some other Democrats for the job, but she'd do if need be.
And that's the trouble... ya'll have nobody else warmin' up in the bullpen... the Dems are a One Trick Ponly this time around.
And you have the clown car, who will kill each other off trying to win. Sometimes you put all your eggs in one basket, and then protect that basket.
I'd prefer some other Democrats for the job, but she'd do if need be.
And that's the trouble... ya'll have nobody else warmin' up in the bullpen... the Dems are a One Trick Ponly this time around.

I agree in that whoever debates Her Thighness will have all they ammo the need and will pretty much have to screw up a sure thing

like i mentioned in another thread, I will be looking forward to her debates with Ted Cruz, and being wired up to a lie detector for all three debates.

It would be really scary if Cruz actually believes the crap he says.
How long will it take for Democrats to realize that Hillary Clinton is terrible candidate who will lead them to disaster in 2016? That is the key question that most of them are unable to face as the former first lady and disastrous secretary of state rides momentum (and her potential opponents’ fear of her retribution) toward the nomination. Once she is nominated in late July, 2016, they will be stuck with her, an act of God being the only out. So they have a year to think it over.

I will leave aside her terrible track record, her inability to speak extemporaneously without committing gaffes, her unappealing screech when excited, her inner arrogance and anger, and the ethical compromises as SecState that led her to destroy the email evidence that could have either exonerated or convicted her. What is of concern here is some terrible polling results over something she can do nothing about."

"Blog Uh-oh Terrible news for Hillary in new poll

WE tried to tell you.
Lol but if polls show that her odds of being president are in her favor it is stupid to even bring this age poll up.
How old was Hillary when she witnessed the Hindenburg Disaster, that must of really messed up her day.

She wasn't born for another decade. How are your politics different from conservatives in 1937?
sorry, I was referring to Brian Williams.

That's a clever way to back off.
well I did see a pic of Brian Williams standing next to Abe Lincoln. I didnt know he was that old.
I'd prefer some other Democrats for the job, but she'd do if need be.
And that's the trouble... ya'll have nobody else warmin' up in the bullpen... the Dems are a One Trick Ponly this time around.
And you have the clown car, who will kill each other off trying to win. Sometimes you put all your eggs in one basket, and then protect that basket.

Hopefully Sheldon Adelson sinks their eventual nominee during the primaries once again.
I'd prefer some other Democrats for the job, but she'd do if need be.
And that's the trouble... ya'll have nobody else warmin' up in the bullpen... the Dems are a One Trick Ponly this time around.
And you have the clown car, who will kill each other off trying to win. Sometimes you put all your eggs in one basket, and then protect that basket.

Hopefully Sheldon Adelson sinks their eventual nominee during the primaries once again.
Hopefully he's in jail by then, the dirtbag. As for their destruction, that is assured regardless.
I'd prefer some other Democrats for the job, but she'd do if need be.
And that's the trouble... ya'll have nobody else warmin' up in the bullpen... the Dems are a One Trick Ponly this time around.
And you have the clown car, who will kill each other off trying to win. Sometimes you put all your eggs in one basket, and then protect that basket.
The time to put all your eggs in one basked is after the Primaries... not automatically assuming that some tired old worn-out rich dishrag has been annointed in advance.
I'd prefer some other Democrats for the job, but she'd do if need be.
And that's the trouble... ya'll have nobody else warmin' up in the bullpen... the Dems are a One Trick Ponly this time around.
And you have the clown car, who will kill each other off trying to win. Sometimes you put all your eggs in one basket, and then protect that basket.
The time to put all your eggs in one basked is after the Primaries... not automatically assuming that some tired old worn-out rich dishrag has been annointed in advance.
If there's anyone else on the radar, no one can see them...
47% of all americans cant be that braindead. what do they see in her? when she does a speech, she sounds like that robot from lost in space.
47% of all americans cant be that braindead. what do they see in her? when she does a speech, she sounds like that robot from lost in space.

Right? It's a dream come true compared to the nasally whine of Calgary Cruz. But that has nothing to do with anything.
Hillary has no personality, just like Obama, and she also needs cue cards for her speeches, none of the leading GOP candidates need a teleprompter, cause if they did, it would be all over the news!

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