Uh Wait we are at 30,000 Deaths, what happened to 200K minimum WITH mitigation?

Did all this social distancing and ruining our booming economy keep anyone from getting covid19? Do you think it is just going to go away? When we all rejoin society we are all going to get it anyway. All we did is delay getting it and make it last longer. Truth be told we will probably find out there are far fewer death caused by covid19 that reported. All death caused by heart disease, cancer, obesity, people that would have died anyway are all listed as covid19 deaths now. Hospitals get $13,000 for every covid19 death and $39,000 if the person was on a ventilator. That's a big incentive to call every death a covid19 death. It appears covid19 cured cancer and heart disease because nobody died from those causes in the last month.
I think we've all been had.
Why are so many liberals cheering for the virus and against the US?
Pointing out the fact that the rights dictator is 100% wrong, is rooting against the US now. These haters are blind. Ok haters give me a good 3 word answer now , but don't strain yourself.
Did all this social distancing and ruining our booming economy keep anyone from getting covid19? Do you think it is just going to go away? When we all rejoin society we are all going to get it anyway. All we did is delay getting it and make it last longer. Truth be told we will probably find out there are far fewer death caused by covid19 that reported. All death caused by heart disease, cancer, obesity, people that would have died anyway are all listed as covid19 deaths now. Hospitals get $13,000 for every covid19 death and $39,000 if the person was on a ventilator. That's a big incentive to call every death a covid19 death. It appears covid19 cured cancer and heart disease because nobody died from those causes in the last month.
I think we've all been had.
Protecting that booming economy was what prompted Trump to do next to nothing.

It has cost tens of thousands of lives already..but you want more
Did all this social distancing and ruining our booming economy keep anyone from getting covid19? Do you think it is just going to go away? When we all rejoin society we are all going to get it anyway. All we did is delay getting it and make it last longer. Truth be told we will probably find out there are far fewer death caused by covid19 that reported. All death caused by heart disease, cancer, obesity, people that would have died anyway are all listed as covid19 deaths now. Hospitals get $13,000 for every covid19 death and $39,000 if the person was on a ventilator. That's a big incentive to call every death a covid19 death. It appears covid19 cured cancer and heart disease because nobody died from those causes in the last month.
I think we've all been had.
Ya it shows in your goofball remark. Making up numbers is hardly proof of anything.
Idiot liberals will say "BECAUSE THE DISTANCING WORKED!" So the upper estimates of 1 million dead, even 2, did not come to pass. But Fauci in press briefings 3 weeks ago always included "with mitigation." That means social distancing was baked into those numbers. But don't count on liberals to be able to process all that. And Fauci has changed the dead estimate to 60,000, a bad flu season, many hospitals are empty, and the real mortality rate keeps going down even as more and more mild or asymptomatic cases are tested, inflation of COVID19 numbers emerges.

Now we have a wrecked economy, decades old small businesses that will never come back, and cities ready to blow. On to phase 2.

On the other hand, the One Percent has people accustomed to locking themselves in their cells, and once the looting and pillaging starts, they will be begging for shoot on sight orders for anyone outside after curfew. These people are under control. Meanwhile they are partying like it's 1999 in their mansions with swimming pools. No problem "hunkering down."

That's a heck of a two months of work. Hats off to a formidable enemy.


Could you please with evidence tell us how many would have died if your route was taken?

He made a serious claim about 200k WITH mitigation. If the model was that wrong, that is a point that needs discussed.
Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.
Protecting that booming economy was what prompted Trump to do next to nothing.
If Trump did next to nothing, then is it worse that Biden who wants to be president has done LESS than nothing? And what of Nancy Pelosi who assured us that nothing had to be done?

It has cost tens of thousands of lives already..but you want more
What has cost us tens of thousands of lives? Tell us which nations other than Germany, whose population when multiplied to equal ours would have fewer deaths per capita?

Did you ever school past the 6th grade or do you just do a very good impersonation?
Why are so many liberals cheering for the virus and against the US?
Pointing out the fact that the rights dictator is 100% wrong, is rooting against the US now. These haters are blind. Ok haters give me a good 3 word answer now , but don't strain yourself.
Tell me what he has been 100% wrong about?
We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”
Why are so many liberals cheering for the virus and against the US?
Pointing out the fact that the rights dictator is 100% wrong, is rooting against the US now. These haters are blind. Ok haters give me a good 3 word answer now , but don't strain yourself.
Tell me what he has been 100% wrong about?
Feb. 10: “Now, the virus that we’re talking about having to do — you know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April. We’re in great shape though. We have 12 cases — 11 cases, and many of them are in good shape now.” Trump's Statements About the Coronavirus
Biden is a private citizen...dope
Thank god for that.. the fool thought Trump was a fool for shutting down travel to China, he wanted to keep that open...Biden is China's Bitch
Hey expert ,Trump once said the coronavirus would disappear. Now he says 200000 US deaths would mean his administration did a very good job.
Biden is a private citizen...dope
Thank god for that.. the fool thought Trump was a fool for shutting down travel to China, he wanted to keep that open...Biden is China's Bitch
God you are a easy mark"For weeks, President Trump has minimized the coronavirus, mocked concern about it and treated the risk from it cavalierly. On Tuesday he took to the White House lectern and made a remarkable assertion: He knew it was a pandemic all along." Trump Now Claims He Always Knew the Coronavirus Would Be a Pandemic
Why are so many liberals cheering for the virus and against the US?
Pointing out the fact that the rights dictator is 100% wrong, is rooting against the US now. These haters are blind. Ok haters give me a good 3 word answer now , but don't strain yourself.
Tell me what he has been 100% wrong about?
You know I can go on for the next ten days on this question, your backing a loser. a pin head. A mental case that is this countries biggest threat.
There is not one decision that comes from scum bag , that has anything to do with what will help this country or it's people , other then how it effects his reelection, the man is pond scum.
Idiot liberals will say "BECAUSE THE DISTANCING WORKED!" So the upper estimates of 1 million dead, even 2, did not come to pass. But Fauci in press briefings 3 weeks ago always included "with mitigation." That means social distancing was baked into those numbers. But don't count on liberals to be able to process all that. And Fauci has changed the dead estimate to 60,000, a bad flu season, many hospitals are empty, and the real mortality rate keeps going down even as more and more mild or asymptomatic cases are tested, inflation of COVID19 numbers emerges.

Now we have a wrecked economy, decades old small businesses that will never come back, and cities ready to blow. On to phase 2.

On the other hand, the One Percent has people accustomed to locking themselves in their cells, and once the looting and pillaging starts, they will be begging for shoot on sight orders for anyone outside after curfew. These people are under control. Meanwhile they are partying like it's 1999 in their mansions with swimming pools. No problem "hunkering down."

That's a heck of a two months of work. Hats off to a formidable enemy.

You can't be added to the covid-19 list without a test and you can't have died from it ,unless you were tested positive for it but you can't be tested. Almost impossible in many cases. Doctors are diagnosing people having it but don't test them because it's nearly imposible to get a test to do it with. So they aren't part of any statistic. Gee if I was scum bag , I would make sure that there isn't any test produced in this country, that way he could cover up what a brain dead stupid ass hole he is.

My understanding is that the official guildlines from the government, are much more liberal than what you describe.
Can you please show us elected Democrats making Death Threats? Please some evidence of this endless death threats....
So the way you take responsibility is to first change my words and meaning, then sleep through 3.5 years of recent events to finally demand proof of your unconsciousness? :smoke:

You said it was wide spread, please find evidence of one elected Democrat threatening the President's life..
How about you take responsibility for what you said?
Idiot liberals will say "BECAUSE THE DISTANCING WORKED!" So the upper estimates of 1 million dead, even 2, did not come to pass. But Fauci in press briefings 3 weeks ago always included "with mitigation." That means social distancing was baked into those numbers. But don't count on liberals to be able to process all that. And Fauci has changed the dead estimate to 60,000, a bad flu season, many hospitals are empty, and the real mortality rate keeps going down even as more and more mild or asymptomatic cases are tested, inflation of COVID19 numbers emerges.

Now we have a wrecked economy, decades old small businesses that will never come back, and cities ready to blow. On to phase 2.

On the other hand, the One Percent has people accustomed to locking themselves in their cells, and once the looting and pillaging starts, they will be begging for shoot on sight orders for anyone outside after curfew. These people are under control. Meanwhile they are partying like it's 1999 in their mansions with swimming pools. No problem "hunkering down."

That's a heck of a two months of work. Hats off to a formidable enemy.


Could you please with evidence tell us how many would have died if your route was taken?

He made a serious claim about 200k WITH mitigation. If the model was that wrong, that is a point that needs discussed.
Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

That "crap" is the thread topic. If you did not want to discuss it, then you should not have entered the thread.

Do you even know if he claim is correct? If it is, that seems pretty shocking, would you not agree?

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