Uh Wait we are at 30,000 Deaths, what happened to 200K minimum WITH mitigation?

Wow, only 12,000 more dead folks in past four days?
It's a hoax people. Just a common cold or the flu. Get your lazy fatasses back to work! :rolleyes-41:


United States
Coronavirus Cases:


With this years flu in the US, there were:
58 million cases
62 thousand deaths

So then the COVID-19 is only about 2/3ds of the deaths of the ordinary flu, this year.
The only unknown is if many more are yet going to die from it?

Sorry, but you are including the flu season which started 5-6 months prior to the pandemic in US.
IOW, ten months against two.
Get back to me in another 8 months.
The whole right wing is made up of goofballs trying to turn the disaster of scum bag into roses. ....

Trump has an odd and off putting style. Beyond that, his policies are completely normal middle of the road, shit. Jobs, law and order.

The hysteria you libs are trying to generate, is complete bullshit.
All you haters are the same , you never will allow a fact get in the way of your opinion. You are just a tool for a mentally ill , monster that every day increases the fact that he is nothing but a dictator, how small are the people who support a dictator. Your silliness saying scum bag doesn't lie and it is just hyperbole, says all that needs to be said about the make believe world you haters live in. Do you get up every morning and raise your arm and yell "heil scum bag."

I made a point about how completely normal and middle of the road Trump's actual policies, thus showing that your hysteria is not called for.

A non-hysterical person, might have tried to argue that Trump's policies are NOT normal and middle of the road.

YOU, took the tact of just calling me a bunch of vile names....

INcreasingly vile, names, ending with an implication that I am a Nazi...

Do you see where I am going with this?

You have just demonstrated that you are incapable of making a rational argument. Because you are hysterical.
First its a good example of you haters lies, never called you a Nazi did I?....

Listen, dummy. I didn't say you CALLED me it, I said you IMPLIED it.

Not only are you hysterical and unable to even start crafting a logical argument, but you are dishonest.

I stopped reading right there. You have been a bad faith poster. You get ONE strike and that is where I stop.

Here was my previous post try again, without lying or stop wasting me time.

I made a point about how completely normal and middle of the road Trump's actual policies, thus showing that your hysteria is not called for.

A non-hysterical person, might have tried to argue that Trump's policies are NOT normal and middle of the road.

YOU, took the tact of just calling me a bunch of vile names....

INcreasingly vile, names, ending with an implication that I am a Nazi...

Do you see where I am going with this?

You have just demonstrated that you are incapable of making a rational argument. Because you are hysterical.
Bring this silliness back home to the point , I don't give a shit about anything else. You said that a man that has lied 17,000 times in three years all verified ,doesn't lie, you say it is harmless hyperbole ....

I didn't just SAY it, I looked at your list and pointed out how the first example was made without any intent to deceive, thus it was not a lie.

Funny, you left that part of our exchange out. Almost like you were trying to deceive any readers, into thinking that I failed to support my argument.

That is called Lie of Omission.

An actual lie, as you are attempting to deceive people.
Nope it is way simpler then that , your are trying to bullshit the point that scum bag does not lie that it is harmless hyperbole , My point is his lies are in no way hyperbole , to prove this point to others simply look at the lie from scumbag at post 135, our hero here says it's not a lie it is hyperbole.

You know what would have really made that point? If you showed the supposedly NOT "harmless lie/hyerpbole, to demonstrate just how much "harm" it caused.

THe first "lie" on your list, was Trump bragging that his economy was the best economy of all time.

So, jbander, tell us the harm that "lie" or hyperbole, caused?

Especially since as we both know, NO ONE, believed it.
Nope it is way simpler then that , your are trying to bullshit the point that scum bag does not lie that it is harmless hyperbole , My point is his lies are in no way hyperbole , to prove this point to others simply look at the lie from scumbag at post 135, our hero here says it's not a lie it is hyperbole.

So, before, when you brought up the bit about "harm" that was just bullshit, that you dropped the moment you were called on it.

Standard. You are not a serious poster. ALL you have done to argue your position is to post a single link and keep repeating your original position peppered with partisan fluff.
Chuckle Nope it is way simpler then that , your are trying to bullshit the point that scum bag does not lie that it is harmless hyperbole , My point is his lies are in no way hyperbole , to prove this point to others simply look at the lie from scumbag at post 135, our hero here says it's not a lie it is hyperbole.

And yet, I'm the one that keeps bringing up, exactly what the "lie" is, ie, a claim to have the "best economy all of all time!".

LOL!!! What a terrible monster! lol!!!

I keep pointing out, it is harmless hyperbole, because it is harmless hyperbole.
When the US created the UN, congress ratified the UN charter, which essentially made war illegal except in imminent defense against an attack.

I think the goal was to stop another world war, or a war between the members of the Security Counsel. The UN has no power, no army to enforce any resolution. It relies on Member States

..... One was Iraq has to pose an imminent threat to the US"

Congress abdicated it's Constitutional responsibility and gave the President the power to decide if Iraq posed a threat or not.

No use of force against any sovereign nation has been legal, except in defense if attacked, since 1946.

And if that nation is part of the "Veto Group". They're pretty much immune.
Wow, only 12,000 more dead folks in past four days?
It's a hoax people. Just a common cold or the flu. Get your lazy fatasses back to work! :rolleyes-41:


United States
Coronavirus Cases:


With this years flu in the US, there were:
58 million cases
62 thousand deaths

So then the COVID-19 is only about 2/3ds of the deaths of the ordinary flu, this year.
The only unknown is if many more are yet going to die from it?

Sorry, but you are including the flu season which started 5-6 months prior to the pandemic in US.
IOW, ten months against two.
Get back to me in another 8 months.

The peak seasonal flu is only about 2 months long as well.
Whether or not COVID-19 lingers is yet to be seen, but likely it is only a 2 month peak as well.
Remember, both COVIF-19 and the flu are very similar corona viruses.
The short peak of COVID-19 in China, Korea, Europe, etc., means it likely is almost over in the US.
Wow, only 12,000 more dead folks in past four days?
It's a hoax people. Just a common cold or the flu. Get your lazy fatasses back to work! :rolleyes-41:


United States
Coronavirus Cases:


With this years flu in the US, there were:
58 million cases
62 thousand deaths

So then the COVID-19 is only about 2/3ds of the deaths of the ordinary flu, this year.
The only unknown is if many more are yet going to die from it?

Sorry, but you are including the flu season which started 5-6 months prior to the pandemic in US.
IOW, ten months against two.
Get back to me in another 8 months.

The peak seasonal flu is only about 2 months long as well.
Whether or not COVID-19 lingers is yet to be seen, but likely it is only a 2 month peak as well.
Remember, both COVIF-19 and the flu are very similar corona viruses.
The short peak of COVID-19 in China, Korea, Europe, etc., means it likely is almost over in the US.

China and Japan are realizing they opened things up too soon and are experiencing a second wave We should probably learn from that, but sadly POTUS isn't capable of such.
When the US created the UN, congress ratified the UN charter, which essentially made war illegal except in imminent defense against an attack.

I think the goal was to stop another world war, or a war between the members of the Security Counsel. The UN has no power, no army to enforce any resolution. It relies on Member States

..... One was Iraq has to pose an imminent threat to the US"

Congress abdicated it's Constitutional responsibility and gave the President the power to decide if Iraq posed a threat or not.

No use of force against any sovereign nation has been legal, except in defense if attacked, since 1946.

And if that nation is part of the "Veto Group". They're pretty much immune.

Yes the UN goal was to stop world wars, but the UN was given legal authority, much like the legislative and judicial branches. You want a separation of powers, so you don't want the UN to have its own troops or enforcement capability. But you most certainly do not want individual nations ignoring over over riding the UN. That would be a total police state, without a legislative or judicial branch.

I agree Congress was irresponsible in allowing Bush to evaluate the threat himself, but clearly Iraq posed no imminent threat to the US, so then the invasion of Iraq was still illegal. The bio, chemical, and nuclear weapons claims were all clearly false at the time. There was no mistake or misinformation. The whole world, including the UN, told us we were wrong, and why. Basing US military action on deliberate lies has to be illegal.

By being a member of the UN Security Counsel, the US can prevent the UN from ever prosecuting the crimes by the US, but that does not make what the US has done any more legal. It just means the UN was deliberately built with corrupt loopholes, that must be obvious to the whole world. And that will continue to bite us back in the future, as no country will trust us or really be our ally. We all know justice has to be blind in order for it to work.
Wow, only 12,000 more dead folks in past four days?
It's a hoax people. Just a common cold or the flu. Get your lazy fatasses back to work! :rolleyes-41:


United States
Coronavirus Cases:


With this years flu in the US, there were:
58 million cases
62 thousand deaths

So then the COVID-19 is only about 2/3ds of the deaths of the ordinary flu, this year.
The only unknown is if many more are yet going to die from it?

Sorry, but you are including the flu season which started 5-6 months prior to the pandemic in US.
IOW, ten months against two.
Get back to me in another 8 months.

The peak seasonal flu is only about 2 months long as well.
Whether or not COVID-19 lingers is yet to be seen, but likely it is only a 2 month peak as well.
Remember, both COVIF-19 and the flu are very similar corona viruses.
The short peak of COVID-19 in China, Korea, Europe, etc., means it likely is almost over in the US.

China and Japan are realizing they opened things up too soon and are experiencing a second wave We should probably learn from that, but sadly POTUS isn't capable of such.

I have not seen any fluctuation in China, depending on whose figures we believe.
Japan has seen an increase, but their total infection and death numbers are so extremely low, that it hardly matters. They should still end their lock down likely.


The only point to a lock down is to slow things enough to prevent hospital flooding. There is no other point, as everyone will get exposed eventually.
but the UN was given legal authority

Only the Security Counsel can use the legal authority card, as long as no one Veto's it (wink wink)

You want a separation of powers, so you don't want the UN to have its own troops or enforcement capability. But you most certainly do not want individual nations ignoring over over riding the UN.

It's not about what I want. We do it. There was no UNSC authorization for the invasion and overthrown of Saddam Hussein's government. But there was no resolution condemning it either.

It just means the UN was deliberately built with corrupt loopholes, that must be obvious to the whole world.

Nuff said.
Wow, only 12,000 more dead folks in past four days?
It's a hoax people. Just a common cold or the flu. Get your lazy fatasses back to work! :rolleyes-41:


United States
Coronavirus Cases:


With this years flu in the US, there were:
58 million cases
62 thousand deaths

So then the COVID-19 is only about 2/3ds of the deaths of the ordinary flu, this year.
The only unknown is if many more are yet going to die from it?

Sorry, but you are including the flu season which started 5-6 months prior to the pandemic in US.
IOW, ten months against two.
Get back to me in another 8 months.

The peak seasonal flu is only about 2 months long as well.
Whether or not COVID-19 lingers is yet to be seen, but likely it is only a 2 month peak as well.
Remember, both COVIF-19 and the flu are very similar corona viruses.
The short peak of COVID-19 in China, Korea, Europe, etc., means it likely is almost over in the US.

China and Japan are realizing they opened things up too soon and are experiencing a second wave We should probably learn from that, but sadly POTUS isn't capable of such.

I have not seen any fluctuation in China, depending on whose figures we believe.
Japan has seen an increase, but their total infection and death numbers are so extremely low, that it hardly matters. They should still end their lock down likely.


The only point to a lock down is to slow things enough to prevent hospital flooding. There is no other point, as everyone will get exposed eventually.

Here ya go
Uh Wait we are at 30,000 Deaths, what happened to 200K minimum WITH mitigation?

less than 1 week later...833k infected
46k dead. That's with said mitigation.
Idiot liberals will say "BECAUSE THE DISTANCING WORKED!" So the upper estimates of 1 million dead, even 2, did not come to pass. But Fauci in press briefings 3 weeks ago always included "with mitigation." That means social distancing was baked into those numbers. But don't count on liberals to be able to process all that. And Fauci has changed the dead estimate to 60,000, a bad flu season, many hospitals are empty, and the real mortality rate keeps going down even as more and more mild or asymptomatic cases are tested, inflation of COVID19 numbers emerges.

Now we have a wrecked economy, decades old small businesses that will never come back, and cities ready to blow. On to phase 2.

On the other hand, the One Percent has people accustomed to locking themselves in their cells, and once the looting and pillaging starts, they will be begging for shoot on sight orders for anyone outside after curfew. These people are under control. Meanwhile they are partying like it's 1999 in their mansions with swimming pools. No problem "hunkering down."

That's a heck of a two months of work. Hats off to a formidable enemy.

Fauci needs to be hung from the neck until dead
Uh Wait we are at 30,000 Deaths, what happened to 200K minimum WITH mitigation?

less than 1 week later...833k infected
46k dead. That's with said mitigation.

An inflated count and still, 46 is way lower than 200.

THe models were garbage. The policy was based on bad data.
Uh Wait we are at 30,000 Deaths, what happened to 200K minimum WITH mitigation?

less than 1 week later...833k infected
46k dead. That's with said mitigation.

An inflated count and still, 46 is way lower than 200.

THe models were garbage. The policy was based on bad data.
That model was 100-200k by the end of summer, dope. Do the math.

Fair enough. If we get to the end of the summer, and we are at "200k", can we talk then about the unconfirmed deaths lumped into that number?

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