Uh Wait we are at 30,000 Deaths, what happened to 200K minimum WITH mitigation?

How many people did Ears kill in the Middle East with his 4 illegal wars?

What "illegal wars" was Obama involved in?

According to Rolling Stone, 2500 American soldiers died in Afghanistan and Iraq. Really a drop in the bucket compared to the 40,000 who have died because of Trump's piss poor response to covid19.

Obama was elected because he said he was against the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, but he failed to get out of either one.
And instead got involved militarily in Libya, Egypt, Syria, Yemen, and Iran.
We lost more like 7000, not 2500 US soldiers.
And the 40k who died from COVID-19 likely would have died no matter what anyone did, and is not as much as the 70k who died from this year's flu.

I love how you rationalize all of your bullshit and lies. What did you expect Obama to do? He pulled out of Iraq according to the Agreement signed by Bush, and ISIS came in the moment he left. The right excoriated him for pulling out.

Obama did not get involved "in militias", or wars anything other than a supporting role. He was out of Libya in 2 weeks. The only losses there were the four killed in Benghazi.

As for Afghanistan, 2000 years of invasions and no one has ever conquered Afghanistan. What was Bush thinking. You blame Obama but Trump has had no more success in extracating US forces than Obama did. As for your 7000 number of casualties, it's very close, but it includes all US military forces killed since 9/11, and most of those died in the invasion and occupation of Iraq, When W. was President. 8000 troops lost their lives in combat under W.

Every time you try to compare Trump's record to Obama, Trump comes up short, WAY short. There is no way of putting lipstick on your orange pig.
The whole right wing is made up of goofballs trying to turn the disaster of scum bag into roses. ....

Trump has an odd and off putting style. Beyond that, his policies are completely normal middle of the road, shit. Jobs, law and order.

The hysteria you libs are trying to generate, is complete bullshit.
All you haters are the same , you never will allow a fact get in the way of your opinion. You are just a tool for a mentally ill , monster that every day increases the fact that he is nothing but a dictator, how small are the people who support a dictator. Your silliness saying scum bag doesn't lie and it is just hyperbole, says all that needs to be said about the make believe world you haters live in. Do you get up every morning and raise your arm and yell "heil scum bag."

I made a point about how completely normal and middle of the road Trump's actual policies, thus showing that your hysteria is not called for.

A non-hysterical person, might have tried to argue that Trump's policies are NOT normal and middle of the road.

YOU, took the tact of just calling me a bunch of vile names....

INcreasingly vile, names, ending with an implication that I am a Nazi...

Do you see where I am going with this?

You have just demonstrated that you are incapable of making a rational argument. Because you are hysterical.
First its a good example of you haters lies, never called you a Nazi did I?....

Listen, dummy. I didn't say you CALLED me it, I said you IMPLIED it.

Not only are you hysterical and unable to even start crafting a logical argument, but you are dishonest.

I stopped reading right there. You have been a bad faith poster. You get ONE strike and that is where I stop.

Here was my previous post try again, without lying or stop wasting me time.

I made a point about how completely normal and middle of the road Trump's actual policies, thus showing that your hysteria is not called for.

A non-hysterical person, might have tried to argue that Trump's policies are NOT normal and middle of the road.

YOU, took the tact of just calling me a bunch of vile names....

INcreasingly vile, names, ending with an implication that I am a Nazi...

Do you see where I am going with this?

You have just demonstrated that you are incapable of making a rational argument. Because you are hysterical.
Bring this silliness back home to the point , I don't give a shit about anything else. You said that a man that has lied 17,000 times in three years all verified ,doesn't lie, you say it is harmless hyperbole ....

I didn't just SAY it, I looked at your list and pointed out how the first example was made without any intent to deceive, thus it was not a lie.

Funny, you left that part of our exchange out. Almost like you were trying to deceive any readers, into thinking that I failed to support my argument.

That is called Lie of Omission.

An actual lie, as you are attempting to deceive people.
Nope it is way simpler then that , your are trying to bullshit the point that scum bag does not lie that it is harmless hyperbole , My point is his lies are in no way hyperbole , to prove this point to others simply look at the lie from scumbag at post 135, our hero here says it's not a lie it is hyperbole.

You know what would have really made that point? If you showed the supposedly NOT "harmless lie/hyerpbole, to demonstrate just how much "harm" it caused.

THe first "lie" on your list, was Trump bragging that his economy was the best economy of all time.

So, jbander, tell us the harm that "lie" or hyperbole, caused?

Especially since as we both know, NO ONE, believed it.
Nope it is way simpler then that , your are trying to bullshit the point that scum bag does not lie that it is harmless hyperbole , My point is his lies are in no way hyperbole , to prove this point to others simply look at the lie from scumbag at post 135, our hero here says it's not a lie it is hyperbole.
How many people did Ears kill in the Middle East with his 4 illegal wars?

What "illegal wars" was Obama involved in?

According to Rolling Stone, 2500 American soldiers died in Afghanistan and Iraq. Really a drop in the bucket compared to the 40,000 who have died because of Trump's piss poor response to covid19.

I will be gentle, because I think you are a genuinely nice person.

Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia

Drone strikes all the time in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan.
Total comedy how will that compare to the Bush the baby killers war motivated by 100% lies and distortions , He murdered 5000 American heroes in that . all for money , Who were the two biggest winners in non bid contracts in Iraq , My my look at this, The top one was Halliburton, Which is Cheney and 2nd was Carlyle which is Bush the baby killer and actually ever single Bush are invested big time in Carlyle.
How many people did Ears kill in the Middle East with his 4 illegal wars?

What "illegal wars" was Obama involved in?

According to Rolling Stone, 2500 American soldiers died in Afghanistan and Iraq. Really a drop in the bucket compared to the 40,000 who have died because of Trump's piss poor response to covid19.

I will be gentle, because I think you are a genuinely nice person.

Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia

Drone strikes all the time in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan.
Your picture at the bottom of your page is a joke heres some real shit

Trump and daughter.png
How many times can the creepiness of the Trump family seriously shock us? I mean…Trump has stated that he would date his own daughter, asked strangers if they thought she was hot, told a live morning show crowd the thing he had most in common with her was sex and groped her live on stage at the Republican National Convention. What could be worse than that?

Trump and daughter1.png

Got his little girl to do a little grinding on his lap.
Idiot liberals will say "BECAUSE THE DISTANCING WORKED!" So the upper estimates of 1 million dead, even 2, did not come to pass. But Fauci in press briefings 3 weeks ago always included "with mitigation." That means social distancing was baked into those numbers. But don't count on liberals to be able to process all that. And Fauci has changed the dead estimate to 60,000, a bad flu season, many hospitals are empty, and the real mortality rate keeps going down even as more and more mild or asymptomatic cases are tested, inflation of COVID19 numbers emerges.

Now we have a wrecked economy, decades old small businesses that will never come back, and cities ready to blow. On to phase 2.

On the other hand, the One Percent has people accustomed to locking themselves in their cells, and once the looting and pillaging starts, they will be begging for shoot on sight orders for anyone outside after curfew. These people are under control. Meanwhile they are partying like it's 1999 in their mansions with swimming pools. No problem "hunkering down."

That's a heck of a two months of work. Hats off to a formidable enemy.

It's not over yet.
This thread not aging well. We will be at 50,000 by this weekend. We had as many deaths yesterday as Canada has had in total. In fact yesterday’s total alone would put us #12 in the world.

The whole right wing is made up of goofballs trying to turn the disaster of scum bag into roses. ....

Trump has an odd and off putting style. Beyond that, his policies are completely normal middle of the road, shit. Jobs, law and order.

The hysteria you libs are trying to generate, is complete bullshit.
All you haters are the same , you never will allow a fact get in the way of your opinion. You are just a tool for a mentally ill , monster that every day increases the fact that he is nothing but a dictator, how small are the people who support a dictator. Your silliness saying scum bag doesn't lie and it is just hyperbole, says all that needs to be said about the make believe world you haters live in. Do you get up every morning and raise your arm and yell "heil scum bag."

I made a point about how completely normal and middle of the road Trump's actual policies, thus showing that your hysteria is not called for.

A non-hysterical person, might have tried to argue that Trump's policies are NOT normal and middle of the road.

YOU, took the tact of just calling me a bunch of vile names....

INcreasingly vile, names, ending with an implication that I am a Nazi...

Do you see where I am going with this?

You have just demonstrated that you are incapable of making a rational argument. Because you are hysterical.
First its a good example of you haters lies, never called you a Nazi did I?....

Listen, dummy. I didn't say you CALLED me it, I said you IMPLIED it.

Not only are you hysterical and unable to even start crafting a logical argument, but you are dishonest.

I stopped reading right there. You have been a bad faith poster. You get ONE strike and that is where I stop.

Here was my previous post try again, without lying or stop wasting me time.

I made a point about how completely normal and middle of the road Trump's actual policies, thus showing that your hysteria is not called for.

A non-hysterical person, might have tried to argue that Trump's policies are NOT normal and middle of the road.

YOU, took the tact of just calling me a bunch of vile names....

INcreasingly vile, names, ending with an implication that I am a Nazi...

Do you see where I am going with this?

You have just demonstrated that you are incapable of making a rational argument. Because you are hysterical.
Bring this silliness back home to the point , I don't give a shit about anything else. You said that a man that has lied 17,000 times in three years all verified ,doesn't lie, you say it is harmless hyperbole ....

I didn't just SAY it, I looked at your list and pointed out how the first example was made without any intent to deceive, thus it was not a lie.

Funny, you left that part of our exchange out. Almost like you were trying to deceive any readers, into thinking that I failed to support my argument.

That is called Lie of Omission.

An actual lie, as you are attempting to deceive people.
Nope it is way simpler then that , your are trying to bullshit the point that scum bag does not lie that it is harmless hyperbole , My point is his lies are in no way hyperbole , to prove this point to others simply look at the lie from scumbag at post 135, our hero here says it's not a lie it is hyperbole.

You know what would have really made that point? If you showed the supposedly NOT "harmless lie/hyerpbole, to demonstrate just how much "harm" it caused.

THe first "lie" on your list, was Trump bragging that his economy was the best economy of all time.

So, jbander, tell us the harm that "lie" or hyperbole, caused?

Especially since as we both know, NO ONE, believed it.
Nope it is way simpler then that , your are trying to bullshit the point that scum bag does not lie that it is harmless hyperbole , My point is his lies are in no way hyperbole , to prove this point to others simply look at the lie from scumbag at post 135, our hero here says it's not a lie it is hyperbole.

So, before, when you brought up the bit about "harm" that was just bullshit, that you dropped the moment you were called on it.

Standard. You are not a serious poster. ALL you have done to argue your position is to post a single link and keep repeating your original position peppered with partisan fluff.
The whole right wing is made up of goofballs trying to turn the disaster of scum bag into roses. ....

Trump has an odd and off putting style. Beyond that, his policies are completely normal middle of the road, shit. Jobs, law and order.

The hysteria you libs are trying to generate, is complete bullshit.
All you haters are the same , you never will allow a fact get in the way of your opinion. You are just a tool for a mentally ill , monster that every day increases the fact that he is nothing but a dictator, how small are the people who support a dictator. Your silliness saying scum bag doesn't lie and it is just hyperbole, says all that needs to be said about the make believe world you haters live in. Do you get up every morning and raise your arm and yell "heil scum bag."

I made a point about how completely normal and middle of the road Trump's actual policies, thus showing that your hysteria is not called for.

A non-hysterical person, might have tried to argue that Trump's policies are NOT normal and middle of the road.

YOU, took the tact of just calling me a bunch of vile names....

INcreasingly vile, names, ending with an implication that I am a Nazi...

Do you see where I am going with this?

You have just demonstrated that you are incapable of making a rational argument. Because you are hysterical.
First its a good example of you haters lies, never called you a Nazi did I?....

Listen, dummy. I didn't say you CALLED me it, I said you IMPLIED it.

Not only are you hysterical and unable to even start crafting a logical argument, but you are dishonest.

I stopped reading right there. You have been a bad faith poster. You get ONE strike and that is where I stop.

Here was my previous post try again, without lying or stop wasting me time.

I made a point about how completely normal and middle of the road Trump's actual policies, thus showing that your hysteria is not called for.

A non-hysterical person, might have tried to argue that Trump's policies are NOT normal and middle of the road.

YOU, took the tact of just calling me a bunch of vile names....

INcreasingly vile, names, ending with an implication that I am a Nazi...

Do you see where I am going with this?

You have just demonstrated that you are incapable of making a rational argument. Because you are hysterical.
Bring this silliness back home to the point , I don't give a shit about anything else. You said that a man that has lied 17,000 times in three years all verified ,doesn't lie, you say it is harmless hyperbole ....

I didn't just SAY it, I looked at your list and pointed out how the first example was made without any intent to deceive, thus it was not a lie.

Funny, you left that part of our exchange out. Almost like you were trying to deceive any readers, into thinking that I failed to support my argument.

That is called Lie of Omission.

An actual lie, as you are attempting to deceive people.
Nope it is way simpler then that , your are trying to bullshit the point that scum bag does not lie that it is harmless hyperbole , My point is his lies are in no way hyperbole , to prove this point to others simply look at the lie from scumbag at post 135, our hero here says it's not a lie it is hyperbole.

You know what would have really made that point? If you showed the supposedly NOT "harmless lie/hyerpbole, to demonstrate just how much "harm" it caused.

THe first "lie" on your list, was Trump bragging that his economy was the best economy of all time.

So, jbander, tell us the harm that "lie" or hyperbole, caused?

Especially since as we both know, NO ONE, believed it.
Nope it is way simpler then that , your are trying to bullshit the point that scum bag does not lie that it is harmless hyperbole , My point is his lies are in no way hyperbole , to prove this point to others simply look at the lie from scumbag at post 135, our hero here says it's not a lie it is hyperbole.

So, before, when you brought up the bit about "harm" that was just bullshit, that you dropped the moment you were called on it.

Standard. You are not a serious poster. ALL you have done to argue your position is to post a single link and keep repeating your original position peppered with partisan fluff.
Chuckle Nope it is way simpler then that , your are trying to bullshit the point that scum bag does not lie that it is harmless hyperbole , My point is his lies are in no way hyperbole , to prove this point to others simply look at the lie from scumbag at post 135, our hero here says it's not a lie it is hyperbole.

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