UK gun laws to be tightened after Plymouth mass shooting

Im free to walk about,send my kids to school,go to the cinema and drive down the road without being shot.
Thats freedom.
That is the same where I live.

The parts of the country that are unsafe is where the Blacks and Browns live.

That is where the great majority of crime of all sorts take place.

The Liberals have destroyed the great American citizens by pandering to the Blacks and Browns.

If you want to make where you live unsafe let us ship you some of our Blacks and Browns. Your stupid laws won't mean jackshit to them.
That is the same where I live.

The parts of the country that are unsafe is where the Blacks and Browns live.

That is where the great majority of crime of all sorts take place.

The Liberals have destroyed the great American citizens by pandering to the Blacks and Browns.

If you want to make where you live unsafe let us ship you some of our Blacks and Browns. Your stupid laws won't mean jackshit to them.
Another racist post by someone who believes skin colour determines criminality.. Delusional crap.
We have identified gaps in the system and will take action.That is what advanced countries do.
America does nothing to stop the slaughter.
Our gaps in the system are an open border wall, and moron Marxists, but i repeat myself, who would rather have murderers and rapists walk free, and innocent women and children butchered by them. Want to stop the slaughter, start executing those criminals, and soon, there arent repeat offenders....
Nobody needs a gun.
How can you say No to this beauty?!

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