UK gun laws to be tightened after Plymouth mass shooting

You would think that if you lived in a city and locked your doors and didn't go anywhere at night.
But here in America there are people who don't live in the city and have to worry about cougars attacking their livestock or roving bands of illegals trying to steal their truck so they can make it to the nearest town.
In those cases you have to own a gun, or it becomes the wild West of the 1800s.

Eventually this country is going to be split up into little communities that defend their people without the help of the government. Any strangers will be questioned and only allowed to go thru with the good graces of the armed militias controlling those districts. The police will have become so woke that they're more a hindrance to peace and tranquility than a help.
SCOTUS has ruled that the police have absolutely no legal or ethical obligation to come to the aid of the public.

Knowing that and still refusing to own a gun is felony stupidity
You have traded your liberty for the false promise of safety provided by politicians
Its the reality of safety. Nobody wants guns in our society. We have at least 20 political parties active in UK elections. Not one of them is running on more guns.
No guns protects our freedom.

This happened in 2021 when an incel went crazy and shot 5 people. Incredibly he owned a shotgun.

He was given a license through lax policing and poorly drafted legislation. This will change now and it will be a lot harder to get a gun.

The inquest has highlighted many issues around the process and they should be easy to sort out. For instance you will have to prove why you need a gun. It is a privilege not a right.

Nobody wants to see us turn into a lawless state like the US.

^^^This is what happens when you're a subject, not a citizen.
Its the reality of safety. Nobody wants guns in our society. We have at least 20 political parties active in UK elections. Not one of them is running on more guns.
No guns protects our freedom.
You have been conditioned to be dependent on your government.

And you really don't have a freedom to protect.

I can sit on a park bench and read a copy of the Anarchists Cookbook while slicing an apple with my pocket knife with a 2 inch locking blade

You'd be arrested and charged with at least 2 crimes for doing that in your country.
SCOTUS has ruled that the police have absolutely no legal or ethical obligation to come to the aid of the public.

Knowing that and still refusing to own a gun is felony stupidity
So we should disband all police and form local militia to keep the riff-raff and Democrats out of your districts.
They had to do this in Venezuela to bring the lawlessness under control.

Any feds or FBI found in the area executed on sight.
Well I disagree. What you are seeing is a process taking place in a country that is civilised.
A tragedy happens.The facts are established. We find out the causes and take action. That is the civilisd way.
Gun control is not a political issue here. Primarily because there is no gun lobby buying up our politicians.
Considering the fact that Democrats are putting in place policies that encourage Democrat voters (people of color and methheads) to become less civilized, the need for immediate action is an imperative.
And before you start screaming "RACISM" nobody can ignore the fact that blacks are a serious problem everywhere now. All you have to do is look at all of the videos on Twitter to see that's the case.

FYI, Criminals don't become "civilized" when you refuse to enforce the law.
The strict enforcement of laws leading to harsher punishments tends to discourage criminal activity.
Most of the crime we see today is due to the simple fact that these little degenerates feel they won't be pay a price for whatever they do. And that's why Democrats let all of those hardened criminals out of prison during the fake COVID pandemic. It's also why they kept all of those teenagers out of schools, so they would become useless troublemakers who eventually would become hardened criminals.
Considering the fact that Democrats are putting in place policies that encourage Democrat voters (people of color and methheads) to become less civilized, the need for immediate action is an imperative.
And before you start screaming "RACISM" nobody can ignore the fact that blacks are a serious problem everywhere now. All you have to do is look at all of the videos on Twitter to see that's the case.

FYI, Criminals don't become "civilized" when you refuse to enforce the law.
The strict enforcement of laws leading to harsher punishments tends to discourage criminal activity.
Most of the crime we see today is due to the simple fact that these little degenerates feel they won't be pay a price for whatever they do. And that's why Democrats let all of those hardened criminals out of prison during the fake COVID pandemic. It's also why they kept all of those teenagers out of schools, so they would become useless troublemakers who eventually would become hardened criminals.
Word salad. Skin colour does not determine criminality. To suggest that is remedial.
Word salad. Skin colour does not determine criminality. To suggest that is remedial.
When there is systemic-racism in place that favors one race over another then yes, it does determine criminality.
Democrats created Jim Crow that encouraged white Democrats to subjugate blacks...and they did.
Now 'Equity & Diversity' (CRT) policies have encouraged blacks to subjugate whites.
Are you trying to tell me blacks wouldn't start acting like racist Southern Whites (Democrats) did after the Emancipation Proclamation?
You must think Blacks are better than Whites....YOU F*CKING RACIST!!!!
Word salad. Skin colour does not determine criminality. To suggest that is remedial.
Maybe not in Britstain, but it sure does in the US of A, thanks to the brown turn Obammy and his destruction of 30 years of race relations...


This happened in 2021 when an incel went crazy and shot 5 people. Incredibly he owned a shotgun.

He was given a license through lax policing and poorly drafted legislation. This will change now and it will be a lot harder to get a gun.

The inquest has highlighted many issues around the process and they should be easy to sort out. For instance you will have to prove why you need a gun. It is a privilege not a right.

Nobody wants to see us turn into a lawless state like the US.
/----/ Because UK criminals are famous for obeying the law while committing crimes.

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