UK Muslims denied Disney linked to AQ and Taliban


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
Oops, they screamed it was "islamphobia" but that doesn't seem to be the case at all. Hang around with AQ and the Taliban and no Mickey Mouse for you.

UK Muslim Family Who Blamed Islamophobia and Trump for Disney Travel Ban Linked to Taliban and Al Qaeda

Terrorists play the “victim card.”

A Muslim British family Disneyland bound was stopped before they got on the plane. The Muslim father claims, “We were barred from plane due to religion.” He blamed Donald Trump’s “Muslim ban,” as if that were in place. The media exploded. CNN took the story and ran, “the kids were devastated.” “They had big tears in their eyes.”

On December 15, the extended family waited at the gate. Their bags were on the plane. The family included Mohammad Tariq Mahmood with two of his children; his brother Zahid and sister-in-law Sadaf, with five of their children; and two nieces who were accompanying them.

While they waited to board the plane, Mohammad Mahmood was called on the intercom and told that at least some of the family would not be allowed to board. They were not given a reason for the ban, according to Mahmood. Their bags were removed from the plane, and they were ordered to return all the duty-free goods they had purchased, and then escorted from the airport.

Prime Minister David Cameron promised to investigate.

Here’s the real story:

Facebook page linked to Taliban and Al Qaeda was registered to same address as British Muslim father whose Disneyland trip was blocked by Homeland Security .

- See more at: UK Muslim Family Who Blamed Islamophobia and Trump for Disney Travel Ban Linked to Taliban and Al Qaeda | Pamela Geller
Screenshot of one of the muzzie's Facebook page....

Fuck those Muslim rats. Keep em out.

It's BS they try to play the victim card....while having links to terrorist organizations.

gee----I IS CONFUSED------Disneyland does a better job on HOMELAND SECURITY than the FBI? For the record----the tidbit I know-----is that
DISNEY LAND HAS ALWAYS BEEN FUSSY----I is old------I seem to remember
that sometime ------around 1960 ----Disney said 'NO" to NIKITA KRUSCHEV----
anyone of my cyber buddies remember?
Fuck those Muslim rats. Keep em out.

It's BS they try to play the victim card....while having links to terrorist organizations.

gee----I IS CONFUSED------Disneyland does a better job on HOMELAND SECURITY than the FBI? For the record----the tidbit I know-----is that
DISNEY LAND HAS ALWAYS BEEN FUSSY----I is old------I seem to remember
that sometime ------around 1960 ----Disney said 'NO" to NIKITA KRUSCHEV----
anyone of my cyber buddies remember?

My understanding is Homeland Security is the one that told the Brits to not allow them to board. They must be in a data base somewhere
Reading elsewhere, the Facebook page with linked articles was generated from their residence. They deny it, saying it must have been hackers...which is a bit silly...some random hacker make a Facebook page with slight difference in spelling than this family...annd somehow spoofed the Facebook IP address log.
Or it was simply made at their residence.
At any rate, the denial was justified based on this evidence.
Reading elsewhere, the Facebook page with linked articles was generated from their residence. They deny it, saying it must have been hackers...which is a bit silly...some random hacker make a Facebook page with slight difference in spelling than this family...annd somehow spoofed the Facebook IP address log.
Or it was simply made at their residence.
At any rate, the denial was justified based on this evidence.

I was hacked seems to be the common excuse when something like this happens...hard to deny the IP addy matched
I predict CNN and the rest of the liberal media will not report this finding...or spin it off and repeat the mantra "think of the chiiiillldreennn"

As of now, CNN's original three stories and three videos are still up and have not been changed.
They have not updated with a new story with this finding
I predict CNN and the rest of the liberal media will not report this finding...or spin it off and repeat the mantra "think of the chiiiillldreennn"

As of now, CNN's original three stories and three videos are still up and have not been changed.
They have not updated with a new story with this finding

CNN has a real problem with jumping to conclusions and then not reporting they messed up. Typical for left loons
If the security can single my then 16 year old son out who is a Type 1 Diabetic and check his pump along with his supplies they can hold back kids from going to Disneyland. Good Move !
It will put more people off going to the US For a Holiday

Clearly you know nothing.
Europe is under siege, parts of France are in a state of emergency inundated with Syrian immigrants.
They would love to go to a place where there are no 10ft tall fences, ability to drive down a highway without fear of rocks thrown at them...airports where people are trying to stowaway in baggage one hijacking trucks and stealing contents...I am confident they would love the security of US

Surprised?? Of course you have never seen this on left wing US media

Keep in mind - these son of a bitches are GUESTS!!!!
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