UK : Pakistani men sexually abused 1400 young/minor girls

1 Samuel 15:3New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
3 Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have; do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’”

even the animals. (The Jewish God is one mean god)

Moses comes down from the mountain , whoever is not with us is against us,
and had the men slay 3000 of their inlaws, brothers, etc, that day.

what happened to your statement "verse by verse is no way to read the bible or the Koran"??? you were kidding?

The amaleks were a people who engaged in child sacrifice----they dumped
their own kids or any kids they could grab into a fire-----which a very hot stone
oven thing------before statues of the "god" MOLOCH Such altars---complete
with charred baby bones ----have been found on excavations. For the sake of
the same kind of poetic style used to write ancient epics----(eg the odyssey which
is yet another book you never read) wars with these enemies are described in
FLAMBOYANT manner-----the war with the Amalekites is no more horrific
in description than the sack of TROY. (gee you are dim) As to the issue of
the fight in the Sinai-----that was a civil war-----again flamboyantly described.

did you attend high school in the USA Penelope? did they put you in the
"literature for idiots" class? you missed Beowulf too-----didn't you.....

you should try reading the bible-----it is SUBLIME literature------for those who can
grasp it--------so is the Odyssey. I read the Koran long ago----because I love
ancient literature---------it has no aesthetic value
David Cameron, honest? Are you high?

When he was leader of the Opposition to Blair's government, Cameron was one of the cheerleaders calling for the real whistleblower's imprisonment. In 2004, the BBC went undercover among the British National Party, where they recorded its leader, Nick Griffin, revealing that he and some of his party officials believed that a Muslim pedophile gang was operating in the north of England and they were exclusively targeting White girls, some as young as nine. Following the programme's broadcast, Griffin was arrested on the charge of inciting racial hatred, and the establishment went for him all guns blazing, demanding that the maximum tarrif of seven years be applied in the event of a guilty verdict. Thankfully all charges were dropped. The guy was looking down the barrel of seven years in an A-CAT prison (seven years!), just for telling some uncomfortable truths about a bunch of pedophiles that happened to be Pakis.

But we were warned that this sort of thing was happening; the gang-rapes, the fearsome brutality, the organised exploitation of White schoolgirls who had the great misfortune to be sent to a Council ‘Care Home’. We were warned ten years ago! But the problem was that, because the person who first made those warnings was not politically acceptable; was not accepted as being trustworthy, was in fact accused of criminal behaviour for uttering that very warning, his words and his warnings were rejected and ignored.

Who was that man?

His name was Nick Griffin

Source. Mike Cunningham
The same Nick Griffin who also said.

'I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that six million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the world is flat. . . I have reached the conclusion that the "extermination" tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch-hysteria.'

Panorama, 2001

'It's well-known that the chimneys from the gas chambers at Auschwitz are fake, built after the war ended.'

Mail on Sunday, April 2006

He decreased his one-time MP, Alex Carlisle QC, as 'this bloody Jew . . . whose only claim is that his grandparents died in the Holocaust'.

The Times, April 1999

'We must be aware of the enormous control over every form of mass media the Jews possess and. . . who are the real manipulators of political power.'

The Independent, 2002

'[Jewish academics] originated political correctness. Because they saw it was good for the Jews. Because they saw a West made up of nations, each with its own consciousness as potentially a threat to Jews.'

The Times, 2009

Fundamentally I regard it as quite irrelevant and wrong that at a time when the British people are going to be a minority in our own homeland in 60 years, in other words we're going to be genocided ... at that time along come the liberal media with this big club marked Holocaust and bash me over the head with it.'

Panorama, 2001

Read more: BNP leader Nick Griffin A bigot damned by his own vile words Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
@Mindful do you agree with the above? the reason this member resigned is interesting BNP legal officer quits over conscience The Jewish Chronicle

We know that, ad infinitum. Does that mean he was wrong about his warnings?

You want to mix metaphors, and make this about Nick Griffin?

It's a known fact, self-admitted in some cases, that those in authority at the time, the police, local council, were reluctant to make accusations for fear of being labelled racists. It was easier to call those poor girls sluts, who asked for it.
@Mindful simple question, do you agree with Griffins anti Semitic remarks?

Don't try to bait me with that tired old tactic. It could have been the Pope or Father Christmas who gave that warning for all I care. It just happened to be Nick Griffin in this case.
Why are you so frightened of a simple answer to my question @Mindful? is it because...............
@Mindful .the nebish Still running away from giving an answer goy, I repeat do you agree with your hero nick griffins anti Semitic remark?

David Cameron, honest? Are you high?

When he was leader of the Opposition to Blair's government, Cameron was one of the cheerleaders calling for the real whistleblower's imprisonment. In 2004, the BBC went undercover among the British National Party, where they recorded its leader, Nick Griffin, revealing that he and some of his party officials believed that a Muslim pedophile gang was operating in the north of England and they were exclusively targeting White girls, some as young as nine. Following the programme's broadcast, Griffin was arrested on the charge of inciting racial hatred, and the establishment went for him all guns blazing, demanding that the maximum tarrif of seven years be applied in the event of a guilty verdict. Thankfully all charges were dropped. The guy was looking down the barrel of seven years in an A-CAT prison (seven years!), just for telling some uncomfortable truths about a bunch of pedophiles that happened to be Pakis.

But we were warned that this sort of thing was happening; the gang-rapes, the fearsome brutality, the organised exploitation of White schoolgirls who had the great misfortune to be sent to a Council ‘Care Home’. We were warned ten years ago! But the problem was that, because the person who first made those warnings was not politically acceptable; was not accepted as being trustworthy, was in fact accused of criminal behaviour for uttering that very warning, his words and his warnings were rejected and ignored.

Who was that man?

His name was Nick Griffin

Source. Mike Cunningham
The same Nick Griffin who also said.

'I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that six million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the world is flat. . . I have reached the conclusion that the "extermination" tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch-hysteria.'

Panorama, 2001

'It's well-known that the chimneys from the gas chambers at Auschwitz are fake, built after the war ended.'

Mail on Sunday, April 2006

He decreased his one-time MP, Alex Carlisle QC, as 'this bloody Jew . . . whose only claim is that his grandparents died in the Holocaust'.

The Times, April 1999

'We must be aware of the enormous control over every form of mass media the Jews possess and. . . who are the real manipulators of political power.'

The Independent, 2002

'[Jewish academics] originated political correctness. Because they saw it was good for the Jews. Because they saw a West made up of nations, each with its own consciousness as potentially a threat to Jews.'

The Times, 2009

Fundamentally I regard it as quite irrelevant and wrong that at a time when the British people are going to be a minority in our own homeland in 60 years, in other words we're going to be genocided ... at that time along come the liberal media with this big club marked Holocaust and bash me over the head with it.'

Panorama, 2001

Read more: BNP leader Nick Griffin A bigot damned by his own vile words Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
@Mindful do you agree with the above? the reason this member resigned is interesting BNP legal officer quits over conscience The Jewish Chronicle

We know that, ad infinitum. Does that mean he was wrong about his warnings?

You want to mix metaphors, and make this about Nick Griffin?

It's a known fact, self-admitted in some cases, that those in authority at the time, the police, local council, were reluctant to make accusations for fear of being labelled racists. It was easier to call those poor girls sluts, who asked for it.
@Mindful simple question, do you agree with Griffins anti Semitic remarks?

Don't try to bait me with that tired old tactic. It could have been the Pope or Father Christmas who gave that warning for all I care. It just happened to be Nick Griffin in this case.
Why are you so frightened of a simple answer to my question @Mindful? is it because...............
@Mindful .the nebish Still running away from giving an answer goy, I repeat do you agree with your hero nick griffins anti Semitic remark?

@Phoenall the Jewish wannabe, how does it feel cuddling up to an anti Semite and Holocaust denier ?
I expect you to join me and condemn as scum anyone who agrees with Griffin the Nazi.

@Lipush @Daniyel

I would not join you if my life depended on it, he made a personal statement that was taken out of context and the looney left run with it. It is different when your new friends the ISLAMONAZI's say similar things isn't it, then they are lauded by the likes of you for speaking openly and freely
aaaaaaah I see, you really are a supporter of the Nazi and holocaust denier Mr BNP Griffin
@Sally @irosie91

Looks like you are, the time and energy you give to ranting about him.
@Midful the shikseh you do not deny you are an anti Semite and Holocaust denier like your BNP hero could just lie.

Can you quack too?
nah but I can crow you Nazi bitch:badgrin:
Panorama, 2001

'It's well-known that the chimneys from the gas chambers at Auschwitz are fake, built after the war ended.'
Give me verses with links.
I thought this was about Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England.

I agree. This incident does not reflect on Pakistanis in general and Muslims in particular. Peaceful Muslims get slammed by both: the fundamentalist elements aided by the western government (in this case UK) and the population among the western countries which is ever ready to crucify them for the deeds of extremists.

According to the Koran and hadiths there is no such thing as a peaceful muslim , there is just a soldier of allah. So to combat this threat we should remove it from our midst. Israel has shown the way by building a wall between them and the ISLAMONAZI TERRORISTS.

Your a rabid Muslim hater, You obviously have not read the Koran or probably the OT. You never what the hell your talking about.

Actually I have read both and the Koran mentions being violent to the unbelievers 230 times, but does not mention Jerusalem or Palestine once. The Koran also mentions emulating the perfect muslim in all ways, including raping 9 year old girls, murder and theft

Hard to believe. No they call Jerusalem the "holy city" . Now give me the verses
and links. They can all be blasted apart. I can't even begin to count the violent verses in the OT or Talmud. After all the Muslims learned from Jews and Christians(but more like Christians)

They have been given and the links are the Koran itself. Here is a link that will allow you to read the verses in English
The Noble Qur an -

I already know what is in there, and you take things out of context and era. You somehow like most of us have done at one time put the OT , that they did such despicable stuff as they had to get rid of the scum on earth like all Christians are taught, but when one actually reads it , one can see how vulgar it is.
The main issue here is not so much the Muslims, as the authorities dismal failure to deal with it. The perpetrators have not yet been brought to justice, which should now be the main goal, IMO.

I don't care what religious or ethnic group they are.

Yes and we should start with the upper echelons of the Labour party who were in power at the time. Start with Blair and Brown who were involved at the highest level and come down to the local councillors who feathered their own nests. One to single out is George Galloway who converted to islam while still a labour M.P.

He has a Palestinian wife I think.

Which one as he has been married a few times, he is one of these that casts his women aside when he gets sick of them and finds a new one.
I thought this was about Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England.

I agree. This incident does not reflect on Pakistanis in general and Muslims in particular. Peaceful Muslims get slammed by both: the fundamentalist elements aided by the western government (in this case UK) and the population among the western countries which is ever ready to crucify them for the deeds of extremists.

According to the Koran and hadiths there is no such thing as a peaceful muslim , there is just a soldier of allah. So to combat this threat we should remove it from our midst. Israel has shown the way by building a wall between them and the ISLAMONAZI TERRORISTS.

Your a rabid Muslim hater, You obviously have not read the Koran or probably the OT. You never what the hell your talking about.

I've read some passages from the Q'uran, and yes, it does say similar things. Are you denying that? I know all about the Dhimmis too. You are a rabid Muslim.
Give me some verses?

Are you aware that Dhimmis are taxes that minorities pay, you do remember John saying do we have to pay taxes to Caesar and he said yes. They have used taxes since the very early ages, probably started by Egypt and then passed to Jews.

Most time Muslims did not want to have converts as they would rather have the taxes paid.

I know in our free country we don't feel its fair that in their country they can do what they want.

Now give me a list of those verses from the Quran.

Like these
Quran (2:191-193)

"And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief] is worse than killing...
but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah
[disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)"

Quran (2:244) - "Then fight in the cause of Allah, and know that Allah Heareth and knoweth all things."

Quran (2:216) - "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not."

Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority".

Quran (4:76) - "Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah…"

Quran (4:95) - "Not equal are those believers who sit (at home) and receive no hurt, and those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their goods and their persons. Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in Faith) Hath Allah promised good: But those who strive and fight Hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward,-"

Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Just a few of the verses, and the last is what IS is carrying out daily with the beheadings and tortures.

IMO, it doesn't even matter since I'm not a religious person anyway. The facts are the facts, and the fact is that where ever there is a large Muslim immigrant presence, there is violence, death and hatred. Even if some are misinterpreting their holy book is irrelevant. The ONLY thing that matters is that this religion has been proven to be violent and hateful by it's participants own actions.

"I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Doesn't even come close to what the Jewish God did to the Egyptians. Wrong way to read the bible or quran is to it verse by verse.

The Koran was deliberately written to be recited verse by verse as the majority of the arab's were illiterate. This is still seen today in many Islamic nations. The clerics and imams hold control over the people and will do anything to keep that control. So the Koran is recited parrot fashion in Arabic that many muslims do not understand, and accept the translation given by the clerics and imams. This was shown a few years ago when a literate muslim was debating islam with one of islams many detractors. Just a few minutes into the debate the detractor quoted a verse from the Koran that the muslim claimed loudly to be a Zionist LIE and misinterpretation of the verse. The muslim picked up his copy of the Koran and went to the verse quoted and read it out word for word what the detractor had stated. The muslims was left struck dumb and claimed that a Jew had tampered with his copy of the Koran and demanded a new copy be brought in. 3 copies were brought in from 3 different sources, all Islamic, and the verse was exactly the same. The muslim stormed of because he had been shown what he thought he knew was not what the Koran says.

As this verse says behead those who are not muslims for the glory of allah, so that you instil terror in their hearts. So you see the Koran is a TERRORISTS MANUAL and as such should be banned in the west.

Again, whatever their silly book says is irrelevant. All one needs to do is to look at their ACTIONS, and it is obvious that this so-called "religion" (I would call it a cult) is a huge thorn in the side of the civilized world.

Yes since no one follows their books anymore (except the jews) , look that the Jewish pedophile ring, the RC pedophile abuse. The buying and selling of underage women from Russia to Israelite I head is a hot industry. Look at the smut in the US and now you want to tell me this is a Muslim problem.

Still far short of the child rape committed by muslims in a RACIST TERRORIST FASHION. Every muslim community practises child rape, and there is no country worse than Saudi for slave running very young white skinned blonde girls as sex slaves for the ruling elite. The word is that is were Madeline McCann ended up as she was BLONDE
David Cameron, honest? Are you high?

When he was leader of the Opposition to Blair's government, Cameron was one of the cheerleaders calling for the real whistleblower's imprisonment. In 2004, the BBC went undercover among the British National Party, where they recorded its leader, Nick Griffin, revealing that he and some of his party officials believed that a Muslim pedophile gang was operating in the north of England and they were exclusively targeting White girls, some as young as nine. Following the programme's broadcast, Griffin was arrested on the charge of inciting racial hatred, and the establishment went for him all guns blazing, demanding that the maximum tarrif of seven years be applied in the event of a guilty verdict. Thankfully all charges were dropped. The guy was looking down the barrel of seven years in an A-CAT prison (seven years!), just for telling some uncomfortable truths about a bunch of pedophiles that happened to be Pakis.

But we were warned that this sort of thing was happening; the gang-rapes, the fearsome brutality, the organised exploitation of White schoolgirls who had the great misfortune to be sent to a Council ‘Care Home’. We were warned ten years ago! But the problem was that, because the person who first made those warnings was not politically acceptable; was not accepted as being trustworthy, was in fact accused of criminal behaviour for uttering that very warning, his words and his warnings were rejected and ignored.

Who was that man?

His name was Nick Griffin

Source. Mike Cunningham
The same Nick Griffin who also said.

'I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that six million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the world is flat. . . I have reached the conclusion that the "extermination" tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch-hysteria.'

Panorama, 2001

'It's well-known that the chimneys from the gas chambers at Auschwitz are fake, built after the war ended.'

Mail on Sunday, April 2006

He decreased his one-time MP, Alex Carlisle QC, as 'this bloody Jew . . . whose only claim is that his grandparents died in the Holocaust'.

The Times, April 1999

'We must be aware of the enormous control over every form of mass media the Jews possess and. . . who are the real manipulators of political power.'

The Independent, 2002

'[Jewish academics] originated political correctness. Because they saw it was good for the Jews. Because they saw a West made up of nations, each with its own consciousness as potentially a threat to Jews.'

The Times, 2009

Fundamentally I regard it as quite irrelevant and wrong that at a time when the British people are going to be a minority in our own homeland in 60 years, in other words we're going to be genocided ... at that time along come the liberal media with this big club marked Holocaust and bash me over the head with it.'

Panorama, 2001

Read more: BNP leader Nick Griffin A bigot damned by his own vile words Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
@Mindful do you agree with the above? the reason this member resigned is interesting BNP legal officer quits over conscience The Jewish Chronicle

We know that, ad infinitum. Does that mean he was wrong about his warnings?

You want to mix metaphors, and make this about Nick Griffin?

It's a known fact, self-admitted in some cases, that those in authority at the time, the police, local council, were reluctant to make accusations for fear of being labelled racists. It was easier to call those poor girls sluts, who asked for it.
@Mindful simple question, do you agree with Griffins anti Semitic remarks?

Don't try to bait me with that tired old tactic. It could have been the Pope or Father Christmas who gave that warning for all I care. It just happened to be Nick Griffin in this case.
Why are you so frightened of a simple answer to my question @Mindful? is it because...............
@Mindful .the nebish Still running away from giving an answer goy, I repeat do you agree with your hero nick griffins anti Semitic remark?

David Cameron, honest? Are you high?

When he was leader of the Opposition to Blair's government, Cameron was one of the cheerleaders calling for the real whistleblower's imprisonment. In 2004, the BBC went undercover among the British National Party, where they recorded its leader, Nick Griffin, revealing that he and some of his party officials believed that a Muslim pedophile gang was operating in the north of England and they were exclusively targeting White girls, some as young as nine. Following the programme's broadcast, Griffin was arrested on the charge of inciting racial hatred, and the establishment went for him all guns blazing, demanding that the maximum tarrif of seven years be applied in the event of a guilty verdict. Thankfully all charges were dropped. The guy was looking down the barrel of seven years in an A-CAT prison (seven years!), just for telling some uncomfortable truths about a bunch of pedophiles that happened to be Pakis.

But we were warned that this sort of thing was happening; the gang-rapes, the fearsome brutality, the organised exploitation of White schoolgirls who had the great misfortune to be sent to a Council ‘Care Home’. We were warned ten years ago! But the problem was that, because the person who first made those warnings was not politically acceptable; was not accepted as being trustworthy, was in fact accused of criminal behaviour for uttering that very warning, his words and his warnings were rejected and ignored.

Who was that man?

His name was Nick Griffin

Source. Mike Cunningham
The same Nick Griffin who also said.

'I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that six million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the world is flat. . . I have reached the conclusion that the "extermination" tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch-hysteria.'

Panorama, 2001

'It's well-known that the chimneys from the gas chambers at Auschwitz are fake, built after the war ended.'

Mail on Sunday, April 2006

He decreased his one-time MP, Alex Carlisle QC, as 'this bloody Jew . . . whose only claim is that his grandparents died in the Holocaust'.

The Times, April 1999

'We must be aware of the enormous control over every form of mass media the Jews possess and. . . who are the real manipulators of political power.'

The Independent, 2002

'[Jewish academics] originated political correctness. Because they saw it was good for the Jews. Because they saw a West made up of nations, each with its own consciousness as potentially a threat to Jews.'

The Times, 2009

Fundamentally I regard it as quite irrelevant and wrong that at a time when the British people are going to be a minority in our own homeland in 60 years, in other words we're going to be genocided ... at that time along come the liberal media with this big club marked Holocaust and bash me over the head with it.'

Panorama, 2001

Read more: BNP leader Nick Griffin A bigot damned by his own vile words Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
@Mindful do you agree with the above? the reason this member resigned is interesting BNP legal officer quits over conscience The Jewish Chronicle

We know that, ad infinitum. Does that mean he was wrong about his warnings?

You want to mix metaphors, and make this about Nick Griffin?

It's a known fact, self-admitted in some cases, that those in authority at the time, the police, local council, were reluctant to make accusations for fear of being labelled racists. It was easier to call those poor girls sluts, who asked for it.
@Mindful simple question, do you agree with Griffins anti Semitic remarks?

Don't try to bait me with that tired old tactic. It could have been the Pope or Father Christmas who gave that warning for all I care. It just happened to be Nick Griffin in this case.
Why are you so frightened of a simple answer to my question @Mindful? is it because...............
@Mindful .the nebish Still running away from giving an answer goy, I repeat do you agree with your hero nick griffins anti Semitic remark?

@Phoenall the Jewish wannabe, how does it feel cuddling up to an anti Semite and Holocaust denier ?
I expect you to join me and condemn as scum anyone who agrees with Griffin the Nazi.

@Lipush @Daniyel

I would not join you if my life depended on it, he made a personal statement that was taken out of context and the looney left run with it. It is different when your new friends the ISLAMONAZI's say similar things isn't it, then they are lauded by the likes of you for speaking openly and freely
aaaaaaah I see, you really are a supporter of the Nazi and holocaust denier Mr BNP Griffin
@Sally @irosie91

Don't you worry sunshine Sally and Rosie know my views very well. Did he deny the holocaust or did he just question the story
Doesn't even come close to what the Jewish God did to the Egyptians. Wrong way to read the bible or quran is to it verse by verse.

Good, then you won't have a problem understanding why God did what He did to the Egyptians.
David Cameron, honest? Are you high?

When he was leader of the Opposition to Blair's government, Cameron was one of the cheerleaders calling for the real whistleblower's imprisonment. In 2004, the BBC went undercover among the British National Party, where they recorded its leader, Nick Griffin, revealing that he and some of his party officials believed that a Muslim pedophile gang was operating in the north of England and they were exclusively targeting White girls, some as young as nine. Following the programme's broadcast, Griffin was arrested on the charge of inciting racial hatred, and the establishment went for him all guns blazing, demanding that the maximum tarrif of seven years be applied in the event of a guilty verdict. Thankfully all charges were dropped. The guy was looking down the barrel of seven years in an A-CAT prison (seven years!), just for telling some uncomfortable truths about a bunch of pedophiles that happened to be Pakis.

But we were warned that this sort of thing was happening; the gang-rapes, the fearsome brutality, the organised exploitation of White schoolgirls who had the great misfortune to be sent to a Council ‘Care Home’. We were warned ten years ago! But the problem was that, because the person who first made those warnings was not politically acceptable; was not accepted as being trustworthy, was in fact accused of criminal behaviour for uttering that very warning, his words and his warnings were rejected and ignored.

Who was that man?

His name was Nick Griffin

Source. Mike Cunningham
The same Nick Griffin who also said.

'I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that six million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the world is flat. . . I have reached the conclusion that the "extermination" tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch-hysteria.'

Panorama, 2001

'It's well-known that the chimneys from the gas chambers at Auschwitz are fake, built after the war ended.'

Mail on Sunday, April 2006

He decreased his one-time MP, Alex Carlisle QC, as 'this bloody Jew . . . whose only claim is that his grandparents died in the Holocaust'.

The Times, April 1999

'We must be aware of the enormous control over every form of mass media the Jews possess and. . . who are the real manipulators of political power.'

The Independent, 2002

'[Jewish academics] originated political correctness. Because they saw it was good for the Jews. Because they saw a West made up of nations, each with its own consciousness as potentially a threat to Jews.'

The Times, 2009

Fundamentally I regard it as quite irrelevant and wrong that at a time when the British people are going to be a minority in our own homeland in 60 years, in other words we're going to be genocided ... at that time along come the liberal media with this big club marked Holocaust and bash me over the head with it.'

Panorama, 2001

Read more: BNP leader Nick Griffin A bigot damned by his own vile words Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
@Mindful do you agree with the above? the reason this member resigned is interesting BNP legal officer quits over conscience The Jewish Chronicle

We know that, ad infinitum. Does that mean he was wrong about his warnings?

You want to mix metaphors, and make this about Nick Griffin?

It's a known fact, self-admitted in some cases, that those in authority at the time, the police, local council, were reluctant to make accusations for fear of being labelled racists. It was easier to call those poor girls sluts, who asked for it.
@Mindful simple question, do you agree with Griffins anti Semitic remarks?

Don't try to bait me with that tired old tactic. It could have been the Pope or Father Christmas who gave that warning for all I care. It just happened to be Nick Griffin in this case.
Why are you so frightened of a simple answer to my question @Mindful? is it because...............
@Mindful .the nebish Still running away from giving an answer goy, I repeat do you agree with your hero nick griffins anti Semitic remark?

David Cameron, honest? Are you high?

When he was leader of the Opposition to Blair's government, Cameron was one of the cheerleaders calling for the real whistleblower's imprisonment. In 2004, the BBC went undercover among the British National Party, where they recorded its leader, Nick Griffin, revealing that he and some of his party officials believed that a Muslim pedophile gang was operating in the north of England and they were exclusively targeting White girls, some as young as nine. Following the programme's broadcast, Griffin was arrested on the charge of inciting racial hatred, and the establishment went for him all guns blazing, demanding that the maximum tarrif of seven years be applied in the event of a guilty verdict. Thankfully all charges were dropped. The guy was looking down the barrel of seven years in an A-CAT prison (seven years!), just for telling some uncomfortable truths about a bunch of pedophiles that happened to be Pakis.

But we were warned that this sort of thing was happening; the gang-rapes, the fearsome brutality, the organised exploitation of White schoolgirls who had the great misfortune to be sent to a Council ‘Care Home’. We were warned ten years ago! But the problem was that, because the person who first made those warnings was not politically acceptable; was not accepted as being trustworthy, was in fact accused of criminal behaviour for uttering that very warning, his words and his warnings were rejected and ignored.

Who was that man?

His name was Nick Griffin

Source. Mike Cunningham
The same Nick Griffin who also said.

'I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that six million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the world is flat. . . I have reached the conclusion that the "extermination" tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch-hysteria.'

Panorama, 2001

'It's well-known that the chimneys from the gas chambers at Auschwitz are fake, built after the war ended.'

Mail on Sunday, April 2006

He decreased his one-time MP, Alex Carlisle QC, as 'this bloody Jew . . . whose only claim is that his grandparents died in the Holocaust'.

The Times, April 1999

'We must be aware of the enormous control over every form of mass media the Jews possess and. . . who are the real manipulators of political power.'

The Independent, 2002

'[Jewish academics] originated political correctness. Because they saw it was good for the Jews. Because they saw a West made up of nations, each with its own consciousness as potentially a threat to Jews.'

The Times, 2009

Fundamentally I regard it as quite irrelevant and wrong that at a time when the British people are going to be a minority in our own homeland in 60 years, in other words we're going to be genocided ... at that time along come the liberal media with this big club marked Holocaust and bash me over the head with it.'

Panorama, 2001

Read more: BNP leader Nick Griffin A bigot damned by his own vile words Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
@Mindful do you agree with the above? the reason this member resigned is interesting BNP legal officer quits over conscience The Jewish Chronicle

We know that, ad infinitum. Does that mean he was wrong about his warnings?

You want to mix metaphors, and make this about Nick Griffin?

It's a known fact, self-admitted in some cases, that those in authority at the time, the police, local council, were reluctant to make accusations for fear of being labelled racists. It was easier to call those poor girls sluts, who asked for it.
@Mindful simple question, do you agree with Griffins anti Semitic remarks?

Don't try to bait me with that tired old tactic. It could have been the Pope or Father Christmas who gave that warning for all I care. It just happened to be Nick Griffin in this case.
Why are you so frightened of a simple answer to my question @Mindful? is it because...............
@Mindful .the nebish Still running away from giving an answer goy, I repeat do you agree with your hero nick griffins anti Semitic remark?

@Phoenall the Jewish wannabe, how does it feel cuddling up to an anti Semite and Holocaust denier ?
I expect you to join me and condemn as scum anyone who agrees with Griffin the Nazi.

@Lipush @Daniyel

I would not join you if my life depended on it, he made a personal statement that was taken out of context and the looney left run with it. It is different when your new friends the ISLAMONAZI's say similar things isn't it, then they are lauded by the likes of you for speaking openly and freely
aaaaaaah I see, you really are a supporter of the Nazi and holocaust denier Mr BNP Griffin
@Sally @irosie91

Looks like you are, the time and energy you give to ranting about him.
@Midful the shikseh you do not deny you are an anti Semite and Holocaust denier like your BNP hero could just lie.

Can you quack too?
nah but I can crow you Nazi bitch:badgrin:
Panorama, 2001

'It's well-known that the chimneys from the gas chambers at Auschwitz are fake, built after the war ended.'

It is also well known that 20,000 Jews were gassed at Belsen Bergen in one night, only there were never any gas chambers built at Bergen Belsen.

It is also a matter of historical fact that the Russians admitted to building the gas chambers at Auschwitz after the war because their story would not be believed otherwise.

Just as the Russians also admitted to having killed the Polish soldiers at Katyn and then blamed it on the Germans.

Why don't you forget the neo Marxist history you have been force fed and look for the truth. Yes the Jews were murdered in their millions but not the way you believe. A good example was the 15,000 that died at Belsen while it was under British control from Typhus and Typhoid, all because the doctors could not decide who to treat first. Each nationality wanted their own treating before any others, and it was the Jewish doctor that said those in greatest need should be treated first irrespective of their religion or nationality.
Give me verses with links.
I thought this was about Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England.

I agree. This incident does not reflect on Pakistanis in general and Muslims in particular. Peaceful Muslims get slammed by both: the fundamentalist elements aided by the western government (in this case UK) and the population among the western countries which is ever ready to crucify them for the deeds of extremists.

According to the Koran and hadiths there is no such thing as a peaceful muslim , there is just a soldier of allah. So to combat this threat we should remove it from our midst. Israel has shown the way by building a wall between them and the ISLAMONAZI TERRORISTS.

Your a rabid Muslim hater, You obviously have not read the Koran or probably the OT. You never what the hell your talking about.

Actually I have read both and the Koran mentions being violent to the unbelievers 230 times, but does not mention Jerusalem or Palestine once. The Koran also mentions emulating the perfect muslim in all ways, including raping 9 year old girls, murder and theft

Hard to believe. No they call Jerusalem the "holy city" . Now give me the verses
and links. They can all be blasted apart. I can't even begin to count the violent verses in the OT or Talmud. After all the Muslims learned from Jews and Christians(but more like Christians)

They have been given and the links are the Koran itself. Here is a link that will allow you to read the verses in English
The Noble Qur an -

I already know what is in there, and you take things out of context and era. You somehow like most of us have done at one time put the OT , that they did such despicable stuff as they had to get rid of the scum on earth like all Christians are taught, but when one actually reads it , one can see how vulgar it is.

Did you know that the Koran is abrogated and so should not be read in verse order but in chronological order. This means that Mohamed recited the Koran at different times and the verses don't run concurrently.
Give me verses with links.
I thought this was about Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England.

I agree. This incident does not reflect on Pakistanis in general and Muslims in particular. Peaceful Muslims get slammed by both: the fundamentalist elements aided by the western government (in this case UK) and the population among the western countries which is ever ready to crucify them for the deeds of extremists.

According to the Koran and hadiths there is no such thing as a peaceful muslim , there is just a soldier of allah. So to combat this threat we should remove it from our midst. Israel has shown the way by building a wall between them and the ISLAMONAZI TERRORISTS.

Your a rabid Muslim hater, You obviously have not read the Koran or probably the OT. You never what the hell your talking about.

Actually I have read both and the Koran mentions being violent to the unbelievers 230 times, but does not mention Jerusalem or Palestine once. The Koran also mentions emulating the perfect muslim in all ways, including raping 9 year old girls, murder and theft

Hard to believe. No they call Jerusalem the "holy city" . Now give me the verses
and links. They can all be blasted apart. I can't even begin to count the violent verses in the OT or Talmud. After all the Muslims learned from Jews and Christians(but more like Christians)

They have been given and the links are the Koran itself. Here is a link that will allow you to read the verses in English
The Noble Qur an -

I already know what is in there, and you take things out of context and era. You somehow like most of us have done at one time put the OT , that they did such despicable stuff as they had to get rid of the scum on earth like all Christians are taught, but when one actually reads it , one can see how vulgar it is.

The Muslims are the ones interpreting it and acting upon those interpretations. They do NOT think it is taken out of context or era.
The Muslims are the ones interpreting it and acting upon those interpretations. They do NOT think it is taken out of context or era.

Not at all.
A few Muslims wanted to rape children.
Ethnicity and cultural identity - Rotherham Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

There are about 8,000 Muslims from Pakistan and area in Rotherham, only a very few engaged in this filth.
This suggests, all the shit about these people following the holy book is in error, or the rest are really bad Muslims.
The Muslims are the ones interpreting it and acting upon those interpretations. They do NOT think it is taken out of context or era.

Not at all.
A few Muslims wanted to rape children.
Ethnicity and cultural identity - Rotherham Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

There are about 8,000 Muslims from Pakistan and area in Rotherham, only a very few engaged in this filth.
This suggests, all the shit about these people following the holy book is in error, or the rest are really bad Muslims.

That is not what my link suggests. My link suggests that laws in Pakistan to raise age of consent so that the men can no longer marry 9-year-old children have been fought against tooth and nail because these men want little girls. The leader of a particular sect says that it is unIslamist to stop men from marrying children as young as 9 years old if they show signs of puberty. This tells us that it is more than a "few" as you claim.
The Muslims are the ones interpreting it and acting upon those interpretations. They do NOT think it is taken out of context or era.

Not at all.
A few Muslims wanted to rape children.
Ethnicity and cultural identity - Rotherham Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

There are about 8,000 Muslims from Pakistan and area in Rotherham, only a very few engaged in this filth.
This suggests, all the shit about these people following the holy book is in error, or the rest are really bad Muslims.

So are you saying 8,000 adult male muslims. Because you are playing with the numbers again the wrong message is being put across. If you look at the reality 1,700 of these 8,000 are adult males, which means the numbers named by the various girls, 259, is 21% of the total adult male Pakistani population of Rotherham. When put like that it is an alarming number that needs to be addressed vigorously by the authorities. Imagine the uproar if it had been 21% of the Jewish adult male population, or 21% of the Catholic priest population.
David Cameron, honest? Are you high?

When he was leader of the Opposition to Blair's government, Cameron was one of the cheerleaders calling for the real whistleblower's imprisonment. In 2004, the BBC went undercover among the British National Party, where they recorded its leader, Nick Griffin, revealing that he and some of his party officials believed that a Muslim pedophile gang was operating in the north of England and they were exclusively targeting White girls, some as young as nine. Following the programme's broadcast, Griffin was arrested on the charge of inciting racial hatred, and the establishment went for him all guns blazing, demanding that the maximum tarrif of seven years be applied in the event of a guilty verdict. Thankfully all charges were dropped. The guy was looking down the barrel of seven years in an A-CAT prison (seven years!), just for telling some uncomfortable truths about a bunch of pedophiles that happened to be Pakis.

But we were warned that this sort of thing was happening; the gang-rapes, the fearsome brutality, the organised exploitation of White schoolgirls who had the great misfortune to be sent to a Council ‘Care Home’. We were warned ten years ago! But the problem was that, because the person who first made those warnings was not politically acceptable; was not accepted as being trustworthy, was in fact accused of criminal behaviour for uttering that very warning, his words and his warnings were rejected and ignored.

Who was that man?

His name was Nick Griffin

Source. Mike Cunningham
The same Nick Griffin who also said.

'I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that six million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the world is flat. . . I have reached the conclusion that the "extermination" tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch-hysteria.'

Panorama, 2001

'It's well-known that the chimneys from the gas chambers at Auschwitz are fake, built after the war ended.'

Mail on Sunday, April 2006

He decreased his one-time MP, Alex Carlisle QC, as 'this bloody Jew . . . whose only claim is that his grandparents died in the Holocaust'.

The Times, April 1999

'We must be aware of the enormous control over every form of mass media the Jews possess and. . . who are the real manipulators of political power.'

The Independent, 2002

'[Jewish academics] originated political correctness. Because they saw it was good for the Jews. Because they saw a West made up of nations, each with its own consciousness as potentially a threat to Jews.'

The Times, 2009

Fundamentally I regard it as quite irrelevant and wrong that at a time when the British people are going to be a minority in our own homeland in 60 years, in other words we're going to be genocided ... at that time along come the liberal media with this big club marked Holocaust and bash me over the head with it.'

Panorama, 2001

Read more: BNP leader Nick Griffin A bigot damned by his own vile words Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
@Mindful do you agree with the above? the reason this member resigned is interesting BNP legal officer quits over conscience The Jewish Chronicle

We know that, ad infinitum. Does that mean he was wrong about his warnings?

You want to mix metaphors, and make this about Nick Griffin?

It's a known fact, self-admitted in some cases, that those in authority at the time, the police, local council, were reluctant to make accusations for fear of being labelled racists. It was easier to call those poor girls sluts, who asked for it.
@Mindful simple question, do you agree with Griffins anti Semitic remarks?

Don't try to bait me with that tired old tactic. It could have been the Pope or Father Christmas who gave that warning for all I care. It just happened to be Nick Griffin in this case.
Why are you so frightened of a simple answer to my question @Mindful? is it because...............
@Mindful .the nebish Still running away from giving an answer goy, I repeat do you agree with your hero nick griffins anti Semitic remark?

David Cameron, honest? Are you high?

When he was leader of the Opposition to Blair's government, Cameron was one of the cheerleaders calling for the real whistleblower's imprisonment. In 2004, the BBC went undercover among the British National Party, where they recorded its leader, Nick Griffin, revealing that he and some of his party officials believed that a Muslim pedophile gang was operating in the north of England and they were exclusively targeting White girls, some as young as nine. Following the programme's broadcast, Griffin was arrested on the charge of inciting racial hatred, and the establishment went for him all guns blazing, demanding that the maximum tarrif of seven years be applied in the event of a guilty verdict. Thankfully all charges were dropped. The guy was looking down the barrel of seven years in an A-CAT prison (seven years!), just for telling some uncomfortable truths about a bunch of pedophiles that happened to be Pakis.

But we were warned that this sort of thing was happening; the gang-rapes, the fearsome brutality, the organised exploitation of White schoolgirls who had the great misfortune to be sent to a Council ‘Care Home’. We were warned ten years ago! But the problem was that, because the person who first made those warnings was not politically acceptable; was not accepted as being trustworthy, was in fact accused of criminal behaviour for uttering that very warning, his words and his warnings were rejected and ignored.

Who was that man?

His name was Nick Griffin

Source. Mike Cunningham
The same Nick Griffin who also said.

'I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that six million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the world is flat. . . I have reached the conclusion that the "extermination" tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch-hysteria.'

Panorama, 2001

'It's well-known that the chimneys from the gas chambers at Auschwitz are fake, built after the war ended.'

Mail on Sunday, April 2006

He decreased his one-time MP, Alex Carlisle QC, as 'this bloody Jew . . . whose only claim is that his grandparents died in the Holocaust'.

The Times, April 1999

'We must be aware of the enormous control over every form of mass media the Jews possess and. . . who are the real manipulators of political power.'

The Independent, 2002

'[Jewish academics] originated political correctness. Because they saw it was good for the Jews. Because they saw a West made up of nations, each with its own consciousness as potentially a threat to Jews.'

The Times, 2009

Fundamentally I regard it as quite irrelevant and wrong that at a time when the British people are going to be a minority in our own homeland in 60 years, in other words we're going to be genocided ... at that time along come the liberal media with this big club marked Holocaust and bash me over the head with it.'

Panorama, 2001

Read more: BNP leader Nick Griffin A bigot damned by his own vile words Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
@Mindful do you agree with the above? the reason this member resigned is interesting BNP legal officer quits over conscience The Jewish Chronicle

We know that, ad infinitum. Does that mean he was wrong about his warnings?

You want to mix metaphors, and make this about Nick Griffin?

It's a known fact, self-admitted in some cases, that those in authority at the time, the police, local council, were reluctant to make accusations for fear of being labelled racists. It was easier to call those poor girls sluts, who asked for it.
@Mindful simple question, do you agree with Griffins anti Semitic remarks?

Don't try to bait me with that tired old tactic. It could have been the Pope or Father Christmas who gave that warning for all I care. It just happened to be Nick Griffin in this case.
Why are you so frightened of a simple answer to my question @Mindful? is it because...............
@Mindful .the nebish Still running away from giving an answer goy, I repeat do you agree with your hero nick griffins anti Semitic remark?

@Phoenall the Jewish wannabe, how does it feel cuddling up to an anti Semite and Holocaust denier ?
I expect you to join me and condemn as scum anyone who agrees with Griffin the Nazi.

@Lipush @Daniyel

I would not join you if my life depended on it, he made a personal statement that was taken out of context and the looney left run with it. It is different when your new friends the ISLAMONAZI's say similar things isn't it, then they are lauded by the likes of you for speaking openly and freely
aaaaaaah I see, you really are a supporter of the Nazi and holocaust denier Mr BNP Griffin
@Sally @irosie91

Looks like you are, the time and energy you give to ranting about him.
@Midful the shikseh you do not deny you are an anti Semite and Holocaust denier like your BNP hero could just lie.

Can you quack too?
nah but I can crow you Nazi bitch:badgrin:
Panorama, 2001

'It's well-known that the chimneys from the gas chambers at Auschwitz are fake, built after the war ended.'

It is also well known that 20,000 Jews were gassed at Belsen Bergen in one night, only there were never any gas chambers built at Bergen Belsen.

It is also a matter of historical fact that the Russians admitted to building the gas chambers at Auschwitz after the war because their story would not be believed otherwise.

Just as the Russians also admitted to having killed the Polish soldiers at Katyn and then blamed it on the Germans.

Why don't you forget the neo Marxist history you have been force fed and look for the truth. Yes the Jews were murdered in their millions but not the way you believe. A good example was the 15,000 that died at Belsen while it was under British control from Typhus and Typhoid, all because the doctors could not decide who to treat first. Each nationality wanted their own treating before any others, and it was the Jewish doctor that said those in greatest need should be treated first irrespective of their religion or nationality.
What absolute Nazi codswallop, I thought you were a BNP anti Semite and holocaust denier and I was right,
@Lipush @Kondor3 @Daniyel @SAYIT @Ropey @Statistikhengst @RoccoR @Hossfly @toastman @Vigilante @MJB12741 @Independent
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