UK population increases by 500,000, official figures show


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
UK population increases by 500,000, official figures show

The UK population grew by almost half a million last year to 64,596,800, official figures show.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) estimates the number of people living in Britain in June 2014 was up 491,100 on the previous year.

Net migration added 259,700 to the population, while "natural growth" - births minus deaths - added 226,200.

The population increase was above average compared with rises over the last decade, the ONS said.

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Who wants to bet that 80% of this increase is being done by non-whites. The 2011 census data shown that whites were decreasing. The Uk hasn't stopped their downward spiral into the toilet.
The ONS said a quarter of births were to mothers born outside the UK.


So much for immigration control!!! Fucking snake prime minister!

Population growth
As of June 2014 there were

People living in the UK


more than the previous year

  • 259,700 added from net migration

  • 226,200 from natural growth

  • 25% of all births in 2013 were to mothers born outside the UK

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