UK rejects conservatism......America are you listening?


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
They tried Brexit and it scared the shit out of the young people of the UK who failed to vote on Brexit, showed up in massive numbers to assure the move would not be led by conservatives. We got a Brexit going on here, conservatism is not working, Trump is an idiot and 2018 will be our chance to rally and finally end the nightmare of conservatism, ie white dominance in America!!!!!!


They see our nightmare and they wanted out...CONSERVATISM SUCKS!!
They tried Brexit and it scared the shit out of the young people of the UK who failed to vote on Brexit, showed up in massive numbers to assure the move would not be led by conservatives. We got a Brexit going on here, conservatism is not working, Trump is an idiot and 2018 will be our chance to rally and finally end the nightmare of conservatism, ie white dominance in America!!!!!!


They see our nightmare and they wanted out...CONSERVATISM SUCKS!!

So every decision the UK has made for years has been absolutely wrong except one leading to their now having three major terror attacks in a short time and now May is on the rocks too and rather than think, "Here we go again," you think we ought to be listening to yet another mistake???

In case you haven't noticed, in the last THREE elections, America

rejected liberalism and put the House in the GOP's hands,

rejected liberalism and put the Senate in the GOP's hands,

and now just rejected same old same old liberalism again and put the White House in the GOP's hands!

Maybe it is the UK and liberals everywhere that ought to be listening!
They tried Brexit and it scared the shit out of the young people of the UK who failed to vote on Brexit, showed up in massive numbers to assure the move would not be led by conservatives. We got a Brexit going on here, conservatism is not working, Trump is an idiot and 2018 will be our chance to rally and finally end the nightmare of conservatism, ie white dominance in America!!!!!!


They see our nightmare and they wanted out...CONSERVATISM SUCKS!!

^ Ignore completely inaccurate.

Conservatives will get 319 seats + DUP 10 seats = 329 seats = Right-Wing Government.

Socialists got 261 seats = Losers as usual.

Conservatives beat Socialists by 8.7%

Conservatives 48.9% Socialists 40.2% = UK rejects Socialism.





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So every decision the UK has made for years has been absolutely wrong except one leading to their now having three major terror attacks in a short time and now May is on the rocks too and rather than think, "Here we go again," you think we ought to be listening to yet another mistake???

In case you haven't noticed, in the last THREE elections, America

rejected liberalism and put the House in the GOP's hands,

rejected liberalism and put the Senate in the GOP's hands,

and now just rejected same old same old liberalism again and put the White House in the GOP's hands!

Maybe it is the UK and liberals everywhere that ought to be listening!
Did you watch the hearing yesterday? Russia rejected liberalism in America.
They tried Brexit and it scared the shit out of the young people of the UK who failed to vote on Brexit, showed up in massive numbers to assure the move would not be led by conservatives. We got a Brexit going on here, conservatism is not working, Trump is an idiot and 2018 will be our chance to rally and finally end the nightmare of conservatism, ie white dominance in America!!!!!!


They see our nightmare and they wanted out...CONSERVATISM SUCKS!!

The problem is that Corbyn is trying to take defeat as success, which is embarrassing. He failed, yes he did better than the last guy, but the problems are worse 2 years on, and he should have got +100 seats like in 1997.

Conservatism won. They're still in government.

Corbyn is responsible for Brexit and he's responsible for losing this election and handing it to May.
They tried Brexit and it scared the shit out of the young people of the UK who failed to vote on Brexit, showed up in massive numbers to assure the move would not be led by conservatives. We got a Brexit going on here, conservatism is not working, Trump is an idiot and 2018 will be our chance to rally and finally end the nightmare of conservatism, ie white dominance in America!!!!!!


They see our nightmare and they wanted out...CONSERVATISM SUCKS!!

^ Ignore completely inaccurate.

Conservatives will get 319 seats + DUP 10 seats = 329 seats = Right-Wing Government.

Socialists got 261 seats = Losers as usual.

Conservatives beat Socialists by 8.7%

Conservatives 48.9% Socialists 40.2% = UK rejects Socialism.



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If you see the difference in percentage of seats and percentage of votes, and you see, like in the US, that FPTP always gives a good deal to the right.
They tried Brexit and it scared the shit out of the young people of the UK who failed to vote on Brexit, showed up in massive numbers to assure the move would not be led by conservatives. We got a Brexit going on here, conservatism is not working, Trump is an idiot and 2018 will be our chance to rally and finally end the nightmare of conservatism, ie white dominance in America!!!!!!


They see our nightmare and they wanted out...CONSERVATISM SUCKS!!
are you listening?....did you go and see Dr. Boombatz yet?....
Tigerred, Tigerred, Tigerred...why, pray tell, should America emulate a nation that allowed their muslim inbred filth carte blanche to rape THOUSANDS of young girls and casually stands around while one of their war veterans gets chopped up in the street, while putting people in jail if they state any less-than-pleasant proven fact about Pisslam? But I know the point goes over the carpet-headed, 85-average-I.Q. member of your subhuman race of crybabies. And muslims are such fellow bitter, perpetually butthurt crybabies, I can understand that basketball-American world-wide failure of a race would relate to muslims. Also, blacks and muslims are the most ingrate punks in human history; neither of these bio-detritus have ever, ever been capable of showing any appreciation for anything. That's why we REAL human beings look down our noses on you.

The English tradition I DO want to resurrect is the hang/draw/quarter penalty for treasonous liberal walking diseases. To use my favorite SW cliche, liberals were "seduced by the Dark Side" and now their very existence is a destructive toxin on humanity.
They tried Brexit and it scared the shit out of the young people of the UK who failed to vote on Brexit, showed up in massive numbers to assure the move would not be led by conservatives. We got a Brexit going on here, conservatism is not working, Trump is an idiot and 2018 will be our chance to rally and finally end the nightmare of conservatism, ie white dominance in America!!!!!!


They see our nightmare and they wanted out...CONSERVATISM SUCKS!!
I thought the conservatives won? May didn't win?
They tried Brexit and it scared the shit out of the young people of the UK who failed to vote on Brexit, showed up in massive numbers to assure the move would not be led by conservatives. We got a Brexit going on here, conservatism is not working, Trump is an idiot and 2018 will be our chance to rally and finally end the nightmare of conservatism, ie white dominance in America!!!!!!


They see our nightmare and they wanted out...CONSERVATISM SUCKS!!
Ummm, they haven't "tried" Brexit since it hasn't finished yet.

Since there is still a conservative PM and more conservatives than liberals in government, I fail to see how you think the "UK rejects conservatism". By your standard, the US rejected Liberalism in the 2010 elections.
They didn't try Brexit. Brexit hasn't even happened yet.

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