UK riots over leftists losing similar to riots after Trump won.

Why do these assholes have the right to physically impose their views on others? What does this have to do with free speech?
Why do these assholes have the right to physically impose their views on others? What does this have to do with free speech?
HELLOOO!.....It's the nature of politicizing everything and making it about a case for gubmint to step in....They're the ones with the guns that can be used proactively....Being a prog means never having to persuade anyone, just do it at gunpoint.

I'm here to help.

jwoodie said:
What does this have to do with free speech?
Why do these assholes have the right to physically impose their views on others?
Communists Have ALWAYS Come To Power Violently

Fascists Always Came To Power Using The Law
Leftists can’t be dealt with like normal, rational people. You have to stamp them out wherever they show their ugly agenda.

The EU lost many collaborators in the British parliament this week. Sad day for them.
To be fair, the polls are open in the day ... most of these folks sleep till 1:00 and work on their manifesto at Starbucks until they close.

At least the protests are held at a decent hour when Socialists can attend.

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