UK Sexual Perverts Host Drag Shows Starring Adult Men With Down's Syndrome

Have you tried asking any of them if they are forced or being taking advantage?

The faggot haters just want to whine about the faggots. A common theme for this forum.
I'm certain these literally mentally retarded people weren't being forced and I'm equally certain they wouldn't know if they were being taken advantage of or not.

They really don't have the ability to make those sorts of judgements...sort of the whole point.

I imagine if the people closest to them (family, friends, caretakers) felt they were being exploited or abused then they would put a stop it. From what I seen they appear to be having fun lip syncing and dancing.
Have you tried asking any of them if they are forced or being taking advantage?

The faggot haters just want to whine about the faggots. A common theme for this forum.
I'm certain these literally mentally retarded people weren't being forced and I'm equally certain they wouldn't know if they were being taken advantage of or not.

They really don't have the ability to make those sorts of judgements...sort of the whole point.

I imagine if the people closest to them (family, friends, caretakers) felt they were being exploited or abused then they would put a stop it. From what I seen they appear to be having fun lip syncing and dancing.

Why would you imagine that, mdk?

If the relatives did put a stop to it, they would be lynched for "homophobia" and/or "transphobia". Gay Radical don't take "no" for an answer.
I don't know if this broad is guilty or not, but Ashley Smith was charged with exploited old timers by taking photos of them nude.

It was considered "exploitation, because the old timers were senile and not in full possession of their faculties. I suppose some of the old geezers might not have had a problem, but that didn't change anything This is same situation.

Pa. nurse accused of taking naked photos of nursing home patients
Have you tried asking any of them if they are forced or being taking advantage?

The faggot haters just want to whine about the faggots. A common theme for this forum.
I'm certain these literally mentally retarded people weren't being forced and I'm equally certain they wouldn't know if they were being taken advantage of or not.

They really don't have the ability to make those sorts of judgements...sort of the whole point.

I imagine if the people closest to them (family, friends, caretakers) felt they were being exploited or abused then they would put a stop it. From what I seen they appear to be having fun lip syncing and dancing.

Why would you imagine that, mdk?

If the relatives did put a stop to it, they would be lynched for "homophobia" and/or "transphobia". Gay Radical don't take "no" for an answer.

Imagine that. You already have a built-in excuse to justify your endless whining about faggots. lol
This Drag Show Is Literally Retarded - Taki's Magazine

This Drag Show Is Literally Retarded
by Jim Goad

September 09, 2019



photo credit: YouTube
Horror Shebang

If you get any kind of pleasure from watching bearded, wig-wearing Mongolian Idiots in leather jumpsuits with their faces caked in makeup twerking their flabby asses to the delight of bar crowds who are not mentally impaired but may have significant emotional problems, far be it from me to deny you that pleasure.

But on Saturday night as I watched the livestream from Grand Rapids, MI of the UK-based, all-Down syndrome group of transvestites known as Drag Syndrome strutting their low-status flesh around onstage, my guts violently tugged with the feeling that these poor souls were being exploited."

How depraved can people be? This depraved...
hey is that Tommy Tantrum?
Were any of the drag queens forced to participate in the event? Nope, sure weren’t. Good luck making it to your fainting couch.

Retardo-Americans are people with less full developed cerebellums, and taking advantage of that fact to convince them to presented sexual performances is just plain wrong and demonstrates low ethics.

What evidence do you have that these men were convinced or are being taking advantage of? You have none.
You have Progs who believe the Handmaids Tale is a true happening. So your response is logically a Saul Alynsky retort.

Claims logic while using a Tu quoque fallacy. Hilarious.
We are a culture that does not even know right from wrong now. These people are victims in modern debauchery. Something that real history movies and cultures with some decency would have shown as being toxic decades ago. Now it is accepted. I feel bad for you and us all because mother nature is a mother ph uker when things turn sour. You are numb to life and accuse others of it while guilting them to their demise.
Ridiculing Down's Syndrome people is nothing new to the left. If they ever got their slimy claws on the Constitution we might have post birth abortions of people who don't meet eugenic standards.
Ridiculing Down's Syndrome people is nothing new to the left. If they ever got their slimy claws on the Constitution we might have post birth abortions of people who don't meet eugenic standards.

Sarah Palin's child has Downs. They ridiculed that child unmercifully.
We are a culture that does not even know right from wrong now. These people are victims in modern debauchery. Something that real history movies and cultures with some decency would have shown as being toxic decades ago. Now it is accepted. I feel bad for you and us all because mother nature is a mother ph uker when things turn sour. You are numb to life and accuse others of it while guilting them to their demise.

Not buying into ‘the end is nigh’ hysterics you peddle doesn’t make me numb to life, but it does show me that you’re just another pearl-clutching drama queen. Ta.
I imagine if the people closest to them (family, friends, caretakers) felt they were being exploited or abused then they would put a stop it. From what I seen they appear to be having fun lip syncing and dancing.
Children who twerk and cuddle with pedophile drag queens also smile and have fun. Because they don't know any better and have no way of understanding what is going on.

I'll just put you down as one of the people that think sexual exploitation of the feeble minded is great fun.
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England and Wales
The Sexual Offences Act 2003 defines sexual offences in general, including those perpetrated against or by adults or children. The Act includes specific crimes against adults with intellectual disabilities or mental health conditions:

sexual abuse of vulnerable persons with a mental disorder. These include situations where:

  • they are unable to refuse because of a lack of understanding,
  • they are offered inducements, threatened or deceived, and
  • there is a breach of a relationship of care, by a care worker
Are people with Down's Syndrome able to give actual informed consent to work as drag queens
to invoke laughter and enjoyment in a bunch of depraved jackasses? The retarded cannot give
consent by definition.

So why are some cretins claiming otherwise?
I imagine if the people closest to them (family, friends, caretakers) felt they were being exploited or abused then they would put a stop it. From what I seen they appear to be having fun lip syncing and dancing.
Children who twerk and cuddle with pedophile drag queens also smile and have fun. Because they don't know any better and have no way of understanding what is going on.

I'll just put you down as one of the people that think sexual exploitation of the feeble minded is great fun.

Neither children or pedophiles exist in this story. Nor have you shown that any sexual exploitation has occurred here. Do you think an adult slapping on a wig, dress, and, makeup to sing Cher songs is sexual exploitation? All of you have so far is a bunch of emotional bullshit backed up by jack shit.
I imagine if the people closest to them (family, friends, caretakers) felt they were being exploited or abused then they would put a stop it. From what I seen they appear to be having fun lip syncing and dancing.
Children who twerk and cuddle with pedophile drag queens also smile and have fun. Because they don't know any better and have no way of understanding what is going on.

I'll just put you down as one of the people that think sexual exploitation of the feeble minded is great fun.

Neither children or pedophiles exist in this story. Nor have you shown that any sexual exploitation has occurred here. Do you think an adult slapping on a wig, dress, and, makeup to sing Cher songs is sexual exploitation? All of you have so far is a bunch of emotional bullshit backed up by jack shit.
Laws exist for the immoral, to protect the innocent from exploitation. The fact that you see nothing wrong here is why laws exist.
I imagine if the people closest to them (family, friends, caretakers) felt they were being exploited or abused then they would put a stop it. From what I seen they appear to be having fun lip syncing and dancing.
Children who twerk and cuddle with pedophile drag queens also smile and have fun. Because they don't know any better and have no way of understanding what is going on.

I'll just put you down as one of the people that think sexual exploitation of the feeble minded is great fun.

Neither children or pedophiles exist in this story. Nor have you shown that any sexual exploitation has occurred here. Do you think an adult slapping on a wig, dress, and, makeup to sing Cher songs is sexual exploitation? All of you have so far is a bunch of emotional bullshit backed up by jack shit.

You know damn good and well "drag queens" is sexual. Is it explotation? It's something and it's disgusting.

Downs children and adults are vulnerable and easily led. It's wrong
Neither children or pedophiles exist in this story.
But there are child-like people being exploited by some pretty sick people And you are spinning this like crazy in their defense.

That makes you somewhat sick too but I guess you have very good reasons for defending what seems to be a pretty depraved and, as my link shows, criminal bunch of cretins.

Nor have you shown that any sexual exploitation has occurred here. Do you think an adult slapping on a wig, dress, and, makeup to sing Cher songs is sexual exploitation? All of you have so far is a bunch of emotional bullshit backed up by jack shit.
Drag shows by nature are queer extravaganzas. You seem very defensive on the matter.
Could it be you find some kinky thrill in imagining a mongoloid dressed up like Marilyn Monroe?

Check my posts on the matter and show me where I've charged sexual exploitation. I'm certain you won't find me claiming that anywhere though buried somewhere in this sick sordid story is a distinct sexual component (like a beauty contest with all Down Syndrome contestants).
It's a weird cocktail mix of sex (the glamor of drag) and cruel humor making mentally impaired people the butt of this joke. And you choose to defend it? That's all on you.

Okay, you're tired of seeing gays run down by some people relentlessly but how about choosing your battles a little more intelligently?
You know damn good and well "drag queens" is sexual. Is it explotation? It's something and it's disgusting.
The mentally impaired won't find what they are doing sexually stimulating (if they find anything at all erotic) but that says nothing about the perverts and cretins who organize these
shows. Someone is finding something worthwhile in this all.
Whether it's sexual or just to belittle and feel superior to the mentally deficient dancers it seems sick and depraved.

Downs children and adults are vulnerable and easily led. It's wrong
Yes. Who would say otherwise?
What evidence do you have that these men were convinced or are being taking advantage of? You have none.
:icon_rolleyes: Really? Is dancing in drag for the entertainment of others something mentally handicapped men would be likely to do on their own? You seem smarter than that.

Have you tried asking any of them if they are forced or being taking advantage?

The faggot haters just want to whine about the faggots. A common theme for this forum.

So women that strip, do porn movies, are centerfolds and sell themselves for prostitution aren’t being exploited? Hmmm, the women’s lib movement got that one wrong.

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