Uk social services force woman to have c section, takes baby

The U.K. is the ultimate nanny/police state. When they say it "takes a village" then they really mean it which 1 more reason why I hate the U.K.
They've never been there. I don't think they would like it too much if they were forced to live there which is a great idea! The forced emigration of 100's of thousands of liberal dogs to that stupid island would be a great day!
From the link: Social services forcibly sedated a pregnant woman and removed her baby by caesarean section, it has been revealed.

Officials in Essex were granted a court order to take the baby from the Italian woman after she suffered a mental breakdown while in Britain on a work trip.

The council said it was acting in the best interests of the woman.

According to the Sunday Telegraph, social services are refusing to give the baby girl, who is now 15 months old, back to her mother – despite the woman claiming she has recovered.

The case is set to be raised in Parliament next week, with the woman’s lawyers claiming the council should have consulted her family first and Italian social services should have been put in charge of the child.
Where are there forced vaginal probes and how does that compare to forcing a woman to have a medically unnecessary c section so the state can take the child?
Where are there forced vaginal probes and how does that compare to forcing a woman to have a medically unnecessary c section so the state can take the child?

A medically unnecessary vaginal ultrasound is the same thing. Both are wrong.
Forcing a woman to report a miscarriage is the same thing as having your abdomen sliced open and a baby forcibly removed?

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