UK Speaker 'strongly opposed' to Trump speech in Houses of Parliament


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
They know he is an orange hued shit gibbon

The Speaker of Britain's House of Commons says he is "strongly opposed" to letting US President Donald Trump address lawmakers during his state visit to the UK.

John Bercow said his resistance to the speech was because of Parliament's "opposition to racism and sexism."
Bercow is one of three parliamentary officials who must approve any invitation for someone to speak in Westminster Hall, the venue typically used for grand occasions of state.

Speaker 'strongly opposed' to Trump speech in UK Parliament -

UK: Trump state visit puts Queen in 'difficult position' | Euronews
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Guno again trumpets his love of fascism.

Definition of fascism

  1. 1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
They know he is an orange hued shit gibbon

The Speaker of Britain's House of Commons says he is "strongly opposed" to letting US President Donald Trump address lawmakers during his state visit to the UK.

John Bercow said his resistance to the speech was because of Parliament's "opposition to racism and sexism."
Bercow is one of three parliamentary officials who must approve any invitation for someone to speak in Westminster Hall, the venue typically used for grand occasions of state.

Speaker 'strongly opposed' to Trump speech in UK Parliament -

UK: Trump state visit puts Queen in 'difficult position' | Euronews
Respect recoils from Trump in disgust
Good the speaker is allowed the freedom to speak out in favor of Britain sucking hind tit in the coming trade negotiations. Way to help your country face a hostile, vindictive European Union!

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