UK Telegraph: 97% of climate activists funded by Big Oil!

One would think Big Oil would not agree with climate change caused by people...
Climate Scientists: Global Warming 'Extremely Likely' Caused by Humans
August 19, 2013 > An international team of climate scientists reports with near certainty that most of the global temperature rise over recent decades is due to human activity. In addition, they warn that sea levels could rise by more than a meter by the year 2100 if fossils fuel emissions are not curtailed.
The findings are reported in the latest summary from the U.N. International Panel on Climate Change, which was leaked after it was sent to a large group of people who had signed up to review it.

In the strongest language the panel has used so far, the draft report says "it is extremely likely that human influence on climate caused more than half of the observed increase in global average surface temperature from 1951 to 2010."

The report's findings will be discussed and edited by governments and scientists in Stockholm before its official release at the end of September, and the text could change, according to the panel spokesman.

Climate Scientists: Global Warming 'Extremely Likely' Caused by Humans

no, pump up the prices while buying the possible competition and stirring the pot for own advantage.

I still consider the fossil fuels to be actually the most earth-friendly possible( and the most consumer-friendly as well), but it does not mean I consider big oil companies suddenly all angels and in favor only of me, the consumer.
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Your blog doesn't back up it's claim at all.

You really need to start reading the articles you post. Just reading the headline isn't enough.

it does if you follow the links there.
and if you read yourself the several links you will understand that 97% in the title is a grotesque title aimed at specifically one person, who actually coined that 97% originally ( and which is a lie)

it's a word play
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