UK Turns to Democide


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
On the surface this looks like another reason to avoid single payer insurance. But when you read into the article, the government is preventing the parents from paying the medical bills themselves.

Terminally ill baby Charlie Gard’s parents ‘utterly distraught’ after losing final appeal in European court – meaning their son’s life support WILL be switched off.

That baby is terminally ill, I support switching off life support machines in these terrible cases, he has no chance to recover, keeping anyone hooked to a life support machine is very cruel and prolongs their suffering, it's best to switch it off and let them slip away in peace and as fast as possible.

They want to take him to America for a "therapy trial" that is experimental, meaning it won't work and will prolong that poor babies suffering.

The parents are think of themselves and not the baby, they can hopefully have another baby, this baby though is terminally ill and he needs to be allowed to die with dignity and slip away as peacefully and quickly as possible.
That baby is terminally ill, I support switching off life support machines in these terrible cases, he has no chance to recover, keeping anyone hooked to a life support machine is very cruel and prolongs their suffering, it's best to switch it off and let them slip away in peace and as fast as possible.

They want to take him to America for a "therapy trial" that is experimental, meaning it won't work and will prolong that poor babies suffering.

The parents are think of themselves and not the baby, they can hopefully have another baby, this baby though is terminally ill and he needs to be allowed to die with dignity and slip away as peacefully and quickly as possible.

This is a decision that ought be left to the parents so long as they are not seeking the government to pay. Easy to see how, in their eyes, government preventing them from even trying is nothing more than officially sanctioned murder. Y'know....the sort The Democrat Party wants imposed via quotas and rationing of nationalized "health care".
On the surface this looks like another reason to avoid single payer insurance. But when you read into the article, the government is preventing the parents from paying the medical bills themselves.

Terminally ill baby Charlie Gard’s parents ‘utterly distraught’ after losing final appeal in European court – meaning their son’s life support WILL be switched off.

That baby is terminally ill, I support switching off life support machines in these terrible cases, he has no chance to recover, keeping anyone hooked to a life support machine is very cruel and prolongs their suffering, it's best to switch it off and let them slip away in peace and as fast as possible.

They want to take him to America for a "therapy trial" that is experimental, meaning it won't work and will prolong that poor babies suffering.

The parents are think of themselves and not the baby, they can hopefully have another baby, this baby though is terminally ill and he needs to be allowed to die with dignity and slip away as peacefully and quickly as possible.

"But when you read into the article, the government is preventing the parents from paying the medical bills themselves."

I find nothing in that article that says the British Government is preventing them from paying anything, they raised the money, but they cannot take the baby to America for some Voodoo Experimental shit that has a zero chance of saving the baby.

Actually the parents should be un encourgaed NOT to have another baby, this baby is dying of a rare genetic condition, the chances could be that another baby would also have this, why would you deliberately want to bring another baby into the world that might have this condition and make another baby suffer? They would be best to adopt a few babies, there are babies who need adopting and a loving home.

On the surface this looks like another reason to avoid single payer insurance. But when you read into the article, the government is preventing the parents from paying the medical bills themselves.

Terminally ill baby Charlie Gard’s parents ‘utterly distraught’ after losing final appeal in European court – meaning their son’s life support WILL be switched off.

That baby is terminally ill, I support switching off life support machines in these terrible cases, he has no chance to recover, keeping anyone hooked to a life support machine is very cruel and prolongs their suffering, it's best to switch it off and let them slip away in peace and as fast as possible.

They want to take him to America for a "therapy trial" that is experimental, meaning it won't work and will prolong that poor babies suffering.

The parents are think of themselves and not the baby, they can hopefully have another baby, this baby though is terminally ill and he needs to be allowed to die with dignity and slip away as peacefully and quickly as possible.
Newsflash: we are all born terminally ill.
That baby is terminally ill, I support switching off life support machines in these terrible cases, he has no chance to recover, keeping anyone hooked to a life support machine is very cruel and prolongs their suffering, it's best to switch it off and let them slip away in peace and as fast as possible.

They want to take him to America for a "therapy trial" that is experimental, meaning it won't work and will prolong that poor babies suffering.

The parents are think of themselves and not the baby, they can hopefully have another baby, this baby though is terminally ill and he needs to be allowed to die with dignity and slip away as peacefully and quickly as possible.

This is a decision that ought be left to the parents so long as they are not seeking the government to pay. Easy to see how, in their eyes, government preventing them from even trying is nothing more than officially sanctioned murder. Y'know....the sort The Democrat Party wants imposed via quotas and rationing of nationalized "health care".

No the baby must come first, the baby is terminally ill.

I'm anti-Abortion and this baby needs to die with dignity and not have it's suffering prolonged by the selfish parents who obviously don't give a crap if the baby is suffering and has no chance to LIVE or they wouldn't want to prolong it's suffering by dragging it half way across the world for some Voodoo Medical shit that has zero chance of working as it's experimental and will probably prolong the babies suffering and it's going to die anyhow because it's terminally ill.
On the surface this looks like another reason to avoid single payer insurance. But when you read into the article, the government is preventing the parents from paying the medical bills themselves.

Terminally ill baby Charlie Gard’s parents ‘utterly distraught’ after losing final appeal in European court – meaning their son’s life support WILL be switched off.

That baby is terminally ill in the medical defination, I support switching off life support machines in these terrible cases, he has no chance to recover, keeping anyone hooked to a life support machine is very cruel and prolongs their suffering, it's best to switch it off and let them slip away in peace and as fast as possible.

They want to take him to America for a "therapy trial" that is experimental, meaning it won't work and will prolong that poor babies suffering.

The parents are think of themselves and not the baby, they can hopefully have another baby, this baby though is terminally ill and he needs to be allowed to die with dignity and slip away as peacefully and quickly as possible.
Newsflash: we are all born terminally ill.

^ WTF that is one of the most ridiculous comments I've ever read.

We are NOT born terminally ill. I'm anti-Abortion but I'm NOT some fucking FANATIC that says a baby has to be FORCED to SUFFER, there is a thing called Mercy and a thing called Compassion, to FORCE a terminally ill baby or a terminally ill adult to have their suffering prolonged is absolute SADISM.
On the surface this looks like another reason to avoid single payer insurance. But when you read into the article, the government is preventing the parents from paying the medical bills themselves.

Terminally ill baby Charlie Gard’s parents ‘utterly distraught’ after losing final appeal in European court – meaning their son’s life support WILL be switched off.

That baby is terminally ill, I support switching off life support machines in these terrible cases, he has no chance to recover, keeping anyone hooked to a life support machine is very cruel and prolongs their suffering, it's best to switch it off and let them slip away in peace and as fast as possible.

They want to take him to America for a "therapy trial" that is experimental, meaning it won't work and will prolong that poor babies suffering.

The parents are think of themselves and not the baby, they can hopefully have another baby, this baby though is terminally ill and he needs to be allowed to die with dignity and slip away as peacefully and quickly as possible.

"But when you read into the article, the government is preventing the parents from paying the medical bills themselves."

I find nothing in that article that says the British Government is preventing them from paying anything, they raised the money, but they cannot take the baby to America for some Voodoo Experimental shit that has a zero chance of saving the baby.

Actually the parents should be un encourgaed NOT to have another baby, this baby is dying of a rare genetic condition, the chances could be that another baby would also have this, why would you deliberately want to bring another baby into the world that might have this condition and make another baby suffer? They would be best to adopt a few babies, there are babies who need adopting and a loving home.

View attachment 136064
The parents raised over 1.4 million pounds to pay for the therapy. Courts said too bad.

A lot of people suffer with various ailments. Shall we refuse to help them? Think of the cost savings.
On the surface this looks like another reason to avoid single payer insurance. But when you read into the article, the government is preventing the parents from paying the medical bills themselves.

Terminally ill baby Charlie Gard’s parents ‘utterly distraught’ after losing final appeal in European court – meaning their son’s life support WILL be switched off.

That baby is terminally ill in the medical defination, I support switching off life support machines in these terrible cases, he has no chance to recover, keeping anyone hooked to a life support machine is very cruel and prolongs their suffering, it's best to switch it off and let them slip away in peace and as fast as possible.

They want to take him to America for a "therapy trial" that is experimental, meaning it won't work and will prolong that poor babies suffering.

The parents are think of themselves and not the baby, they can hopefully have another baby, this baby though is terminally ill and he needs to be allowed to die with dignity and slip away as peacefully and quickly as possible.
Newsflash: we are all born terminally ill.

^ WTF that is one of the most ridiculous comments I've ever read.

We are NOT born terminally ill. I'm anti-Abortion but I'm NOT some fucking FANATIC that says a baby has to be FORCED to SUFFER, there is a thing called Mercy and a thing called Compassion, to FORCE a terminally ill baby or a terminally ill adult to have their suffering prolonged is absolute SADISM.
Last I checked the death rate of everyone born is 100%.
On the surface this looks like another reason to avoid single payer insurance. But when you read into the article, the government is preventing the parents from paying the medical bills themselves.

Terminally ill baby Charlie Gard’s parents ‘utterly distraught’ after losing final appeal in European court – meaning their son’s life support WILL be switched off.

That baby is terminally ill, I support switching off life support machines in these terrible cases, he has no chance to recover, keeping anyone hooked to a life support machine is very cruel and prolongs their suffering, it's best to switch it off and let them slip away in peace and as fast as possible.

They want to take him to America for a "therapy trial" that is experimental, meaning it won't work and will prolong that poor babies suffering.

The parents are think of themselves and not the baby, they can hopefully have another baby, this baby though is terminally ill and he needs to be allowed to die with dignity and slip away as peacefully and quickly as possible.

"But when you read into the article, the government is preventing the parents from paying the medical bills themselves."

I find nothing in that article that says the British Government is preventing them from paying anything, they raised the money, but they cannot take the baby to America for some Voodoo Experimental shit that has a zero chance of saving the baby.

Actually the parents should be un encourgaed NOT to have another baby, this baby is dying of a rare genetic condition, the chances could be that another baby would also have this, why would you deliberately want to bring another baby into the world that might have this condition and make another baby suffer? They would be best to adopt a few babies, there are babies who need adopting and a loving home.

View attachment 136064
The parents raised over 1.4 million pounds to pay for the therapy. Courts said too bad.

A lot of people suffer with various ailments. Shall we refuse to help them? Think of the cost savings.

Yes so where does that mean that the British Government is preventing them from paying anything? Which is what you said it said.

We are not talking about "various ailments" we are talking Terminally Ill, what part of Terminally Ill DON'T you understand?

You fucking fanatic, you are one of the ones who wishes for Armageddon of course to be Raptured :funnyface:

Please get a grip!
On the surface this looks like another reason to avoid single payer insurance. But when you read into the article, the government is preventing the parents from paying the medical bills themselves.

Terminally ill baby Charlie Gard’s parents ‘utterly distraught’ after losing final appeal in European court – meaning their son’s life support WILL be switched off.

That baby is terminally ill, I support switching off life support machines in these terrible cases, he has no chance to recover, keeping anyone hooked to a life support machine is very cruel and prolongs their suffering, it's best to switch it off and let them slip away in peace and as fast as possible.

They want to take him to America for a "therapy trial" that is experimental, meaning it won't work and will prolong that poor babies suffering.

The parents are think of themselves and not the baby, they can hopefully have another baby, this baby though is terminally ill and he needs to be allowed to die with dignity and slip away as peacefully and quickly as possible.

"But when you read into the article, the government is preventing the parents from paying the medical bills themselves."

I find nothing in that article that says the British Government is preventing them from paying anything, they raised the money, but they cannot take the baby to America for some Voodoo Experimental shit that has a zero chance of saving the baby.

Actually the parents should be un encourgaed NOT to have another baby, this baby is dying of a rare genetic condition, the chances could be that another baby would also have this, why would you deliberately want to bring another baby into the world that might have this condition and make another baby suffer? They would be best to adopt a few babies, there are babies who need adopting and a loving home.

View attachment 136064
The parents raised over 1.4 million pounds to pay for the therapy. Courts said too bad.

A lot of people suffer with various ailments. Shall we refuse to help them? Think of the cost savings.

Yes so where does that mean that the British Government is preventing them from paying anything? Which is what you said it said.

We are not talking about "various ailments" we are talking Terminally Ill, what part of Terminally Ill DON'T you understand?

You fucking fanatic, you are one of the ones who wishes for Armageddon of course to be Raptured :funnyface:

Please get a grip!
My father in law was diagnosed as terminally ill and given 3 months. 15 years later of fishing and having fun he died of an unrelated cause.
On the surface this looks like another reason to avoid single payer insurance. But when you read into the article, the government is preventing the parents from paying the medical bills themselves.

Terminally ill baby Charlie Gard’s parents ‘utterly distraught’ after losing final appeal in European court – meaning their son’s life support WILL be switched off.

That baby is terminally ill, I support switching off life support machines in these terrible cases, he has no chance to recover, keeping anyone hooked to a life support machine is very cruel and prolongs their suffering, it's best to switch it off and let them slip away in peace and as fast as possible.

They want to take him to America for a "therapy trial" that is experimental, meaning it won't work and will prolong that poor babies suffering.

The parents are think of themselves and not the baby, they can hopefully have another baby, this baby though is terminally ill and he needs to be allowed to die with dignity and slip away as peacefully and quickly as possible.

"But when you read into the article, the government is preventing the parents from paying the medical bills themselves."

I find nothing in that article that says the British Government is preventing them from paying anything, they raised the money, but they cannot take the baby to America for some Voodoo Experimental shit that has a zero chance of saving the baby.

Actually the parents should be un encourgaed NOT to have another baby, this baby is dying of a rare genetic condition, the chances could be that another baby would also have this, why would you deliberately want to bring another baby into the world that might have this condition and make another baby suffer? They would be best to adopt a few babies, there are babies who need adopting and a loving home.

View attachment 136064
The parents raised over 1.4 million pounds to pay for the therapy. Courts said too bad.

A lot of people suffer with various ailments. Shall we refuse to help them? Think of the cost savings.

Yes so where does that mean that the British Government is preventing them from paying anything? Which is what you said it said.

We are not talking about "various ailments" we are talking Terminally Ill, what part of Terminally Ill DON'T you understand?

You fucking fanatic, you are one of the ones who wishes for Armageddon of course to be Raptured :funnyface:

Please get a grip!
My father in law was diagnosed as terminally ill and given 3 months. 15 years later of fishing and having fun he died of an unrelated cause.
My husband was terminally ill with liver disease. He was given 6 months to live without a transplant. He started on some unapproved voodoo medicine. A year later he was taken off the transplant list. 12 years later he died of an unrelated cause.
That baby is terminally ill, I support switching off life support machines in these terrible cases, he has no chance to recover, keeping anyone hooked to a life support machine is very cruel and prolongs their suffering, it's best to switch it off and let them slip away in peace and as fast as possible.

They want to take him to America for a "therapy trial" that is experimental, meaning it won't work and will prolong that poor babies suffering.

The parents are think of themselves and not the baby, they can hopefully have another baby, this baby though is terminally ill and he needs to be allowed to die with dignity and slip away as peacefully and quickly as possible.

"But when you read into the article, the government is preventing the parents from paying the medical bills themselves."

I find nothing in that article that says the British Government is preventing them from paying anything, they raised the money, but they cannot take the baby to America for some Voodoo Experimental shit that has a zero chance of saving the baby.

Actually the parents should be un encourgaed NOT to have another baby, this baby is dying of a rare genetic condition, the chances could be that another baby would also have this, why would you deliberately want to bring another baby into the world that might have this condition and make another baby suffer? They would be best to adopt a few babies, there are babies who need adopting and a loving home.

View attachment 136064
The parents raised over 1.4 million pounds to pay for the therapy. Courts said too bad.

A lot of people suffer with various ailments. Shall we refuse to help them? Think of the cost savings.

Yes so where does that mean that the British Government is preventing them from paying anything? Which is what you said it said.

We are not talking about "various ailments" we are talking Terminally Ill, what part of Terminally Ill DON'T you understand?

You fucking fanatic, you are one of the ones who wishes for Armageddon of course to be Raptured :funnyface:

Please get a grip!
My father in law was diagnosed as terminally ill and given 3 months. 15 years later of fishing and having fun he died of an unrelated cause.
My husband was terminally ill with liver disease. He was given 6 months to live without a transplant. He started on some unapproved voodoo medicine. A year later he was taken off the transplant list. 12 years later he died of an unrelated cause.
Identical. He took megadoses of vitamins, docs said you're going to die anyway so do what you want. Year later they can't find the cancer.
That baby is terminally ill, I support switching off life support machines in these terrible cases, he has no chance to recover, keeping anyone hooked to a life support machine is very cruel and prolongs their suffering, it's best to switch it off and let them slip away in peace and as fast as possible.

They want to take him to America for a "therapy trial" that is experimental, meaning it won't work and will prolong that poor babies suffering.

The parents are think of themselves and not the baby, they can hopefully have another baby, this baby though is terminally ill and he needs to be allowed to die with dignity and slip away as peacefully and quickly as possible.

"But when you read into the article, the government is preventing the parents from paying the medical bills themselves."

I find nothing in that article that says the British Government is preventing them from paying anything, they raised the money, but they cannot take the baby to America for some Voodoo Experimental shit that has a zero chance of saving the baby.

Actually the parents should be un encourgaed NOT to have another baby, this baby is dying of a rare genetic condition, the chances could be that another baby would also have this, why would you deliberately want to bring another baby into the world that might have this condition and make another baby suffer? They would be best to adopt a few babies, there are babies who need adopting and a loving home.

View attachment 136064
The parents raised over 1.4 million pounds to pay for the therapy. Courts said too bad.

A lot of people suffer with various ailments. Shall we refuse to help them? Think of the cost savings.

Yes so where does that mean that the British Government is preventing them from paying anything? Which is what you said it said.

We are not talking about "various ailments" we are talking Terminally Ill, what part of Terminally Ill DON'T you understand?

You fucking fanatic, you are one of the ones who wishes for Armageddon of course to be Raptured :funnyface:

Please get a grip!
My father in law was diagnosed as terminally ill and given 3 months. 15 years later of fishing and having fun he died of an unrelated cause.
My husband was terminally ill with liver disease. He was given 6 months to live without a transplant. He started on some unapproved voodoo medicine. A year later he was taken off the transplant list. 12 years later he died of an unrelated cause.

It's a situation where we have to agree to disagree, we are allowed to disagree about somethings, people on the Right are not into Group Think.

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