UK: Violence against women / children


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
Five men have been arrested over the alleged sexual exploitation of a teenage girl in Greater Manchester.

The arrests, made during police raids, follow allegations by a 15-year-old girl that she was raped by several men between July 2011 and September 2012.

The men were arrested at addresses in Bolton and Farnworth on suspicion of rape and conspiracy to rape.

They were subsequently released on police bail until 15 January, a Greater Manchester Police (GMP) spokesman said.

Earlier the spokesman said police "believed that some of those arrested are known each other".

Det Ch Supt Mary Doyle said the girl was being supported by officers while the allegations were being investigated.

"These are always difficult and complex investigations," she added.

"The individuals concerned do not use their own names - they will use a series of nicknames and not necessarily the same [ones].

"It has been a painstaking investigation in order to identify the ones we have [arrested]."

BBC News - Bolton and Farnworth men held over child rape
Within three months of moving to Northampton, he subjected a woman in her 20s to a vicious sex attack that has left her “psychologically scarred”.

A judge said she “went to bed and woke up to a nightmare” as Blaj stood over her bed clutching a garden spade after breaking into her home through a downstairs window at 7am.

After throttling his victim until she was unconscious, he waited for her to wake up before attacking her with the spade and then subjecting her to the harrowing rape.

Blaj was arrested nearby and pleaded guilty to assault, burglary and rape. He also asked for a burglary at a mosque in Northampton to be taken into consideration. The rape happened in February.

Judge Rupert Mayo told Blaj: “She was an ordinary young woman who went to bed and woke up to a nightmare. This has left the victim with permanent psychological scarring.

The migrant sex beast let into Britain to rape again | UK | News | Daily Express
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Another joy of government-endorsed "diversity" on display in the once great country of Britain.
Roman Smentek (37) and housemate Krzysztof Drozdz (26) were both given sentences of eight years and nine months at Hull Crown Court on Wednesday. The 19-year-old victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, had caught a taxi to the wrong address after an evening at a nightclub in the city. She told the court that she believes her drink had been spiked. A member of the public tried to intervene to help the student on seeing her in a disorientated state in the street, just a few doors down from her family home.


See more at: Poles jailed in UK for student rape - :: News from Poland
According to the prosecution at Manchester crown court, he once raped the girl as she clutched one of her teddy bears while he held another over her mouth.

He allegedly told her: "It's OK, just keep calm, stay asleep … I'm going to get rid of the evil."

Le Vell denies five counts of rape, three of indecent assault and two each of sexual activity with a child ,and causing a child to engage in such activity.

Michael Le Vell: 'I cannot explain rape allegation. I'm like a lost soul' | UK news | The Guardian
The GM case is probably one of the THOUSANDS of Islamic paedophile grooming cases the UK authorities have ignored for years.
The last government were terrified to stand up for the mere white girls attacked in this epidemic of paedophile grooming in the Islamic community.
They would kill some of the children and dispose of the bodies by serving them at kebab meat at take always.
That religion of peace hey!!
What a lovely bunch!!


Liar - The police hammer these bastards and quite right too.

As for the kebab thing, prove it.

Oh you can't because it's a Jews eat children lie.


There's always some moron, peddling total shit as fact.

Approximately 85,000 women are raped on average in England and Wales every year

In January 2013, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), Office for National Statistics (ONS) and Home Office released its first ever joint Official Statistics bulletin on sexual violence, entitled An Overview of Sexual Offending in England and Wales.

It reported that:

Approximately 85,000 women are raped on average in England and Wales every year
Over 400,000 women are sexually assaulted each year
1 in 5 women (aged 16 - 59) has experienced some form of sexual violence since the age of 16.



The 16-year old was forced to have sex six times with four different men.
The younger victim was raped by one man and then sexually assaulted by another.
One defendant, Rashid, 20, was said to have claimed the girls had enjoyed the sex, which he said had taken place as they celebrated the Muslim festival of Eid.
‘It was Eid,’ he said. ‘We treated them as our guests. OK, so they gave us [sex] but we were buying them food and drink.


Read more: Muslim gang jailed for kidnapping and raping two girls as part of their Eid celebrations | Mail Online
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They would kill some of the children and dispose of the bodies by serving them at kebab meat at take always.

I'm absolutely disgusted at this terrible Muslim savage behaviour but I see the poster has forgotten to link to the story.
I'll PM him in an effort to get him to post a link.
Let us stay on topic. The topic of this thread is violence against women and children in UK.

Former Accrington police officer guilty of child sex abuse

A RETIRED police sergeant has been found guilty of inflicting ‘appalling’ sexual and physical child abuse on two victims.

Jeffrey Lake, 78, was extradited from his home in Queensland, Australia, to stand trial on the historic offences - the vast majority of which were committed when he was a serving police officer in Accrington and Liverpool.

The defendant emigrated in 2002 and had been living there for seven years when one of the complainants walked into a police station in Lancashire and said Lake had sexually and physically abused her as a child.

The woman was interviewed at length and when the investigation widened a second person claimed he too had been abused by the defendant, Preston Crown Court was told.

She said that Lake moved from the UK to avoid his past after she had previously written letters to him describing the agony he had put her through.

Lake, who has family connections in Australia, said that was not true and he was simply looking for a better life.

He was arrested in January and brought to the UK.

Yesterday, he was found guilty of 20 allegations of historic abuse including rape, buggery, indecency with a child, indecent assault and child cruelty, said to have taken place in the 1960s and early 1970s.

Lake had served in the police in the 1950s, '60s and '70s.

Opening the case, prosecutor Louise Whaites said the female victim went on to suffer from depression and anxiety and had attempted suicide - as had the male victim in the case.

"She was clearly unable to cope with what happened to her," she said.

In the mid-1970s she wrote to the defendant and told him how she felt about what he had done to her, the jury was told.

She received no response or acknowledgement from Lake.

Following his emigration, she wrote more letters to him in which she said she was concerned that he had not changed and would go on to commit similar offences.

She said her death ‘wouldn't bring matters to a close for him’ because she had told her GP, her husband and also her children about the abuse.

Lake claimed he had never received any of the letters she said she had sent.

In December 2009, she finally made a complaint to the police.

Giving evidence, Lake denied all the charges against him and said he was ‘not of the persuasion’ of someone who sexually abuses children.

Lake, of Peregian Springs, had no previous convictions.

He was remanded in custody and will be sentenced on October 24.

Former Accrington police officer guilty of child sex abuse (From The Bolton News)
Let us stay on topic. The topic of this thread is violence against women and children in UK.

Actually, it's not.
It's a very narrow attack on Muslims as you focus on a few few sex attacks but totally ignore the rest.
The vast majority of sex attacks in the UK are committed by white, maybe even Christian, people but have to look at one tiny group as you want to spread a lie,
That being, Muslims are guilty of all the sex crime in the UK.

That doesn't deny these attacks or excuse the bastards who carried them out, just focuses on your real intention with this thread.
Let us stay on topic. The topic of this thread is violence against women and children in UK.

Actually, it's not.
It's a very narrow attack on Muslims as you focus on a few few sex attacks but totally ignore the rest.
The vast majority of sex attacks in the UK are committed by white, maybe even Christian, people but have to look at one tiny group as you want to spread a lie,
That being, Muslims are guilty of all the sex crime in the UK.

That doesn't deny these attacks or excuse the bastards who carried them out, just focuses on your real intention with this thread.

You are wrong. Anyone who would go through this thread could see that I have posted the news items about violence against women and children in this thread. In some cases offenders were muslims and some cases offenders were christians. You seem to want me to filter out the news items that talk about cases where offenders were muslims.

I am not interested in the race and religion of the offenders. I am interested in knowing what UK government is doing to stop the violence against women and children in UK.

Do not derail this thread.
A man was today convicted of raping a deaf girl he trafficked into the country with his wife from Pakistan.

The young victim, who couldn't speak, suffered a decade of harrowing sexual abuse at the hands of Ilyas Ashar.

She was also forced to work at the family home in Eccles, Salford, as a domestic servant and slept in the cellar. Under the threat of violence, she was made to cook, clean, sew and wash cars for the family and their friends.

The conviction of Ilyas Ashar, 84, is the culmination of two lengthy and unique criminal trials.

The victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was only able to detail the extent of her abuse to police after she was taught basic sign language by experts.

She was brought to Salford from a village in Lahore, Pakistan, in 2000 aged around nine or 10. Her exact date of birth is not known.

But the sign language she was taught by experts over months led to his conviction after she signed her evidence to a jury in a series of long court sittings.

The girl called Ilyas Ashar 'the bad old man'.

Ilyas Ashar was remanded in custody ahead of sentence.

He was warned by judge Peter Lakin that he faces a substantial jail sentence.

The verdicts bring to an end a painstaking investigation by Greater Manchester Police codenamed Operation Seafarer. It was launched four years ago in 2009 when the victim, who couldn't read or write and communicated with facial gestures, was found sleeping in a camp bed in a cellar at the family home on Cromwell Road.

Today the brave victim is celebrating new hope after she was rescued from their evil clutches.

Her life has been transformed thanks to police, social workers and sign language experts.

Now thought to in her early twenties, she is receiving lessons in numeracy and literacy at a college and has told police, who continue to monitor her progress, that she enjoys walking in fresh air, travelling on buses and visiting fairgrounds.

She is said to be living 'semi-independently' at a secret address.

The full extent of the orphan's terrible plight can finally be revealed after reporting restrictions were lifted by a judge in court.

The girl, who weighed just 4st 8lb, was taught to sign her name by the family, who used her to claim more than £30,000 in benefits which they kept.

The Ashars, who have five children, own and rent out properties in the Salford area. They also own property in Pakistan, including a factory, and are understood to have links to a market stall.

Ilyas Ashar was found guilty today at a re-trial of 13 counts of rape.

He was found guilty last year after trial of two counts of trafficking a person into the UK for exploitation.

His wife Tallat Ashar, 68, was found guilty at the same trial last year of two counts of trafficking a person into the UK for exploitation.

The couple, alongside their daughter Faaiza Ashar, 46, a former bank clerk from Milton Road, Eccles, were also found guilty of benefit fraud.

The jury failed to reach a verdict on charges of false imprisonment, which both Ilyas and Tallat Ashar denied.

All three will be sentenced at a later date.

The girl's plight was uncovered after police and Salford trading standards investigators went to the house as part of an investigation into money laundering.

Her details had been used on bank accounts linked to the couple and officers asked to speak to her when they attended the house.

Chief Supt Mary Doyle, head of Salford Police, said the girl suffered years of 'domestic exploitation' at the hands of the Ashar family.

She said: “What is remarkable – and the most important aspect of this unusual case – is that the victim has emerged a confident, well-adjusted and determined young woman.

“It is truly amazing how she has turned her life round and we have nothing but the utmost respect for her.

“At no stage have the defendants shown any remorse, or admitted to what they did to a girl, who was only as young as 10 when this began.

"Despite the fact that her disabilities would have been apparent to anyone, they never once sought help for her or let her get any kind of formal or informal education.”

Guilty: Ilyas Ashar convicted of raping deaf girl he trafficked into UK from Pakistan - Manchester Evening News
Rape has become a reality of horror for women in UK. The result is rise of women who specialize in offering advises to women on preventing rape.


'Don't drink if you don't want to get raped': Female advice columnist causes backlash with controversial opinion on how to prevent sexual assault

Read more: 'Don't drink if you don't want to get raped': Female advice columnist causes backlash with controversial opinion on how to prevent sexual assault | Mail Online
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