Ukraine bombs fuel deport near Moscow

lol So the US had this intention all along and it is only a coincidence that the US did nothing about it until Russia invaded Ukraine? What you are describing, of course, is Russia's intentions toward Ukraine.
Everybody who has become serious about the facts will know that it was US interference in the Donbas region that is the cause of America's proxy war with Russia.

Burying that truth is about the equivalent of the US media attempts to lessen the fact that the US was wrong on the missile attack on Poland.

Why did Biden bungle it so badly?
lol So the US had this intention all along and it is only a coincidence that the US did nothing about it until Russia invaded Ukraine? What you are describing, of course, is Russia's intentions toward Ukraine.
Facts make undesirable bed partners toomuch.

Everybody who has become serious about the facts will know that it was US interference in the Donbas region that is the cause of America's proxy war with Russia.

Burying that truth is about the equivalent of the US media attempts to lessen the fact that the US was wrong on the missile attack on Poland.

Why did Biden bungle it so badly?
Everyone who is serious about the truth knows that the problems in the Donbass region was a proxy war Russia was waging against Ukraine, and that while the US favored Ukraine freeing itself from Russia, there it took no part in Russia's proxy war against Ukraine.

The US favored Ukraine turning to the West but took no actions to make it happen; on the other hand, Russia opposed Ukrainian ties to the West and invaded Ukraine, killing thousands of Ukrainians, and stole large amounts of Ukrainian lands and violated every relevant law or treaty doing this.
Everyone who is serious about the truth knows that the problems in the Donbass region was a proxy war Russia was waging against Ukraine, and that while the US favored Ukraine freeing itself from Russia, there it took no part in Russia's proxy war against Ukraine.

The US favored Ukraine turning to the West but took no actions to make it happen; on the other hand, Russia opposed Ukrainian ties to the West and invaded Ukraine, killing thousands of Ukrainians, and stole large amounts of Ukrainian lands and violated every relevant law or treaty doing this.
And this is not to mention the fact that Russia annexed Crimea with Obama's blessing.
Facts make undesirable bed partners toomuch.

Actually the dipshit who wrote this article has it all wrong. The hostility of the civilized world toward Russia began in earnest in 2008 when the US and Europe levied sanctions against Russia because of its invasion on Georgia and should have begun back in 1999 when Putin threw out the newly signed peace treaty with Chechnya and began slaughtering the Chechen people and then the US and Europe put more sanctions against Russia when Russia began a proxy war against Ukraine and then used it as an excuse for invading Ukraine and stealing as much land as it could.

Putin announced he was about to start a new Cold War in a 2004 speech in which he said the dissolution of the USSR was unacceptable to him and it posed a security threat he promised to fix, and actually started the new Cold War by attacking countries that he considered part of the Russian empire, and that is why Russia is no longer considered part of the civilized world.
That's news to me. I don't really know how photo evidence can clinch it though. I'm no expert on that.

Oh I am sorry I was just saying anything which it might be because I could not remember. I think it is somewhere in the thread which begins '2 Russian Stray' but you may have quite a look.
I think the US won't ever go so far as a nuclear war.

I believe WW3 will be nuclear war very very quickly. I cannot see how it would not. Anyone who agreed to it would have to be agreeing to that and not wanting that is what I felt I could pick up from a lot of the people who I heard speaking that night.

But I'm trying to understand all the in's and outs of the situation and how the war can be conducted with mutually agreed upon limiitations.
There would be no mutually agreed limitations. If Russia was as strong militarily as the US and NATO combined then possibly though the very idea is crazy. Of course Russia has its hypersonic weapons which should get its nukes to the UK. North America and Europe before anyone would notice and I hear they have other blood curdling weapons which can travel by hypersonic but I don't know if that is true.
No, not the mainstream in the US pentagon but there is an element that does. I found out the facts on a military forum, which I assume you could be referring to.
Yes, you told me you had found out there that they believe they can win a nuclear war. I think they may have a problem in believing that Russia will not use its nukes and just let them come in and take everything. I know you agree with me that this would not happen, As I said before the US has forgotten that you only avoid MAD if you do not push a nuclear power past what it would take and I fear the US could do that. If I am wrong then the hopefully they will be wanting peace asap having seen how close we came to this.
There's a great deal at stake for America right now. They are destined to lose their hold on uncontested world hegemony.

They have all but lost it and the dollar is on the way out of being reserve currency.
Russia plays a big part in that, in that Russia and China combined will be the most powerful economic power by far. China alone yes too, but by a narrower gap.

Nobody who has examined the proceedings could be unaware that the war was fomented by America.

In fact, nobody still is on the Vietnam war being strictly US criminal aggression.

None of America's wars I'm familiar with have ever been justifiable on any legal grounds or moral grounds.
Very few wars are just wars. Politicians believe the way to get us to accept them is to go on and on about how Brutal one side is and how pitiful and pure the other is but I seem to remember that all wars are about money.
Facts make undesirable bed partners toomuch.

It's quite amazing how little knowledge people have. It is of course the intent of Government. People need to look.
Oh I am sorry I was just saying anything which it might be because I could not remember. I think it is somewhere in the thread which begins '2 Russian Stray' but you may have quite a look.

I believe WW3 will be nuclear war very very quickly. I cannot see how it would not. Anyone who agreed to it would have to be agreeing to that and not wanting that is what I felt I could pick up from a lot of the people who I heard speaking that night.

There would be no mutually agreed limitations. If Russia was as strong militarily as the US and NATO combined then possibly though the very idea is crazy. Of course Russia has its hypersonic weapons which should get its nukes to the UK. North America and Europe before anyone would notice and I hear they have other blood curdling weapons which can travel by hypersonic but I don't know if that is true.

Yes, you told me you had found out there that they believe they can win a nuclear war. I think they may have a problem in believing that Russia will not use its nukes and just let them come in and take everything. I know you agree with me that this would not happen, As I said before the US has forgotten that you only avoid MAD if you do not push a nuclear power past what it would take and I fear the US could do that. If I am wrong then the hopefully they will be wanting peace asap having seen how close we came to this.

They have all but lost it and the dollar is on the way out of being reserve currency.

Very few wars are just wars. Politicians believe the way to get us to accept them is to go on and on about how Brutal one side is and how pitiful and pure the other is but I seem to remember that all wars are about money.
It's all good for the sake of discussion and even for encouraging Americans to try to think some of the questions out.

Here's some food for thought. The more densely populated countries are more vulnerable to the effects of nuclear war than the less densely populated large countries.

Of all possibilities, that's the only consideration we can imagine for one side or the other to shirk off the MAD threat as being survivable.
It's quite amazing how little knowledge people have. It is of course the intent of Government. People need to look.
There's always a danger of their wars getting so much exposure that nothing remains a secret anymore.

The reason why propaganda professionals need to have the people lapping it up out of the palms of their hands.
It's quite amazing how little knowledge people have. It is of course the intent of Government. People need to look.
In other words you think people can find enlightenment by fully embracing Russian ant West propaganda.
They have all but lost it and the dollar is on the way out of being reserve currency.

Very few wars are just wars. Politicians believe the way to get us to accept them is to go on and on about how Brutal one side is and how pitiful and pure the other is but I seem to remember that all wars are about money.
It's all good for the sake of discussion and even for encouraging Americans to try to think some of the questions out.

Here's some food for thought. The more densely populated countries are more vulnerable to the effects of nuclear war than the less densely populated large countries.

Of all possibilities, that's the only consideration we can imagine for one side or the other to shirk off the MAD threat as being survivable.

It could be the bumbling idiots in DC know their world hegemony and imperialist war machine is coming to an end, should the dollar lose world currency status. They unlike Russia may be thinking they are backed into a corner with nothing to lose. So they pull the trigger on nukes.
It's all good for the sake of discussion and even for encouraging Americans to try to think some of the questions out.

Here's some food for thought. The more densely populated countries are more vulnerable to the effects of nuclear war than the less densely populated large countries.

Of all possibilities, that's the only consideration we can imagine for one side or the other to shirk off the MAD threat as being survivable.

It could be the bumbling idiots in DC know their world hegemony and imperialist war machine is coming to an end, should the dollar lose world currency status. They unlike Russia may be thinking they are backed into a corner with nothing to lose. So they pull the trigger on nukes.
So you think rather than face life without Ukraine, Russia would prefer to commit suicide? Spoken like a true psychopathr.
It's all good for the sake of discussion and even for encouraging Americans to try to think some of the questions out.

Here's some food for thought. The more densely populated countries are more vulnerable to the effects of nuclear war than the less densely populated large countries.

Of all possibilities, that's the only consideration we can imagine for one side or the other to shirk off the MAD threat as being survivable.

It could be the bumbling idiots in DC know their world hegemony and imperialist war machine is coming to an end, should the dollar lose world currency status. They unlike Russia may be thinking they are backed into a corner with nothing to lose. So they pull the trigger on nukes.
I hear you.

There's never in the history of the world an instance of the most powerful empire being any different.

Who is still unaware of the UK's unspeakable crimes against humanity that went on for centuries?

Who of them would be unaware of their crimes against their own people?
It could be the bumbling idiots in DC know their world hegemony and imperialist war machine is coming to an end, should the dollar lose world currency status. They unlike Russia may be thinking they are backed into a corner with nothing to lose. So they pull the trigger on nukes.
I hear you.

There's never in the history of the world an instance of the most powerful empire being any different.

Who is still unaware of the UK's unspeakable crimes against humanity that went on for centuries?

Who of them would be unaware of their crimes against their own people?
History tells us a dying empire is almost always a dangerous thing.
Would it? I have heard many times talk from Russia about you being their friends as if they see what is going on now as something which will pass, which they just do not understand , so I did a search on it and this came up

I thought I had got why Putin had not declared war. It was part of your treaty. I see in 2018 after the US has helped create a coup and chosen your Parliament for you making sure it is anti Russian that you do not get on with the Russians any more. Why am I not surprised?

Trust me, peace is much better than war. Ukraine knowingly created a situation which Russia thought was an existential threat. Not Putin. All of Russia's military. I do not believe you would have made this choice if you were not expecting the biggest fighting force in the world to protect you.
I have no intention to refute your silly points here. I have already got what air you breath.

Ukraine has the right to be independent from Russia. It is Ukraine that had been attacked, no matter how hard you try to spin that.

I know you would give not only Ukraine but all of East Europe to Moscow if that ensured your personal comfort. It is your choice and you have the right on it. But don't bother me with your word salad.
I hear you.

There's never in the history of the world an instance of the most powerful empire being any different.

Who is still unaware of the UK's unspeakable crimes against humanity that went on for centuries?

Who of them would be unaware of their crimes against their own people?
History tells us a dying empire is almost always a dangerous thing.
Of course, the same thing could be said of Russia, clearly a dying empire. The difference between Russia and the UK is that the UK is no longer willing to commit horrible crimes against others in order to acquire more empire and Russia still is. One might consider the UK's, and nearly the whole world's, support for Ukraine's resistance to the Russian marauders as an intervention to help Russia advance from this primitive mindset before it destroys itself and everyone around it.
History tells us a dying empire is almost always a dangerous thing.
Of course, the same thing could be said of Russia, clearly a dying empire. The difference between Russia and the UK is that the UK is no longer willing to commit horrible crimes against others in order to acquire more empire and Russia still is. One might consider the UK's, and nearly the whole world's, support for Ukraine's resistance to the Russian marauders as an intervention to help Russia advance from this primitive mindset before it destroys itself and everyone around it.
The Soviet empire died an almost bloodless death. The US Empire isn’t likely to go the same way.
Of course, the same thing could be said of Russia, clearly a dying empire. The difference between Russia and the UK is that the UK is no longer willing to commit horrible crimes against others in order to acquire more empire and Russia still is. One might consider the UK's, and nearly the whole world's, support for Ukraine's resistance to the Russian marauders as an intervention to help Russia advance from this primitive mindset before it destroys itself and everyone around it.
The Soviet empire died an almost bloodless death. The US Empire isn’t likely to go the same way.
Before there was a Soviet empire, there had been a Russian empire and even as Russia was trying to become a democracy and move to a market-based economy, sinister individuals like Putin, Russian ultranationalists, were plotting Russia's downfall and its return to imperialism. In 2004, Putin told the world that the breakup of the Soviet empire was unacceptable to him and posed a risk to Russia's security and this year Putin praised the imperialist wars of Peter the Great and stated flatly that he had the same mission as Peter had had. Putin and the other ultranationalists have plucked Russia from the doorstep of becoming a civilized nation and turned its goals toward returning to Russia's violent bloody past and you, yourself, have said this may lead to the utter destruction of Russia.

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