Ukraine bombs fuel deport near Moscow

natasha why are you so much in muslims ?



This is too funny.

This Board is so crowded with super patriotic american clowns completely out of control, utterly unable to see the Russian side of the equation, trying to be more pro-Ukraine than the Azov Battalion itself that the only Ukrainian member participating in the debate actually sounds like a moderate compared to them. :biggrin:
I should admit that if not those 'super patriotic american clowns' almost all of Ukraine would have been under the Putin’s regime thumb already. I have far grater respect for them than for you so called peace loving loons.
Well Zelensky has done it. The first Ukranian attack into Russia. He was determined to get NATO to believe it was a deliberate Russian attack on Poland. I was reading this morning that many in NATO were getting fed up with him refusing to accept reality but now they have gone and bombed an oil Refinery which is apparently 40 miles inside Russia. The first I read said near Moscow but possibly not.

Zelensky did not want peace talks and the Biden apparently talked him into them. Now of course as he would have known Russia has said no to peace talks after this. It is not the time,

Will Zelensky get his wish for the war to spread further which seems to be what this action is about?
War is so cool.


When do we get to see nukes?
iF You keep this up you are going to be reported. I suggest you go and have a look at the rules to find out which one you would fit because there is one.
natsha you can start with reporting this "Fuck off you dirty slimey NAZI"
You are playing a game and I am not playing with you. You appear to be saying the UK was an Imperialistic power so it is fine for the US to be one too to go in, destroy Russia and take all its resources completely ignoring that Russia has nukes. That is what makes the situation different and that is what I said in the original post on this.

The other things you mentioned are just things you do not know. I suggest you do some research. Then you will not feel so alone on the board. No one can do that for you. Now please quit this. It is bed time here and I am not into your games.
Well Zelensky has done it. The first Ukranian attack into Russia. He was determined to get NATO to believe it was a deliberate Russian attack on Poland. I was reading this morning that many in NATO were getting fed up with him refusing to accept reality but now they have gone and bombed an oil Refinery which is apparently 40 miles inside Russia. The first I read said near Moscow but possibly not.

Zelensky did not want peace talks and the Biden apparently talked him into them. Now of course as he would have known Russia has said no to peace talks after this. It is not the time,

Will Zelensky get his wish for the war to spread further which seems to be what this action is about?
You are citing Reuters. One of the most notoriously infamous fake news sources on the fucking planet.
You appear to be saying the UK was an Imperialistic power so it is fine for the US to be one too
You painted the US as being imperialistic without ANY substantiation. Your hypocrisy got you in your position. I said, and I'll repeat it so you'll get it this time "Not my countries, Not my war" Your capitulation only came about when you were faced with actual UK imperialism in the Falkland Islands. Again, SCOTLAND is a member of NATO. You cannot be a member of a treaty organization and then point fingers at other members as if you bear no responsibility. Neither of those countries are members of NATO and NATO should get out of the conflict. Maybe you should BREXIT NATO and see how long the mighty UK lasts standing on its own.
I should admit that if not those 'super patriotic american clowns' almost all of Ukraine would have been under the Putin’s regime thumb already. I have far grater respect for them than for you so called peace loving loons.
Would it? I have heard many times talk from Russia about you being their friends as if they see what is going on now as something which will pass, which they just do not understand , so I did a search on it and this came up

The Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation, and Partnership between Ukraine and the Russian Federation was an agreement between Ukraine and Russia, signed in 1997, which fixed the principle of st,tegic partnership, the recognition of the inviolability of existing borders, and respect for territorial integrity and mutual commitment not to use its territory to harm the security of each other. The treaty prevents Ukraine and Russia from invading one another's country respectively, and declaring war.[2] Due to the beginning of the Russo-Ukrainian War in 2014, Ukraine announced its intention not to renew the treaty in September 2018.[3] The treaty consequently expired on 31 March 2019.[4][3] The treaty was also known as the "Big Treaty".[5][6]

Until 2019, the treaty was automatically renewed on each 10th anniversary of its signing, unless one party advised the other of its intention to end the treaty six months prior to the date of the renewal.[1][7]

Russia–Ukraine relations have deteriorated since the 2014 Russian annexation of Crimea and Russian support for separatist forces in the war in Ukraine's Donbass region.[8] In response, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko signed a decree not to extend the treaty.

I thought I had got why Putin had not declared war. It was part of your treaty. I see in 2018 after the US has helped create a coup and chosen your Parliament for you making sure it is anti Russian that you do not get on with the Russians any more. Why am I not surprised?

Trust me, peace is much better than war. Ukraine knowingly created a situation which Russia thought was an existential threat. Not Putin. All of Russia's military. I do not believe you would have made this choice if you were not expecting the biggest fighting force in the world to protect you.
Would it? I have heard many times talk from Russia about you being their friends as if they see what is going on now as something which will pass, which they just do not understand , so I did a search on it and this came up

I thought I had got why Putin had not declared war. It was part of your treaty. I see in 2018 after the US has helped create a coup and chosen your Parliament for you making sure it is anti Russian that you do not get on with the Russians any more. Why am I not surprised?

Trust me, peace is much better than war. Ukraine knowingly created a situation which Russia thought was an existential threat. Not Putin. All of Russia's military. I do not believe you would have made this choice if you were not expecting the biggest fighting force in the world to protect you.
You are wrong on so many counts, where do I begin. First the 1997 agreement was Putin speak for "we'll be friends as long as you do what I say." Second, in 2014, Russia violated the "borders clause" when they annexed Crimea with that spineless Obama's blessing. Third, Russia again violated the borders clause when they invaded Ukraine earlier this year. The battle is between Russia and Ukraine--no one else. You are not thinking clearly, you need sleep. Go to bed.
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beingIt was a very hurtful propaganda hit against Poland too but it would be interesting to learn why?

Poland still wants this to be a provocation that can justify Art.5, when the damage has already been done to the US propaganda effort that went off halfcocked.

Much better that the US carefully orchestrates a much cleaner provocation for world war, if that's what America must have?

Could the confusion be something to do with Biden's very messy handling of the early reports? Russia must have made a recorded video on that faux pas in case the point was pushed by the Ukraine.
As to the possibility of any investigative clues being played with, Para Bellum on a different thread said how the right people got there early and managed to photo and do whatever you need to do to make sure that does not happen.

I just can't believe the US would go so far. Oh I remember you believe they believe a nuclear war can be won. I would have expected to live for no longer than 5 days if Article 5 had come in and most people I heard did sound like they did not want it either though they later started adding that it was still Russia's fault and other things, no doubt to appease Zelensky.
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I will give you that I possibly should have waited with this one. It wasn't as big as I thought. However there is little which anyone said which us dependent on it being so so what you are saying is just you having a hissy.
No, No, No, you don't get off with a disagree. Sound familiar? I answered your concerns with actual, provable points in rebuttal to your assertions. If you want a sounding board for people that agree with you, find another board, otherwise, debate.
What resources did the US take? Iraq is self governing. Next?
The US and UK attacked Iraq on lies. It's interest was its oil. It is still there. The Iraq war was an illegal war. Anything which the Russians are doing to the Ukrainians does not carry a patch on what the US did to the Iraqis - that I heard on a video by an American talking about Crimea who was very definite that Russia was iho Responsible
You are playing a game and I am not playing with you. You appear to be saying the UK was an Imperialistic power so it is fine for the US to be one too to go in, destroy Russia and take all its resources completely ignoring that Russia has nukes. That is what makes the situation different and that is what I said in the original post on this.

The other things you mentioned are just things you do not know. I suggest you do some research. Then you will not feel so alone on the board. No one can do that for you. Now please quit this. It is bed time here and I am not into your games.
lol So the US had this intention all along and it is only a coincidence that the US did nothing about it until Russia invaded Ukraine? What you are describing, of course, is Russia's intentions toward Ukraine.
As to the possibility of any investigative clues being played with Para Bellum on a different thread said how the right people got there early and managed to photo and do whatever you need to do to make sure that does not happen.
That's news to me. I don't really know how photo evidence can clinch it though. I'm no expert on that.
I just can't believe the US would go so far.
I think the US won't ever go so far as a nuclear war. But I'm trying to understand all the in's and outs of the situation and how the war can be conducted with mutually agreed upon limiitations.
Oh I remember you believe they believe a nuclear war can be won.
No, not the mainstream in the US pentagon but there is an element that does. I found out the facts on a military forum, which I assume you could be referring to.
I would have expected to live for no longer than 5 days if Article 5 had come in and most people I heard did sound like they did not want it either though they later started adding that it was still Russia's fault and other things, no doubt to appease Zelensky.
There's a great deal at stake for America right now. They are destined to lose their hold on uncontested world hegemony.

Russia plays a big part in that, in that Russia and China combined will be the most powerful economic power by far. China alone yes too, but by a narrower gap.

Nobody who has examined the proceedings could be unaware that the war was fomented by America.

In fact, nobody still is on the Vietnam war being strictly US criminal aggression.

None of America's wars I'm familiar with have ever been justifiable on any legal grounds or moral grounds.
The US and UK
You left out Australia, Spain and Poland in your short list.
It's interest was its oil.
The US has not taken on ounce of Iraqi oil, although they would be justified to pay the bill for liberating the Iraqi citizenry for Hussein's tyranny.
The Iraq war was an illegal war.
In which the UK (didn't you say Scotland is part of the UK?) took part. The Falklands was an illegal war.
Ukrainians does not carry a patch on what the US did to the Iraqis
Did Ukraine attack Russia? Iraq attacked the US directly and indirectly. Directly when Hussein, unprovoked, shot a missile at the USS Stark in 1987 when Iraq was at war with Iran and indirectly when Hussein attacked Kuwait, a US ally.

If you are going to unjustly assign blame for an action, you should be ready to accept responsibility when your nation was equally involved.

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