Ukraine bombs fuel deport near Moscow

Bingo! Ukraine is NOT NATO. We have no mutual defense treaties with either country. Not my countries, not my war. I would not be at all surprised if Zelensky targeted Poland to force NATO's hand and it didn't work.

I have to admit the thought has crossed my mind too.:)
No, you couldn't. America does not invade countries in order to colonize them as Russia does and previously as the USSR did.
America didn't invade 40 countries for the advantage of laying claim to control over the world's oil supply.

Instead, it's been established and confirmed that all those wars were for those *countries' fall cabbage crops.

*and Russia's turnips.
In fact it was a US fomented proxy war that caused the Ukrainian invasion of the Donbass.

If that's not above your pay grade to understand, we'll discuss it.

I suspect we won't.
The US didn't do jackshit.

That idiot Putin invaded Ukraine and that is how the goddamn war got started.

You can take all your silly ass theories and shove it.
Thank God Ukraine does not have Nuclear Weapons.
If Ukraine still had nukes there wouldn't be a war.

We spent 20 years (in close cooperation with Russia) disarming Ukraine in exchange for security guarantees. Not just nukes- we made them get rid of tactical aircraft, strategic bombers, long range missile systems, and millions of tons of ammunition.

Guarantees that Russia has discarded entirely, and the US is only half-heartedly honoring.

The lesson for the non-nuclear weapon countries in the world is this: Don't count on the protections you think you have...
I have to admit the thought has crossed my mind too.:)
It's always possible that it was an accident by the Ukraine.

But what has been established is that immediately after it happened the blame was placed on Russia by both the US, the UK, and the Ukraine.

They also made the point on how careless Russia was to have done it, even if it was accidental by Russia.

Repeatedly, Ukraine's undisciplined and unsophisticated propagandists have caused more damage to their own country's cause, than good.
Regarding peace talks between Russia and Ukraine. Why the hell would Zelinski go that route when so many expect him to bend and give Russia the land it now illegitimately occupies? If that is the normal outcome of peace talks here is what I suggest for the good of this country.
Well Zelensky and Putin were coming to a deal in April/May but Zelensky was apparently told No. he could not deal.
They probably would have got a better deal then than they will now and they probably will do better now than in the future.

I guess they can continue the way they are going and see the outcome but unless the US and the rest of NATO can and will give them the same amount of weapons it will just be more and more dead. I heard. Don't know if it is true but I heard that Ukraine had that big spree when they were being applauded for doing so well when they had the full range of products. But they only last a month and then they were virtually all gone. It must be obvious no one can keep supplying weapons on that scale but that seems to be what Ukraine would need/
Bingo! Ukraine is NOT NATO. We have no mutual defense treaties with either country. Not my countries, not my war. I would not be at all surprised if Zelensky targeted Poland to force NATO's hand and it didn't work.
Yeah, all American secret services, Pentagon, the White House with its army of advisors, the State department etc are so gullible that could believe that false flag and only Concerned American on the USMB can open the eyes.
The US didn't do jackshit.

That idiot Putin invaded Ukraine and that is how the goddamn war got started.

You can take all your silly ass theories and shove it.
When you turn to your uncontrollable rage, we're finished.

You need to at least learn that if you blow it with me every time then your taking points become useless to the audience.
Yeah, all American secret services, Pentagon, the White House with its army of advisors, the State department etc are so gullible that could believe that false flag and only Concerned American on the USMB can open the eyes.
There's hope in the fact that there's some divisions in America over the war, due to domestic politics. Bringing home the fact to C.A. and some others that Trump is the safest and best choice over Biden, is one of my biggest accomplishments on this board.
America didn't invade 40 countries for the advantage of laying claim to control over the world's oil supply.
Outside of the US, which countries oil supplies does the US lay claim to, duck? Please be specific, provide links. I'll wait. You are lying again--do you have no shame? Don't answer, we already know.
If Ukraine still had nukes there wouldn't be a war.

Well she doesn't and they never really belonged to Ukraine. Moscow had operational ability.
We spent 20 years (in close cooperation with Russia) disarming Ukraine in exchange for security guarantees. Not just nukes- we made them get rid of tactical aircraft, strategic bombers, long range missile systems, and millions of tons of ammunition.

Guarantees that Russia has discarded entirely, and the US is only half-heartedly honoring.

The lesson for the non-nuclear weapon countries in the world is this: Don't count on the protections you think you have...
OH Gosh. If you had just kept your nose out of their affairs, they probably would be fine now. If you had even given up in 2008 it would not have been too late for Ukraine but instead you want them to feel like they are the most amazing fighters in the world and the result is you have Zelensky believing he has god given rights.
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When you turn to your uncontrollable rage, we're finished.

You need to at least learn that if you blow it with me every time then your taking points become useless to the audience.
Stop being a snowflake.

If you come up with silly ass comments that the US somehow caused the war in Ukraine then don't get all butt hurt when you are ridiculed for it.

Putin invaded the Ukraine and started the damn war. He is responsible.
Well she doesn't and they never really belonged to Ukraine. Moscow had operational ability.

OH Gosh. If you had just kept your nose out of their affairs, they probably would be fine now. If you had even given up in 2008 it would not have been too late for Ukraine but instead you want them to feel like they are the most amazing fighters in the world and the result is you have Zelensky believing he has got given rights.
Zelensky is just lucky that the mutually agreed upon rules of the war don't allow a Russian cruise missile hitting his armchair instead of down his chimney.
It has to be especially galling to some Americans who oppose their proxy war on account of their domestic politics, yet they can't allow themselves to mention their opposition to their country's war on account of other priorities driven by frustration!

Americans, if you're pro on your country's proxy war with Russia, speak out loudly.

For those who are con, either speak out or button your cakeholes. Your comments would serve better on the thread discussing knitting socks for the Ukraine's army.
Well Zelensky has done it. The first Ukranian attack into Russia. He was determined to get NATO to believe it was a deliberate Russian attack on Poland. I was reading this morning that many in NATO were getting fed up with him refusing to accept reality but now they have gone and bombed an oil Refinery which is apparently 40 miles inside Russia. The first I read said near Moscow but possibly not.

Zelensky did not want peace talks and the Biden apparently talked him into them. Now of course as he would have known Russia has said no to peace talks after this. It is not the time,

Will Zelensky get his wish for the war to spread further which seems to be what this action is about?
He shouldn't be hitting targets inside Russia.
Polland are seemingly saying this

Polish authorities warned Thursday that they have received "strong pressure" to admit that the projectile that fell Tuesday in the east of the country came from Russia and not Ukraine.

Polland are seemingly saying this

It was a very hurtful propaganda hit against Poland too but it would be interesting to learn why?

Poland still wants this to be a provocation that can justify Art.5, when the damage has already been done to the US propaganda effort that went off halfcocked.

Much better that the US carefully orchestrates a much cleaner provocation for world war, if that's what America must have?

Could the confusion be something to do with Biden's very messy handling of the early reports? Russia must have made a recorded video on that faux pas in case the point was pushed by the Ukraine.
Americans, if you're pro on your country's proxy war with Russia
Canadians, if you're pro on your country's WAR with Russia, try misdirection and point the finger at your neighbor while conveniently not taking responsibility for having troops actively engaged. Also claim ignorance to the fact that alliances are equal. Say it with me---CANADA IS A NATO MEMBER.

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