Ukraine bombs fuel deport near Moscow

I don't GAF, not my war. However, I can see justification for striking back at an aggressor inside the attacking country.
except if you could not do it with your own bombs but were doing it with bombs given to you by another country on the proviso that you don't do that.
So that sort of brings us back to Donald H's point that the USA wanted Ukraine to strike Russia. This link seems to think that too.

After Failing to Start WWIII as Planned, Biden-Harris Regime Admits It Was UKRAINIAN Air Defense, Not Russian Missiles, That Killed Two in Poland ⋆ 🔔 The Liberty Daily

To me it doesn't make sense. No one wins a nuclear war....and it would become nuclear. The other part of 'no one wins' is that you do not push anyone with nukes too far and thinking you can take over Russia make it into lots of little statelets and take all its resources would without question be pushing Russia too far.
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Are you not in full support of the USG proxy war in Ukraine?
I already gave you my answer on your similar question. I think that what you call the USG proxy war should have certain limitations. Back in May I said that for me a win for Ukraine in this war would be halting Russian advance, liberating Kharkiv oblast and the west bank of the Dnieper.

Now these goals are achieved. I don't think it is too wise to fight all the way to Sevastopol.
Originally posted by Esay
Now these goals are achieved. I don't think it is too wise to fight all the way to Sevastopol.


This is too funny.

This Board is so crowded with super patriotic american clowns completely out of control, utterly unable to see the Russian side of the equation, trying to be more pro-Ukraine than the Azov Battalion itself that the only Ukrainian member participating in the debate actually sounds like a moderate compared to them. :biggrin:
It worked for the UK. The sun never sets on it----
UH UH you do not get to the right to just put a disagree tag when you have claimed something and I have asked what on earth you are talking about. That makes you appear a coward who is not to be trusted as having any integrity.
The Russia apologists are clutching pearls over a simple missed intercept, and trying to blow it all out of proportion.

On a night when 70 Russian missiles and at least 10 Iranian drones were sent to bomb Ukrainian cities, a failed interception was mistakenly identified to be one of the many Russian missiles that were fired that night.

As long as everyone is worked up about this imaginary "escalation", they will ignore the innocent Ukrainians that are killed every day by Russia.
UH UH you do not get to the right to just put a disagree tag when you have claimed something and I have asked what on earth you are talking about. That makes you appear a coward who is not to be trusted as having any integrity.
You left out Hong Kong, Australia, Canada and many others--don't try to claim innocence of imperialism. The Brits are famous for it. BTW, the UK is a member of NATO as well.
The Russia apologists are clutching pearls over a simple missed intercept, and trying to blow it all out of proportion.

On a night when 70 Russian missiles and at least 10 Iranian drones were sent to bomb Ukrainian cities, a failed interception was mistakenly identified to be one of the many Russian missiles that were fired that night.

As long as everyone is worked up about this imaginary "escalation", they will ignore the innocent Ukrainians that are killed every day by Russia.
I will give you that I possibly should have waited with this one. It wasn't as big as I thought. However there is little which anyone said which us dependent on it being so so what you are saying is just you having a hissy.
You left out Hong Kong, Australia, Canada and many others--don't try to claim innocence of imperialism. The Brits are famous for it. BTW, the UK is a member of NATO as well.
None of those countries are part of the UK. The UK is only England Scotland N Ireland and Wales. Wha the hell does your desire to carve Russia into statelets controlled by the United States with the United States stealing its resources in a pathetic attempt not to spend most of this century and next in poverty have to do with the UK. Nothing. It will result in the rest of us all being nothing too. Do you get psychiatric help because first of all you were making strange continuous allegations at Donald H and now you have started with me.
statelets controlled by the United States with the United States stealing its resources
You and the duck keep making idiot statements like this without substantiation, so here is your chance. Name a conflict that the US has been in that was imperialistic or where the resources were taken by the US. I'll wait. BTW, you better be ready to defend your own integrity before you call someone else out. Would you care to address who controlled Hong Kong until 1997? INTEGRITY, pfffft.
You and the duck keep making idiot statements like this without substantiation, so here is your chance. Name a conflict that the US has been in that was imperialistic or where the resources were taken by the US. I'll wait. BTW, you better be ready to defend your own integrity before you call someone else out. Would you care to address who controlled Hong Kong until 1997? INTEGRITY, pfffft.

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