Ukraine in a nutshell and why it shouldn't matter TO YOU. Don't be baited by the media

Being a non interventionist Conservative I am some what neutral on this conflict.

However, I do enjoy seeing Putin make a bitch out of Joe Potatohead.

Putin must love Democrats winning an election (in this case stealing one). Last time a Democrat was Presidnt they also invaded the Ukraine. Getting to be a habit.
Staying neutral is not picking a side. There is roughly ⅓ of the population that supports unification with Russia. The Ukraine is a former Russian state.

How is this shit ANY OF OUR BUSINESS?

We can't even control our own borders and you want to obsess over a border dispute half way around the globe?
Just out of curiosity...where do you draw the line? The East coast?

I, by the way, agree pretty much...I don't think we should be sending troops into Ukraine to defend it. I'm not sure what you want Biden to do... Just ignore it? Impose no sanctions?
Trump is a businessman. He knows how to talk business to other heads of countries.
Putin is a businessman as well as being a politician. Trump got along with Putin because he knew how to actually talk TO the man, not AT him, like Brainless "Shit My Pants" Biden does.

Putin is taking this opportunity to stretch his military legs, because there is a brainless fuktard pedophile infesting our White House at the moment. Putin knows Babbling Biden isn't going to DO Putin is just playing a game of Risk.

If Trump were where he belongs, in the Oval Office........none of this would be going on. If Putin even mentioned invading another country, Trump would be in an actual conversation with the man, not throwing toddler threats at him in the media as Elephant Scrotum Faced Biden is doing!!

Whether it's Trump or someone else NOT Biden, I'd prefer a leader that knows how to speak to another leader to keep them pacified so they don't pull stunts like this.

DementiacRats only know how to spew out their personal wants and demands. They have no clue how to SPEAK INTELLIGENTLY to another person, much less treat them like a potential friend, and not an enemy!
We don't have a treaty with Ukraine and Ukraine is not a nato ally
True. It just has cooperation agreements with them. Mostly in regards to training and stuff. That's why no one is suggesting sending troops.

Instead the West is opting for sanctions. You seem to suggesting to simply accept it because "it doesn't concern us". I am pointing out that it does and why it does. Something you don't seem to actually disputing?
Trump is a businessman. He knows how to talk business to other heads of countries.
Putin is a businessman as well as being a politician. Trump got along with Putin because he knew how to actually talk TO the man, not AT him, like Brainless "Shit My Pants" Biden does.

Putin is taking this opportunity to stretch his military legs, because there is a brainless fuktard pedophile infesting our White House at the moment. Putin knows Babbling Biden isn't going to DO Putin is just playing a game of Risk.

If Trump were where he belongs, in the Oval Office........none of this would be going on. If Putin even mentioned invading another country, Trump would be in an actual conversation with the man, not throwing toddler threats at him in the media as Elephant Scrotum Faced Biden is doing!!

Whether it's Trump or someone else NOT Biden, I'd prefer a leader that knows how to speak to another leader to keep them pacified so they don't pull stunts like this.

DementiacRats only know how to spew out their personal wants and demands. They have no clue how to SPEAK INTELLIGENTLY to another person, much less treat them like a potential friend, and not an enemy!

Yeah, well this is what happens when you have an incompetent invalid going up against someone like putin. If biden keeps up his dog barking we"ll be in.a nuclear shooting match.
Biden is opposing Putin’s aggression

Trump is applauding it
'And it depends on what it does,' Biden continued. 'It's one thing if it's a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do, et cetera.'

A reporter followed up – giving the president an opportunity to walk back this blunder.

'Are you effectively giving Putin permission to make a small incursion into the country?' she asked.

The president laughed and said, 'Good question. That's how it did sound like, didn't it?'
Yeah, well this is what happens when you have an incompetent invalid going up against someone like putin. If biden keeps up his dog barking we"ll be in.a nuclear shooting match.

The DementiacRats concocted "vaccine" isn't killing off enough people, along with their "peaceful protests" they obviously are going for a one time kill strike scenario.
I like this analysis:

I have to wonder about some people. Your video had a quote that was, interesting. Hitler wasn’t a bad guy because he invaded Austria. He was a bad guy because he murdered the Jews.

If the world had reacted when he reoccupied the Rhineland, Hitler never would have gotten the chance to murder the Jews.

If the world had reacted when Hitler took over Austria, there never would have been Concentration Camps.

If the world had reacted when Hitler took over Czechoslovakia, there would never have been the Death Squads who executed Jews wholesale.

If the world had reacted, Hitler never would have had the chance to be a bad guy, at least by the standards of your video.
Biden is opposing Putin’s aggression

Trump is applauding it

Biden PISSED OFF Putin.
Trump kept him pacified.

Trump is applauding his efforts as a leader to use this opportunity with a fuktard in the White House, to stretch his military legs. Trump is not applauding the take over and killing of others.
Biden is opposing Putin’s aggression

Trump is applauding it

Well, when O and Biden were busy screwing with ukraine back in 2012, overturning legal Ukraine elections, I don't disagree with Putin not wanting NATO at his border. We did the same with the bay of pigs and Cuba in the 1960s. JFK said no, you're not putting nukes at our doorstep. Putin is saying the same.
I have to wonder about some people. Your video had a quote that was, interesting. Hitler wasn’t a bad guy because he invaded Austria. He was a bad guy because he murdered the Jews.

If the world had reacted when he reoccupied the Rhineland, Hitler never would have gotten the chance to murder the Jews.

If the world had reacted when Hitler took over Austria, there never would have been Concentration Camps.

If the world had reacted when Hitler took over Czechoslovakia, there would never have been the Death Squads who executed Jews wholesale.

If the world had reacted, Hitler never would have had the chance to be a bad guy, at least by the standards of your video.

The point of that part of the video was that given all bad shit that Hitler did the fact that he took a relatively small amount of land to protect ethnic Germans was not near the top of the list. The really bad shit was just about everything else he did. He didn't invade France, Poland or Russia to protect ethnic Germans. He didn't do mass exterminations to protect ethnic Germans. He didn't bomb the UK to protect ethnic Germans.

He annex Austria but the Austrians kinda wanted it. He took the Sudenland mostly with the blessing of the West.

Not trying to defend the sonofabitch but Putin, being as much of an asshole as he is, still has a long way to go to be Hitler and the comparison that we are seeing is unfounded rhetoric.

I laid out my feelings a few days ago in another thread then Tucker dropped this gem last night.

A perfect synopsis of what I tried to say the other day.

The entire premise of the opposition to Biden, and the Ukraine position is that Putin isn’t really a bad guy. Ukraine was Russian not long ago. The people there speak Russian. It isn’t our business, we have nothing to gain there.

Let’s talk about cost then. What would it cost us? Ukraine falls and we do nothing. Then what? Who’s next? Where do we draw the line? Germany? Half of Germany was under Soviet Control too wasn’t it? Do we tell Germany to surrender half their country to Russia to make things right? Do we tell Putin that we won’t fight for half of Germany? But he better not go into the other half. We would respond then. Or Something.

The bad old days of history are supposed to be warnings. Lessons to insure we don’t make the same mistakes again. Not guides to follow.

This is the Rhineland. When Hitler was weak, and he sent the Army in to an area prohibited from being militarized by the Treaty which ended World War One. People like you at the time argued that it was Germans going into German land. It was none of our business.

We learned after the war that if we had responded, the German Army would have retreated as fast as they could back across the line. They had orders to do just that. Hitler’s political power would have been cut off before he was even a minor threat.

Instead we enabled him, we let him grow, gain power, control, strength.

During the Obama, Trump, and now the Biden administration, Russia has acted aggressively. But we are supposed to ignore that. It’s all a Democratic Party plot to hate Putin. But who’s planes keep coming into our airspace causing us to scramble fighters? Oh that’s right. Russia.

Remember the spy Trawler that was off the coast of Georgia? Which country did that ship belong to again?

Oh wait, that was during the Trump administration when Putin wouldn’t dare do anything because of Trump. um. Never mind. The trawler was never there.

Russian Submarines off our coasts, trying to track and stalk our Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarines.

But hey, Putin is really a great friend who is totally being maligned to the advantage of the Democrats because. Um. Well the Democrats are just awful.

Putin like Hitler is eliminating his political rivals.

Look, that was merely the allergic reaction to a popular Russian Cologne. It was nothing.

I’ve heard of having your head in the sand. But frankly, there isn’t enough sand in the world to drown out all this to the point where you can say with a straight face that this is all Biden.
The point of that part of the video was that given all bad shit that Hitler did the fact that he took a relatively small amount of land to protect ethnic Germans was not near the top of the list. The really bad shit was just about everything else he did. He didn't invade France, Poland or Russia to protect ethnic Germans. He didn't do mass exterminations to protect ethnic Germans. He didn't bomb the UK to protect ethnic Germans.

He annex Austria but the Austrians kinda wanted it. He took the Sudenland mostly with the blessing of the West.

Not trying to defend the sonofabitch but Putin, being as much of an asshole as he is, still has a long way to go to be Hitler and the comparison that we are seeing is unfounded rhetoric.

The lesson is the same. You stop it early. You don’t let it get bad enough that it takes a full world war to stop the madman. You stop it early. It’s cheaper in lives and money, it’s a damned sight easier, and it’s smarter.

Or you can be dumb, and wait until the opposition takes years, if it is ever stopped.

It took decades to roll back Soviet Expansionism that happened during World War II. Decades and billions of dollars.

Why invite it again?
The lesson is the same. You stop it early. You don’t let it get bad enough that it takes a full world war to stop the madman. You stop it early. It’s cheaper in lives and money, it’s a damned sight easier, and it’s smarter.

Or you can be dumb, and wait until the opposition takes years, if it is ever stopped.

It took decades to roll back Soviet Expansionism that happened during World War II. Decades and billions of dollars.

Why invite it again?

I am not defending the invasion. Just acknowledging the valid points made in the video.

The other really valid point made in the video is that the US has been involved in ethnic protection (Bosnia and Syria) and it is hypocritical to condemn others for doing the same.

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