Ukraine is bust



Ukraine is as poor as a church mouse that just received a very large tax bill or, in this case, a very large gas bill.
The gas supply from Russia to Europe goes through Ukraine, and that supply may well be cut before the winter.
That leaves Europe totally buggered for gas but, as luck has it, the new South stream pipe will bypass Ukraine so Europe can keep its supply, regardless of the Ukrainian's supply being cut.

Sadly, America has pressured countries into stopping construction of the service.

Bulgaria Halts Construction on Russian Gas Pipeline - The American Interest

I'm taking a guess here, but I suspect America thinks Russia won't want to lose the sales to Europe, thus it won't cut Ukraine's supply, regardless of how much gas Ukraine steals with no intention to pay.

I'm going to stick my neck out, I think Russia will cut it anyway, leaving America to blame for European gas shortages and fuel price increases.
Ukraine is as poor as a church mouse that just received a very large tax bill or, in this case, a very large gas bill.
The gas supply from Russia to Europe goes through Ukraine, and that supply may well be cut before the winter.
That leaves Europe totally buggered for gas but, as luck has it, the new South stream pipe will bypass Ukraine so Europe can keep its supply, regardless of the Ukrainian's supply being cut.

Sadly, America has pressured countries into stopping construction of the service.

Bulgaria Halts Construction on Russian Gas Pipeline - The American Interest

I'm taking a guess here, but I suspect America thinks Russia won't want to lose the sales to Europe, thus it won't cut Ukraine's supply, regardless of how much gas Ukraine steals with no intention to pay.

I'm going to stick my neck out, I think Russia will cut it anyway, leaving America to blame for European gas shortages and fuel price increases.

Before the US supported coup Russia gave the Ukraine the better deal over the EU.

True story.
They've cut Ukraine, now supplying only enough for Europe.
If Ukraine steals gas, the rest will go.
Russia has reason to demand US regime change.

America attacked Iraq because the former invaded one country.
How many countries has America invaded?

America won't defend America. It is unlikely that Europe will listen to a word obama says. He's too idiotic and stupid to have any influence. If he pokes his nose mole into europe or Ukraine Russia has the option of forcing the nose mole of of what doesn't concern the fool by demanding regime change or doing it himself if necrssary. It's not like obama would put up a defense. The entire Russian army could waltz right in over the southern border. They would be on welfare before sundown.
Russia expects to be paid for her gas exports. Ukraine tossed aside the favorable deal the previous government cut. Now they must prepay. Except they cannot make the payments.

They brought this on themselves.
Russia expects to be paid for her gas exports. Ukraine tossed aside the favorable deal the previous government cut. Now they must prepay. Except they cannot make the payments.

They brought this on themselves.
I don't like Putin or his government, that aside Ukraine isn't an innocent party here (even if the allegations prove true about Russia sending arms to 'self defense forces' prove true).

Ukraine got preferential treatment from Russia because Ukraine decided to play musical chairs between the European Union and the Customs Union, and the gas deals were a way to win Ukraine over.

The shit hit the fan when the Ukrainian people elected the most corrupt and authoritarian government of the lot, then the Western Ukrainians made a lot of stupid decisions after they had toppled him that inflamed the East and Russia i.e. restrictions on the Russian language, supporting far-right groups, and refusing to allow more autonomy for restive regions.
"Russian state TV journalist has been killed in a mortar attack near a village outside the east Ukrainian city of Luhansk, Russian media report.

"Igor Kornelyuk died in hospital after the attack near Metalist while a colleague, sound engineer Anton Voloshin, was reported missing.

"Initial reports said Voloshin had been killed on the spot.

"An Italian photojournalist and his Russian fixer were killed by mortar fire in eastern Ukraine last month.

"Hundreds of lives have been lost in fighting in Ukraine's Luhansk and Donetsk provinces, where pro-Russian rebels are battling government forces after declaring independence just over a month ago.

"Reports of three civilians killed overnight by a bombardment near the rebel-held town of Sloviansk, in Donetsk region, could not be verified independently."

BBC News - Ukraine crisis: Deadly attack on Russian TV crew

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