Ukraine is no longer able to continue combat operations. Russia only lost 1500 soldiers.

Lots of Russian sailors won’t be reuniting with their families. All thanks to Putin and some very effective anti ship missiles. Long live Ukraine.
Then i question the hits at all then.............which is my point.....

Those missiles pack a punch........and here you are saying ALL OF THE SAILORS GOT OFF.

I claim BS.

Well I'm sure there's like 30 or 40 deaths. At the points of impact. But from the sounds of it the impacts started fires...normal.

Since the weapons are outboard they probably fought the fires until the weapons were in danger. They then abandon ship. All seems normal.

Then the super structure gets blown to hell.

Later the rescue ships and tug come in to try and beat the storm that did blow in next day.

Didn't make it past that.

Seems pretty normal
Well I'm sure there's like 30 or 40 deaths. At the points of impact. But from the sounds of it the impacts started fires...normal.

Since the weapons are outboard they probably fought the fires until the weapons were in danger. They then abandon ship. All seems normal.

Then the super structure gets blown to hell.

Later the rescue ships and tug come in to try and beat the storm that did blow in next day.

Didn't make it past that.

Seems pretty normal
So now you go from they all got off the maybe 30 or 40 died......

When you make your mind up on the truth ..............get back with me.
This is a proxy war....

NATO fighting for Ukraine's puppet Zelensky... Nato and the EU plus the senile Rat Biden, fighting for Ukraine......

That's the hill NATO and "friends" have decided to die on, Zelensky's Ukraine,

Too bad too sad. :dunno:
This is what the CRS Report says:

"In addition, Ukraine will likely need logistics and supplies not only to replace losses but also to sustain continued combat operations."

This is what you said:

"The congressional research report says without immediate support the Ukrainians can no longer conduct military operations."

You lied.

No proxy wars by NATO fighting in the name of Ukraine. No more.
Don't take my word for it...this is the Congressional report.

It states that only about 1500 verified Russian casualties.

Hey bullshit peddler, that is NOT AT ALL what it states.

This is what it states:

Reported Russian Casualties

Estimates of Russian casualties vary widely and may not be considered reliable. Due to the continuing state of war, verifying exact numbers of Russian casualties is nearly impossible.

Below are some of the estimates that had been mentioned in various press reports by the end of March 2022.

Russia: Officially, the Russian government stated in late March that 1,351 soldiers had died and another 3,850 had been wounded. On March 20, 2022, the pro-Kremlin newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda appeared to mistakenly publish Russian Ministry of Defense figures that listed 9,861 deaths. This figure remains unconfirmed, and the newspaper reported that it had been hacked.

United States: The U.S. government has largely declined to release specific estimates, but U.S. Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland stated in an interview on March 29, 2022, that Russia had sustained “incredible” losses and “by our estimates, more than 10,000 Russians dead.”

NATO: NATO estimated that anywhere from 7,000 to 15,000 Russian soldiers had been killed. Ukraine: Ukraine estimated that it had killed nearly 20,000 Russian troops since the war began.
Yes. Doesn't change the document's conclusions.

It concludes after Mariupol falls then Russia will press its advantage against the majority of the remaining Ukrainian army stuck in the Donbas pocket where they are unable to use hit and run or guerrilla tactics. And that Dvornikov is much more integrated of a commander.

You cherry picking fuck tards are sad.
You are cherry-picking the areas Russia can actually win and redefining “victory”

This is anything but a victory
Hey bullshit peddler, that is NOT AT ALL what it states.

This is what it states:

Reported Russian Casualties

Estimates of Russian casualties vary widely and may not be considered reliable. Due to the continuing state of war, verifying exact numbers of Russian casualties is nearly impossible.

Below are some of the estimates that had been mentioned in various press reports by the end of March 2022.

Russia: Officially, the Russian government stated in late March that 1,351 soldiers had died and another 3,850 had been wounded. On March 20, 2022, the pro-Kremlin newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda appeared to mistakenly publish Russian Ministry of Defense figures that listed 9,861 deaths. This figure remains unconfirmed, and the newspaper reported that it had been hacked.

United States: The U.S. government has largely declined to release specific estimates, but U.S. Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland stated in an interview on March 29, 2022, that Russia had sustained “incredible” losses and “by our estimates, more than 10,000 Russians dead.”

NATO: NATO estimated that anywhere from 7,000 to 15,000 Russian soldiers had been killed. Ukraine: Ukraine estimated that it had killed nearly 20,000 Russian troops since the war began.
The fact that Russia refuses to honor its dead makes it impossible to arrive at a number
All we know is they are hiding the number of casualties

Lol you're so desperate to control the narrative. So 1500 deaths. Is all we can verify. And it certainly isn't Ukraines number.
1500 is all Putin will admit to and that number is from weeks ago
An example of why distorted Russian numbers must be dismissed

Realistic numbers are in the 10-20,000 range
In addition, analysts have noted that the Russian military appears to have issues with command and control, both at the tactical and the operational levels. Russian commanders appeared unprepared for many aspects of the invasion, as evidenced by a lack of coordination among branches (such as VKS and Rosgvardiya) and between units.51 Reporting indicates that communication problems compounded these command and control issues, contributing to higher- ranking officers moving closer to the frontlines.52 This exposure reportedly has led to a significant number of casualties among high-ranking officers, and especially mid-ranking officers, who are crucial to tactical-level operations.53 Additionally, reports indicate there was no overall Russian operational commander.54 As a result, it appears each CAA and axis of advance was operating independently, with questionable levels of coordination.

Hardly the characteristics of a modern military power
NATO is taking note
In addition, analysts have noted that the Russian military appears to have issues with command and control, both at the tactical and the operational levels. Russian commanders appeared unprepared for many aspects of the invasion, as evidenced by a lack of coordination among branches (such as VKS and Rosgvardiya) and between units.51 Reporting indicates that communication problems compounded these command and control issues, contributing to higher- ranking officers moving closer to the frontlines.52 This exposure reportedly has led to a significant number of casualties among high-ranking officers, and especially mid-ranking officers, who are crucial to tactical-level operations.53 Additionally, reports indicate there was no overall Russian operational commander.54 As a result, it appears each CAA and axis of advance was operating independently, with questionable levels of coordination.

Hardly the characteristics of a modern military power
NATO is taking note

Again, have to agree with Rightwinger on this one. Russia is a paper tiger without their nukes. If my memory serves me correctly, every time the Russians invade somewhere that puts up resistance in the modern era, they either get curb stomped, or they make things look much harder than they should be, and this is with them doing things that are supposed to be not allowed in modern, supposed, civilized warfare. (if there actually is such a thing)

I do not know if the high number of Russian casualties is accurate, but if they are, it almost harkens back to the days of Comrade Stalin defending Stalingrad from the Nazis. He would send wave after wave of soldiers in; even without arms, and if they turned and tried to take up defensive positions, the Russian commanders were under orders to shoot them. And they did!

Hindsight on history is always easy because we know the outcome. But, after WWII, Patton and Churchill wanted to push the Mongolian horde back behind their borders in 1945. Churchill was voted out of office right after the war, and Patton was killed.......some say murdered by the Russians. Never been proven, but it is an historical known fact, that the Russians did have a plot to kill him. Hewas almost killed twice by accident, before actually being killed in one.

These 2 events let Ike and Truman off the hook, because while Truman didn't trust Stalin, Ike liked him. By the time they both discovered what was really up, the Russians had the bomb thanks largely to traitors in our own midst, and it was then to late.

And so, here we are over 70 years later paying the price for a really non controversial political decision made back then. You see, press censorship(sorta kinda like today) was still in place because of the war, and every large newspaper referred to Stalin as Uncle Joe. The American public was never informed of the atrocities that the Russians committed against civilians as they advanced across Eastern Europe, and through Germany. The American public was not even informed of the thousands of American soldiers that Russia had in captivity, using them as a bargaining chip to insure they got their full rights of land in Eastern Europe. It got so bad, Trueman would never acknowledge that the Russians actually had them in captivity, and very few of the thousands, ever seen the USA again!

That is history, and part of the reason, we find ourselves today in the position we are.
Russia has been War Gaming the invasion of Ukraine for decades

You would have thought they would have worked out the details.
Instead, they executed a poorly planned, poorly executed invasion that quickly ground to a halt.
The lack of a basic logistics pipeline is inexcusable
Russia has been War Gaming the invasion of Ukraine for decades

You would have thought they would have worked out the details.
Instead, they executed a poorly planned, poorly executed invasion that quickly ground to a halt.
The lack of a basic logistics pipeline is inexcusable

Honestly Winger, I believe that total disaster was caused by Putins buddy Xi. When Xi wanted him to wait until after the Olympic games, it turned the mostly hard, frozen roads to mud hampering the armor. You would think though, the Russians would have been able to solve this problem. Surprisingly, they didn't.

Even back in the old days of Stalingrad, Goering was able to supply Paulus with 100 tons of the 500 tons of supplies he needed from Germany per day. That was a much larger force than what the Russians have with more armor, and today, the Russians are a whole lot closer to ship them in, and in much better weather.

Well, the Russians loss is Ukraines gain!
Zelenskiy must be doing lines of CIA-MI6 cocaine like it's going out of style:

Zelenskiy: Ukraine Will Fight Russia for Ten Years

Kiev Orders Azov Nazis to Shoot Those Surrendering at Azovstal, Russian MoD Says
Well I'm sure there's like 30 or 40 deaths. At the points of impact. But from the sounds of it the impacts started fires...normal.
Rumor is 58 survivors.

There might have been more than that in the parade, but not a lot more...


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