Ukraine is no longer able to continue combat operations. Russia only lost 1500 soldiers.

Don't take my word for it...this is the Congressional report.

It states that only about 1500 verified Russian casualties.

It also states that while Ukraine has been resilient and adaptive. They have sustained far more significant losses than Russia even if we count the Ukrainian claims of 20,000 Russian deaths.

We can verify this with the fact that 6,000 known Ukrainian fighters in Mariupol are now dead.

The congressional research report says without immediate support the Ukrainians can no longer conduct military operations.

No wonder they are whining and begging so bad now.

Then why is the fighting still going on?
Many analysts believe Russia’s expectations were based on faulty assumptions that undermined Russia’s conduct of the invasion.65 If this is the case, these incorrect political assumptions possibly determined and imposed unrealistic objectives and timetables onto the Russian military. This in turn may partially explain the Russian military’s unpreparedness and initial poor performance.66
our Ivans are full of crap

the reality :

Well I'm sure there's like 30 or 40 deaths. At the points of impact. But from the sounds of it the impacts started fires...normal.

Since the weapons are outboard they probably fought the fires until the weapons were in danger. They then abandon ship. All seems normal.

Then the super structure gets blown to hell.

Later the rescue ships and tug come in to try and beat the storm that did blow in next day.

Didn't make it past that.

Seems pretty normal

Do all the Russian flagships list like this?

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