Ukraine is Smashing the Russian Army

1) To prevent genocide of local Russians in Donbass.
Fake news. There was no genocide of Russians by Ukrainians.

The main fake “genocide” story that Russian media have reported and Russian leaders have invoked since 2014 tells about the discovery of several mass graves in Donbas in 2014. It was claimed that Ukrainian soldiers slaughtered the local population.

However, the “mass graves” turned out to be several illegal burials of mostly elderly people and soldiers killed in hostilities at the time when morgues were overfilled due to active war in 2014. The Russian presentation of “mass graves” was debunked by independent journalists who saw them.
In some countries for this kind of lies you could get in legal trouble. But I guess you are safe, living in sticks, where no sod lives, getting your daily news from sewage of Fake news.
Yeah, some countries like Russia, Cuba, Venezuel, North Korea and the People's Republic of China. In all those countries you can go to jail for disagreeing with the official government version of "truth".
An idiotic thing to say. Just a gag reflex vomiting of a feel good troll canard.

The "media" is interviewing experts as well. But you found a youtube video!

So there!
Lol. The establishment media interviews CIA and war department officals and fires anyone who opposes the establishment narrative. Jesus I thought in your advanced age, you fucking know this.

Jesus fuck!!!
Oh really? then tell me what the Ukrainian citizens are risking their lives for by fighting for their country
when they could just run? they're not fighting for Zelensky, they're fighting for their freedom.
Lol. They aren’t risking their lives. The Ukraine military are the only ones fighting, and it appears they’re getting their ass kicked.
Lol. You prove once again that you know nothing. Do you really think the Ukrainian army is a match for the Russians?
I wouldn't have bet on it a month ago, but the current facts sure seem to support the Ukranian Army as being far superior in every measure except numbers to the Russian Army.
I wouldn't have bet on it a month ago, but the current facts sure seem to support the Ukranian Army as being far superior in every measure except numbers to the Russian Army.
The Ukrainians are more motivated to put it mildly. But I think the Russians might show more grit if Putin didn't have them killing civilians while invading a neighbor.
He's down to mass murdering civilians in hopes the Ukranians will give him something in negotiations. But once the US drones get there, the Russian artillery will be targets when they fire.

And at some point, at some level of Russia intentionally killing children .... the US will probably be pressured to clear the skies of Russians.

yeah we need to escalate matters so we can have a nice WWIII and just maybe a nuclear holocaust, all over nothing.
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He's down to mass murdering civilians in hopes the Ukranians will give him something in negotiations. But once the US drones get there, the Russian artillery will be targets when they fire.

And at some point, at some level of Russia intentionally killing children .... the US will probably be pressured to clear the skies of Russians.
I just do not think Russia is killing civilians like that. There is no need to. I think this will be like Covid. You will hear what they want you to hear, I just don't buy it.
I just do not think Russia is killing civilians like that. There is no need to. I think this will be like Covid. You will hear what they want you to hear, I just don't buy it.
from russia's point of view there certainly is a reason to bomb and shell civilian areas. Russian troops are not advancing, and for good reason. They don't have a stake in this war. Apparantly they weren't told they were invading. LOL

The only tool the Russian leaders have to influence Ukranian to make a peace favorable to russia is to starve and kill civilians. Otherwise the Ukrainains could simply wait them out, and kill any targets taht present themselves, and wait for the russians to go home.

That's why if this continues indefinitely there will be increasing public pressure in the UK and esp in the US to just end this thing. If Russia can't use airplanes, the Ukraninans can kill any artillary piece that shows itself by firing .... its over.

I'm sure the Russians are armed and dangerous, so it's probably not in Ukrainians' interest to go ferret them out of trenches and holes, but it's seems nearly suicidal for them to advance right towards the Ukrainains. It says something pretty positive about soldiers on both sides that they aren't shooting wounded, as we saw in korea, vietnam and afghan. Individuals seem to still have some respect. I doubt Ukranians have any respect for Russian leadership thouth.
Pay attention.

You should know by now to never listen to establishment media or government officials. They’ve lied to you for decades. How much more to do need to know?

I listened to both sides. Here be the rub. Putin has put out nothing but discredited propaganda. His foreign Minister even said Russia hasn’t invaded, when obviously they have. Putin himself said so days before.

Now Ukraine may not be telling 100% truth. But we know Russia is telling 100% lies.

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