Ukraine is Smashing the Russian Army

Here. This might help you get informed.

Chubby boy is full of shit---PUtin was planning for a short term war--he had to have one and is in fact now trying to punish Ukraine by targetting civilians and doing as much damage as possible. We know this is the case so chubby boys claims are false.
Lol. You prove once again that you know nothing. Do you really think the Ukrainian army is a match for the Russians?
Apparently, they are----if ukraine wasn't--PUtin would already be running things there.
Apparently, they are----if ukraine wasn't--PUtin would already be running things there.
This..,from several days ago. It may be over already. Russia has control of much of the country.

Expect a false flag event at any moment by the West, designed to harm Russia.
Russia has harmed itself, it is going to be a pariah to the rest of the world for a long time to come, but hey, there is always China you can be friends with, they don't give two shits about war crimes.
Okay, but you failed to respond to my post that completely destroyed your prior point.

Yes Russia will be a pariah, but hadn’t DC already made them so prior to the war?

Expext a false flag event now, since the Russians are winning. You know like the CIA did in Syria, with a phony chemical weapons attack they pinned on Assad.
Apparently, they are----if ukraine wasn't--PUtin would already be running things there.
Pay attention.

You should know by now to never listen to establishment media or government officials. They’ve lied to you for decades. How much more to do need to know?
Actually, Russia already occupy somewhere 40% of Ukrainian state. They advance slowly and accurate to avoid unnecessary casualties and collateral damage. It is not a war by their standards, it's a special operation.

If they cant occupy it with any semblance of peace then it is not a successful occupation. Russia wants to enslave an entire population, so good luck with that. Putin thinks he can go back to 1950 but present day Ukrainians are used to freedom. Putin miscalculated that its just not the same world today as when the Soviet Union was originally put together. Yeah, he can keep Russian soldiers in Ukraine by force as long as he's happy with thousands of Dead Russians every month. He's making a lot of widows and orphaned children back in Russia... and for what reason may I ask? for his ego? for some oil in the ground or minerals? Give it time and your country will want to get rid of Putin, he can only hide the truth of whats going on with his own people for so long.
If they cant occupy it with any semblance of peace then it is not a successful occupation. Russia wants to enslave an entire population, so good luck with that. Putin thinks he can go back to 1950 but present day Ukrainians are used to freedom. Putin miscalculated that its just not the same world today as when the Soviet Union was originally put together. Yeah, he can keep Russian soldiers in Ukraine by force as long as he's happy with thousands of Dead Russians every month. He's making a lot of widows and orphaned children back in Russia... and for what reason may I ask? for his ego? for some oil in the ground or minerals? Give it time and your country will want to get rid of Putin, he can only hide the truth of whats going on with his own people for so long.
Actually, there is no freedom in the modern Ukraine. It was ugly post-Soviet sh1thole before Maidan, and it became terroristic and suppressive sh1thole after Maidan. What is even more important, with the open borders "freedom loving Ukrainians" will go to Canada. It is much safer than fight Russian forces.
The reasons of invasion in Ukraine are simple:
1) To prevent genocide of local Russians in Donbass.
2) To stop state sponsored terroristic attacks.
3) To stop Ukrainian WMD programs.
4) To stop NATO usage of Ukrainian territory and prevent WWIII.

That's why thousands (and even millions) of victims is acceptable price for the Russians.
Oh look, a video you didn't watch
Lol. I did watch it. And I watch several more of his videos. If he’s right, the war is pretty much already won by Russia.

Expect a CIA false flag to harm Russia. It’s what the CIA does, but I hope you won’t believe the propaganda. However you likely will.
So, in your meth-addled brain, posing w/Russian diplomats is the equivalent of putting Russia first?

OK, Sam...


Well, that and working for Russia, which Red Jen Psaki and John Kerry do.
If they cant occupy it with any semblance of peace then it is not a successful occupation. Russia wants to enslave an entire population, so good luck with that. Putin thinks he can go back to 1950 but present day Ukrainians are used to freedom. Putin miscalculated that its just not the same world today as when the Soviet Union was originally put together. Yeah, he can keep Russian soldiers in Ukraine by force as long as he's happy with thousands of Dead Russians every month. He's making a lot of widows and orphaned children back in Russia... and for what reason may I ask? for his ego? for some oil in the ground or minerals? Give it time and your country will want to get rid of Putin, he can only hide the truth of whats going on with his own people for so long.
Lol. Present day Ukrainians have no more freedom than present day Russians.

Get informed before posting.
Lol. Present day Ukrainians have no more freedom than present day Russians.

Get informed before posting.

Oh really? then tell me what the Ukrainian citizens are risking their lives for by fighting for their country
when they could just run? they're not fighting for Zelensky, they're fighting for their freedom.

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