Ukraine is the Holy Grail of Fetal Stem Cell Harvesting


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Ukraine is the only country on earth where fetal stem cell therapy is legal and regulated. As far back as 2006, the BBC News discovered evidence that healthy new-born babies may have been killed to feed a flourishing international trade in fetal stem cells.

Women would be paid to remain pregnant and have a later abortion so cells could be harvested. Babies would be taken from single mothers and kept alive for as long as a year old before being harvested for organs and stem cells. Those would be sold to firms in Haiti that would do stem cell therapy on wealthy Americans and Europeans.

From the 2006 BBC article:

"Disturbing video footage of post-mortem examinations on dismembered tiny bodies raises serious questions about what happened to them.

Ukraine has become the self-styled stem cell capital of the world.

There is a trade in stem cells from aborted foetuses, amid unproven claims they can help fight many diseases.

But now there are claims that stem cells are also being harvested from live babies."

BBC NEWS | Europe | Ukraine babies in stem cell probe

Now with the war in Ukraine, that supply chain has been disrupted, and Haiti has started harvesting local children to keep up with demand. But this so disturbed the Haitian people, it resulted in political unrest. That's why there is very little of anything resembling a government in Haiti.

As far back as 13 years ago, the former Prime Minister of Haiti admitted that "organ trafficking" was occurring after the 2010 earthquake...

Ukraine is the only country on earth where fetal stem cell therapy is legal and regulated. As far back as 2006, the BBC News discovered evidence that healthy new-born babies may have been killed to feed a flourishing international trade in fetal stem cells.

Women would be paid to remain pregnant and have a later abortion so cells could be harvested. Babies would be taken from single mothers and kept alive for as long as a year old before being harvested for organs and stem cells. Those would be sold to firms in Haiti that would do stem cell therapy on wealthy Americans and Europeans.

I have been non- plussed over the news blackout in this area .The number of US financed and US built bio labs in former Ukraine is huge -- anywhere from 35 to 45 depending on source . Controlling these and power plants was at the top of early priorities for Moscow . I imagine they were especially concerned at obtaining full data on virus developments by ethnicity among other matters . But since then , no great revelations . Cynics and sceptics will claim that there is nothing to report . That would simply show extreme gullibility or ignorance of the wider subject , imo .
It's all but guaranteed that if the globalists/UNiparty/NWO are in favor of something, it's for their own means for power.
Any benefits to the rest of us are ancillary & just an acceptable byproduct they will live with since the overall results advance their agenda for their reset to a neo-feudal system of all powerful lords & peasants with no rights

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