Ukraine, Losing In Donbass...

Ukraine is already losing.......Media is full of it.

Iran and NK have already been more than willing to help out. Putin has loads of petro dollars. Ukraine will not last.
Like Tucker said "A lot of people are getting very rich here"....and not just the Uke oligarchs
Another Putinsucker, obviously. It is the first town the Russians managed to seize since July. Before that, they lost one region and a bridgehead on the Dnieper west bank. But you can celebrate for now, of course.
Another Putinsucker, obviously. It is the first town the Russians managed to seize since July. Before that, they lost one region and a bridgehead on the Dnieper west bank. But you can celebrate for now, of course.
Screw Putin. Uke gonna lose, no way around it.
What a bunch of ignorant crap from our Putin lovers, who now go out of their way to praise the mercenary Wagner Group of criminals above the Russian Army. Tomorrow who will they praise? The salt mines have little value except as a hiding place from artillery and accurate missile strikes.

This horrible war, launched by Putin, who arrogantly and disastrously overestimated his own military’s strength and underestimated the Ukrainians willingness to fight in defense of their independence, may indeed go on for a long while. The West will not stop aiding Ukraine anytime soon, and Russia will suffer and bleed almost as much as Ukraine if the war continues.

A bloody Russian “victory” is in nobody’s interests, except maybe Putin’s and his security apparatus. But Russia probably will only doom itself by digging in and continuing or expanding this war.

How could it now — after antagonizing even most native Russian-speaking Ukrainians — ever occupy all of Ukraine? At best it may be able to freeze borders along more or less the 2014 lines, or keep present lines and hold on to Crimea — which falls into a separate category. Before February 24, 2022 Crimea was more solidly and stably “Russian,” and more unlikely ever to be “taken back” by Ukraine, than it is now, when Russians are selling their vacation homes there and the economy is cratering.

The Russian state may even collapse altogether and break into pieces under the pressure. I do not predict this or even favor it, but it is possible. Putin may or may not be ousted in the next period. But if nothing changes Russia will just become more and more backward, a mafia-fascist petro state everyone avoids.
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Sending the Ukrainians more weapons is just delaying their inevitable defeat plus more Ukraine people killed for no reason.

Putin was supposed to be in Kiev in 2 weeks. We're at almost a year and they haven't made any advances worthy of mention. They've lost everything they've gained. Our efforts are working beautifully. Fuck Putin. He's lost 50% of his entire armored inventory.
What a bunch of ignorant crap from our Putin lovers, who now go out of their way to praise the mercenary Wagner Group of criminals above the Russian Army. Tomorrow who will they praise? The salt mines have little value except as a hiding place from artillery and accurate missile strikes.

This horrible war, launched by Putin, who arrogantly and disastrously overestimated his own military’s strength and underestimated the Ukrainians willingness to fight in defense of their independence, may indeed go on for a long while. The West will not stop aiding Ukraine anytime soon, and Russia will suffer and bleed almost as much as Ukraine if the war continues.

A bloody Russian “victory” is in nobody’s interests, except maybe Putin’s and his security apparatus. But Russia probably will only doom itself by digging in and continuing or expanding this war.

How could it now — after antagonizing even most native Russian-speaking Ukrainians — ever occupy all of Ukraine? At best it may be able to freeze borders along more or less the 2014 lines, or keep present lines and hold on to Crimea — which falls into a separate category. Before February 24, 2022 Crimea was more solidly and stably “Russian,” and more unlikely ever to be “taken back” by Ukraine, than it is now, when Russians are selling their vacation homes there and the economy is cratering.

The Russian state may even collapse altogether and break into pieces under the pressure. I do not predict this or even favor it, but it is possible. Putin may or may not be ousted in the next period. But if nothing changes Russia will just become more and more backward, a mafia-fascist petro state everyone avoids.
Meh.....the object here is to do as much damage to Putin and his army to send a message to China/Taiwan.
Zelensky is only doing stand up.....he is being used.
Putin was supposed to be in Kiev in 2 weeks.
I keep hearing people repeat that nonsense over and over.
But the truth is, neither Putin, or any government official, or Russian army general, ever said how many days / weeks it would take to invade and occupy Kiev.
Just more made up U.S. government and media lies.
Truth is, just a token force of Russian troops were sent to the outskirts of Kiev as a strategic feign. In order to draw Ukrainian forces to protect Kiev and away from the Donbas area. Which then allowed the Russian army to overwhelm the remaining Ukrainian forces and invade and occupy the Donbas.
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Meh.....the object here is to do as much damage to Putin and his army to send a message to China/Taiwan.
Zelensky is only doing stand up.....he is being used.
Zelensky was a clever entertainer, especially covering political subjects before he was elected, and he is a savvy and powerful representative of “Ukrainian nationalism.” He must keep his fragile coalition together under terrible wartime conditions, and keep Ukrainian army support. He showed courage in not leaving Kiev at the key moment of crisis. He is obviously no “Nazi.” He is not a puppet of the U.S. or NATO — though he certainly needs Western support to fight off Russia. The Ukrainians will certainly continue suffering, but their state & nationalist ideology & culture — with all its problems — will survive.

The Ukrainian nationalists are both using and being used by the West to weaken Russia. Their so far successful fight against Russia’s old-style imperial aggression, and the surprising unity and success of NATO in holding together against Russia despite gas and oil cutoffs, certainly does send a message to XiJinping about the potential pitfoils of launching an unprepared attack on Taiwan. But these countries and their histories are very different.
I keep hearing people repeat that nonsense over and over.
But the truth is, neither Putin, or any government official, or Russian army general, ever said how many days / weeks it would take to invade and occupy Kiev.

Wrong. Yes he did.

I don't agree with sending them money, I agree with sending them arms.
Same, same. The US can’t send them money. The US is effectively bankrupt, and has been for a long time. We can go farther into debt, borrowing to pay The MIC to provide Munitions. Or we can go farther in debt by printing even more money. But let’s be clear, either way we aren’t giving them money; we’re giving our children, and grandchildren even more debt…
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Wrong. Yes he did.
You do realize that Putin allegedly made that statement back in August 2014 according to your article? (9 years ago)

” Putin reportedly said. “But if I wanted to, I could take Kiev in two weeks."

If Putin did say that, he was correct. Because Nato back then hadn't started flooding Ukraine with large shipments of weapons.

But back then Putin had no intention of invading Ukraine.
Because he mistakenly thought Ukraine would honor the Minsk Agreement they had signed with Russia in 2014
You do realize that Putin allegedly made that statement back in August 2014 according to your article? (9 years ago)

” Putin reportedly said. “But if I wanted to, I could take Kiev in two weeks."

If Putin did say that, he was correct. Because Nato back then hadn't started flooding Ukraine with large shipments of weapons.

But back then Putin had no intention of invading Ukraine.
Because he mistakenly thought Ukraine would honor the Minsk Agreement they had signed with Russia in 2014

You do realize you moved the goalposts right?

First you said Putin never said it. When shown in a video Putin saying that, you move the goalposts saying that it was back in 2014. I don't care when it was. You were wrong and won't admit it. PUTIN SAID HE COULD TAKE KEIV IN 2 WEEKS. We didn't even really start supplying Ukraine until a month into the war and Putin was nowhere near Kiev then.
Is this thread supposed to be a playground for Putinsuckers in their rejoicing?
This forum not only is crawling with Russian trolls, it also has many American conservatives who are huge fans of Putin. Authoritarian worship is much the same, just substitute Putin for Trump.
We didn't even really start supplying Ukraine until a month into the war
NATO, which the U.S. is a member, starting supplying Ukraine with weapons and training its military back in September 2014

What a bunch of ignorant crap from our Putin lovers, who now go out of their way to praise the mercenary Wagner Group of criminals above the Russian Army. Tomorrow who will they praise? The salt mines have little value except as a hiding place from artillery and accurate missile strikes.

This horrible war, launched by Putin, who arrogantly and disastrously overestimated his own military’s strength and underestimated the Ukrainians willingness to fight in defense of their independence, may indeed go on for a long while. The West will not stop aiding Ukraine anytime soon, and Russia will suffer and bleed almost as much as Ukraine if the war continues.

A bloody Russian “victory” is in nobody’s interests, except maybe Putin’s and his security apparatus. But Russia probably will only doom itself by digging in and continuing or expanding this war.

How could it now — after antagonizing even most native Russian-speaking Ukrainians — ever occupy all of Ukraine? At best it may be able to freeze borders along more or less the 2014 lines, or keep present lines and hold on to Crimea — which falls into a separate category. Before February 24, 2022 Crimea was more solidly and stably “Russian,” and more unlikely ever to be “taken back” by Ukraine, than it is now, when Russians are selling their vacation homes there and the economy is cratering.

The Russian state may even collapse altogether and break into pieces under the pressure. I do not predict this or even favor it, but it is possible. Putin may or may not be ousted in the next period. But if nothing changes Russia will just become more and more backward, a mafia-fascist petro state everyone avoids.
Ahhh to hell with your lie's and bull shite devil.. No one gives a rats ace about Putin, but you and your ilk gotta create and run with your constant lying narratives (Biden lover). It's not going to make the situation any better, but you go ahead and have your tantrum leftist, because no one gives a rats ace about that either.

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