Ukraine, Losing In Donbass...

The war is "winnable" because Russia will deplete its resources before the West will. That's the gamble.
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This forum not only is crawling with Russian trolls,
Pointing out the fact the Russian army is decisively defeating the Ukrainian forces, does't make someone a Putin loving Russian troll.
Just like pointing out that Biden has severely diminished mental facilities and should be in a nursing home, doesn't make someone a right wing Trump loving troll.
It's just that lefty liberal loons like you hate it when someone points out reality.
Because you find reality offensive. .. :cuckoo:
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Pointing out the fact the Russian army is decisively defeating the Ukrainian forces, does't make someone a Putin loving Russian troll.
Just like pointing out that Biden has severely diminished mental facilities and should be in a nursing home, doesn't make someone a right wing Trump loving troll.
It's just that lefty liberal loons like you hate it when someone points out reality.
Because you find reality offensive. .. :cuckoo:
No, shit. Reality is when you post information from the both sides. But when you sucker claimed that Russian withdrawal from two strategical footholds was just regrouping for better positions, but now taking one town in six months is 'decisively defeating' that just means that you a dishonest shit and Putinsucker. And that is reality.
Question - In a war situation where a modern day country is then cut off in order to starve it out, do they usually have the inward resources available to feed their war efforts when turning within ??? Did Russia buy into the global trade thing like America did, and therefore shuttle it's manufacturing in order to outsource a majority of it's much needed product's to be created in other countries ???

Otherwise does the chart truly mean anything above when think about it ?
claimed that Russian withdrawal from two strategical footholds was just regrouping for better positions, but now taking one town in six months is 'decisively defeating'
Russian army is using brilliant tactics against the amateur Ukrainian forces.
First the Russians attack and then quickly withdraw to defensive artillery positions they have already set up.
Then the Ukrainian follow them, thinking the Russians have been routed and are fleeing the battlefield.
That's when the Russian artillery releases a massive barrage and annihilates the Ukrainians because they already had the entire area zero'd in.
While the Russians have very few casualties.
The Ukrainians keep falling of this ruse because most all of their experienced Officers and NCO's have been killed and they are basically leaderless.
Russian army is using brilliant tactics against the amateur Ukrainian forces.
First the Russians attack and then quickly withdraw to defensive artillery positions they have already set up.
Then the Ukrainian follow them, thinking the Russians have been routed and are fleeing the battlefield.
That's when the Russian artillery releases a massive barrage and annihilates the Ukrainians because they already had the entire area zero'd in.
While the Russians have very few casualties.
The Ukrainians keep falling of this ruse because most all of their experienced Officers and NCO's have been killed and they are basically leaderless.
Russian propaganda folks.
Russian army is using brilliant tactics against the amateur Ukrainian forces.
First the Russians attack and then quickly withdraw to defensive artillery positions they have already set up.
Then the Ukrainian follow them, thinking the Russians have been routed and are fleeing the battlefield.
That's when the Russian artillery releases a massive barrage and annihilates the Ukrainians because they already had the entire area zero'd in.
While the Russians have very few casualties.
The Ukrainians keep falling of this ruse because most all of their experienced Officers and NCO's have been killed and they are basically leaderless.
I never could see how the Ukrainians could manage to mitigate a force 10X's them Sunni

Crushing? They won part of a town after months of fighting? Um... not sure that's "crushing"...

Looks like it's not actually "just the facts".
Western media will NOT admit it when Russia wins a round. Do you really think they would?? Really??? They will ALWAYS skew the truth in the Biden administration's favor. That's their primary function. Just like telling you Hillary would "crush" Trump.
Crushing? They won part of a town after months of fighting? Um... not sure that's "crushing"...

Looks like it's not actually "just the facts".
if you have been all over Ukey Land as I have many times you know that the damn country is very flat .
So when you have vastly superior long range artillery , you find the best defensive line and then wait for stupid US led Nazis to advance over open land and be obliterated .
Dear Uncle P's lads are killing their opposition in a ratio as high as 15 to one Russian . They are happy to sit there until next Xmas if endless forces advance for them to shred .
And now there are minimum Ukey reserves available whereas Russia only threw 20% of its available into the front line .
There are up to 500 000 Russians sitting around , waiting for the big winter freeze when they can finish off the job and still be home in time for tea !!!

Ask Titlose to comment .
Russian army is using brilliant tactics against the amateur Ukrainian forces.
First the Russians attack and then quickly withdraw to defensive artillery positions they have already set up.
Then the Ukrainian follow them, thinking the Russians have been routed and are fleeing the battlefield.
That's when the Russian artillery releases a massive barrage and annihilates the Ukrainians because they already had the entire area zero'd in.
While the Russians have very few casualties.
The Ukrainians keep falling of this ruse because most all of their experienced Officers and NCO's have been killed and they are basically leaderless.
Haha, where did you pick up that nonsense?

Russia is using troops as cannon fodder to deplete Ukrainian resources.
The ones blowing the turrets off your Soviet, er Russian tanks.
You do realize that almost all the Tanks used by the Ukrainians forces are old outdated Soviet era models?
So when the Russians blow up a Ukrainian forces soviet era tank.
The Ukrainian propaganda spin masters will paint a white Russian "Z" on it and claim it's a Russian army tank they destroyed.
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Facts, okay. So, the Russians took the town, or what is left of it after heavy fighting, after almost six months of siege.

And now tell me Putinboy why were you so fast in reporting this, even while Putin mercenaries still fighting there for western outskirts, but was silent when Ukraine liberated Kharkiv oblast and Kherson?
Russia could not defend Kherson during the rainy season with their force split in two with half on each side of the Dneiper . Their back up and supply lines were under threat over the river . Vulnerable to bridge explosions and attacks on ferries
They withdrew 25-30 000 deliberately with almost no losses in order to establish a defensive line which was sound until the winter freeze -- still waiting for that .
Only the insane western MSM has reported that as a retreat . Absolute garbage .
Exactly the same in principle for Kharkiv . Standard Russian tactics and strategy
The Russian army used massive artillery barrages that went on for days to decimate the German army during WWll
That tactic became the bedrock of Russian military doctrine.
Which is what they are doing in Ukraine today.

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