Ukraine minister denies Trump put pressure on Zelenskiy during call: report

Yep, they sure were.
So it should be investigated?
Hunter Biden's China Deal Partners Include Mobster Whitey Bulger's Nephew, John Kerry's Stepson - Washington Free Beacon
How about this over 1 billion deal he made using the Air Force

where did I say it shouldn't be?
Well good we agree

Have at it, investigate the hell out of him. Anything that keeps him from being the nominee is a good thing for the country.
It’s going to be proven liar warren..

It is looking that way. Two proven liars facing off for POUTS once again. Oh well, at least we are consistent! :113:

Thanks for posting a video that has been posted 10 other helpful.

Nobody is questioning if the US pressured the Ukraine to fire the guy, that is a given. It is what we do, hell the current Ukrainian government would not be there if not for our interference in their elections.

Good want to talk about the 3 million dollar bribe hunter received ? Oh wait we can’t because that investigation was STOP BY JOE BIDEN.

Wanna continue?

:rolleyes: it was not stopped by Joe Biden.

I’ll take joes words over yours .. lol wow the derangement is deep

Then we agree that it was not stopped by Joe Biden since he did not say that it was.

Lol he said he has 6 hours before his flight leaves if they want the money fire the guy.. what am I missing lol
So it should be investigated?
Hunter Biden's China Deal Partners Include Mobster Whitey Bulger's Nephew, John Kerry's Stepson - Washington Free Beacon
How about this over 1 billion deal he made using the Air Force

where did I say it shouldn't be?
Well good we agree

Have at it, investigate the hell out of him. Anything that keeps him from being the nominee is a good thing for the country.
It’s going to be proven liar warren..

It is looking that way. Two proven liars facing off for POUTS once again. Oh well, at least we are consistent! :113:
Saying you are different race to get a job at a prestigious universities where they needed minorities is beyond lying
"Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko on Saturday denied suggestions U.S. President Donald Trump had put pressure on Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskiy during a phone call in July."

So, the Ukraine PM just debunked the latest attack on President Trump. Time to go after the leaker and investigate Biden for abusing his power to strong-arm an ally's leader.

Yeah, they all just ignored that Trump was blocking $250 million in Congressionally-approved aid at the time. I'm sure they felt no pressure.

Seriously, how can you goofs ignore Trump holding up the money, while his campaign pushed for investigation of Biden? Nothing between the lines except trust in Trump?
Thanks for posting a video that has been posted 10 other helpful.

Nobody is questioning if the US pressured the Ukraine to fire the guy, that is a given. It is what we do, hell the current Ukrainian government would not be there if not for our interference in their elections.
Good want to talk about the 3 million dollar bribe hunter received ? Oh wait we can’t because that investigation was STOP BY JOE BIDEN.

Wanna continue?
:rolleyes: it was not stopped by Joe Biden.
I’ll take joes words over yours .. lol wow the derangement is deep

Then we agree that it was not stopped by Joe Biden since he did not say that it was.
Lol he said he has 6 hours before his flight leaves if they want the money fire the guy.. what am I missing lol

What you are missing is that it was not about Biden’s son. It was much bigger than than that. Biden’s son was a token board member who was never in danger from the Ukraine.
Putin is trying to rebuild the Soviet union. The Ukraine needs help from the US to keep from being a Russian satellite.
Trump never gave a reason for holding up aid to Ukraine, and he didn't release it until, Sept. 12 - three days after Adam Schiff learned of the whistleblower's complaint. Pure coincidence. Nothing to see. Move along.
There is an easy solution to this "he said, he said" Turn the transcript of the phone calls to Congress and remove all doubt.

Since Trump said the call was "pitch perfect", I'm surprised he doesn't release it to show what a great job he's doing. Of course, he knows his 'fans' will take his word for how great he is.

It would be interesting to learn if the Ukrainian leader inquired about the funds Trump was withholding.
Good want to talk about the 3 million dollar bribe hunter received ? Oh wait we can’t because that investigation was STOP BY JOE BIDEN.

Wanna continue?
:rolleyes: it was not stopped by Joe Biden.
I’ll take joes words over yours .. lol wow the derangement is deep

Then we agree that it was not stopped by Joe Biden since he did not say that it was.
Lol he said he has 6 hours before his flight leaves if they want the money fire the guy.. what am I missing lol

What you are missing is that it was not about Biden’s son. It was much bigger than than that. Biden’s son was a token board member who was never in danger from the Ukraine.
3 million is a token? Lol looks like he was a bargaining chip .. to fatten the wallet of the Biden clan .. that’s is a huge conflict of interest..
3 million is a token? Lol looks like he was a bargaining chip .. to fatten the wallet of the Biden clan .. that’s is a huge conflict of interest..

To company with billions in revenue, 3 million is pocket change. Hell, they probably laughed that he agreed to work for so little!
3 million is a token? Lol looks like he was a bargaining chip .. to fatten the wallet of the Biden clan .. that’s is a huge conflict of interest..

To company with billions in revenue, 3 million is pocket change. Hell, they probably laughed that he agreed to work for so little!
Yea I bet you would be ok with that conflict with the crack head lol

Hey, if someone wants to give me 3 million dollars to sit on a board and do nothing, I would be ok with it.
Ukraine minister denies Trump put pressure on Zelenskiy during call...

Oops! So we're right back to asking why Joe Biden lied trying to cover up for his son taking 1.5 billion from China in a Quid Pro Quo!
:rolleyes: it was not stopped by Joe Biden.
I’ll take joes words over yours .. lol wow the derangement is deep

Then we agree that it was not stopped by Joe Biden since he did not say that it was.
Lol he said he has 6 hours before his flight leaves if they want the money fire the guy.. what am I missing lol

What you are missing is that it was not about Biden’s son. It was much bigger than than that. Biden’s son was a token board member who was never in danger from the Ukraine.
3 million is a token? Lol looks like he was a bargaining chip .. to fatten the wallet of the Biden clan .. that’s is a huge conflict of interest..
do you have a reliable link to the 3 million accusation crap? how about a decent link to joe biden being involved, as well?

Or simply tell me in your own words without a link, what you believe and understand happened that was corrupt by Joe Biden?

And while you are at it, do you think Trump is corrupt in any way?
3 million is a token? Lol looks like he was a bargaining chip .. to fatten the wallet of the Biden clan .. that’s is a huge conflict of interest..

To company with billions in revenue, 3 million is pocket change. Hell, they probably laughed that he agreed to work for so little!
Yea I bet you would be ok with that conflict with the crack head lol

Hey, if someone wants to give me 3 million dollars to sit on a board and do nothing, I would be ok with it.
Do nothing? Lol his father was the VP..
Investigation needs to be reinstated That Biden demanded that he be fired
3 million is a token? Lol looks like he was a bargaining chip .. to fatten the wallet of the Biden clan .. that’s is a huge conflict of interest..

To company with billions in revenue, 3 million is pocket change. Hell, they probably laughed that he agreed to work for so little!
Yea I bet you would be ok with that conflict with the crack head lol

Hey, if someone wants to give me 3 million dollars to sit on a board and do nothing, I would be ok with it.
Do nothing? Lol his father was the VP..
Investigation needs to be reinstated That Biden demanded that he be fired

Nobody is denying that Biden demanded that he be fired.
I’ll take joes words over yours .. lol wow the derangement is deep

Then we agree that it was not stopped by Joe Biden since he did not say that it was.
Lol he said he has 6 hours before his flight leaves if they want the money fire the guy.. what am I missing lol

What you are missing is that it was not about Biden’s son. It was much bigger than than that. Biden’s son was a token board member who was never in danger from the Ukraine.
3 million is a token? Lol looks like he was a bargaining chip .. to fatten the wallet of the Biden clan .. that’s is a huge conflict of interest..
do you have a reliable link to the 3 million accusation crap? how about a decent link to joe biden being involved, as well?

Or simply tell me in your own words without a link, what you believe and understand happened that was corrupt by Joe Biden?

And while you are at it, do you think Trump is corrupt in any way?
No I think trump isn’t the dirty politician democrats want him to be so you are all bullshit, he probably was inquiring about Ukraine continuing the investigation in to Biden’s son.. the American
People deserve to know if Biden was using his influence to make his family rich.. good for trump. He’s by far the least corrupt president we ever had .. he’s keeping it real
3 million is a token? Lol looks like he was a bargaining chip .. to fatten the wallet of the Biden clan .. that’s is a huge conflict of interest..

To company with billions in revenue, 3 million is pocket change. Hell, they probably laughed that he agreed to work for so little!
Yea I bet you would be ok with that conflict with the crack head lol

Hey, if someone wants to give me 3 million dollars to sit on a board and do nothing, I would be ok with it.
Do nothing? Lol his father was the VP..
Investigation needs to be reinstated That Biden demanded that he be fired
fine, go the proper and NOT ILLEGAL manner in which Trump has done and also, full cooperation from the administration with the investigations in to his own corruption, by congress, as the constitution requires... on Trump's alleged illegal quid pro quo in the Ukraine, using his presidential position... for dirt on his political opponent, and why Trump held back the Ukraine's aid that was passed by congress for them, to fight off Russia from invading them....

your and Trump's deflection, won't work this time....
3 million is a token? Lol looks like he was a bargaining chip .. to fatten the wallet of the Biden clan .. that’s is a huge conflict of interest..

To company with billions in revenue, 3 million is pocket change. Hell, they probably laughed that he agreed to work for so little!
Yea I bet you would be ok with that conflict with the crack head lol

Hey, if someone wants to give me 3 million dollars to sit on a board and do nothing, I would be ok with it.
Do nothing? Lol his father was the VP..
Investigation needs to be reinstated That Biden demanded that he be fired
fine, go the proper and NOT ILLEGAL manner in which Trump has done and also, full cooperation from the administration with the investigations in to his own corruption, by congress, as the constitution requires... on Trump's alleged illegal quid pro quo in the Ukraine, using his presidential position... for dirt on his political opponent, and why Trump held back the Ukraine's aid that was passed by congress for them, to fight off Russia from invading them....

your and Trump's deflection, won't work this time....
For what so we can listen to fiilerbusting Adam schit talk about the next trump fake scandal for the next two years? Lol yea no.. we are voting all of you democrats out of office next year. Tables have turned, never mess with Americans
GG, if the Ukraine Prosecutor's name had been 'Robert Mueller' and we were talking about Trump you and Democrats would be screaming at the top of your lungs about how Trump must be Impeached because this was an obvious case of OBSTRUCTION...and YOU KNOW IT, you f*ing hypocrite!

You do have an active imagination, but I have said from day one that I did not think Trump did anything illegal and that nothing would come of the Mueller investigation.

The question still remains, why are you so afraid of the transcripts being turned over to Congress? There is a reason we have an oversight committee

Dem led oversight committees do not conduct oversight anymore.
They use it as a platform to falsely accuse, name-call, and harass.
Dems called Lewandowski an enforcer, a chicken, a scaled fish, etc..

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