Ukraine: nazi tactics beyond air bombing civilians


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
Main qualitative differences between the Rwanda and the Ukraine genocide, 20 years later:
- the ongoing genocide is broadcasted all over the world by internet videos and livestream. Hardly anyone wants to see it, as the number of video views show: only a detail in the scope of this comparison.
- the targeted group is also bombed by rocket launchers, tanks and airforce jets.

Kiev regime openly uses nazi techniques
- burns people alive in buildings, starting with a remake of Kristallnacht 1938 at Odessa.
- knocks on the door at 3 A.M. in the night to arrest, interrogate and shortly after execute citizens.
- targets a GROUP defined by age and/or ethnicity and/or religion and/or political views: calling the members "sub-humans" and detaining them.

Jul 5 - Poroshenko, President of Ukraine, used the Nazi word 'subhumans' in relation to armed fighters that had evacuated Slavyansk, albeit without calling them 'Russians.'

English language press quotes Poroshenko with reference to his official website with "Subhumans" replaced with "People":
"But the purging of Slovyansk of these bands, made up of people armed to the teeth, has incredible symbolic importance."
The English version of Poroshenko's comment is conspicuously absent his website.

Neo-Gestapo in action:
Starobilsk, July
- people arrested in the night to be probably never seen again.
- Interrogatory of police chief because in May he didn't intervene in a rally against the nazis (seen at 6.00 minutes), ends with "I'll shoot you". Only the execution is not shown.

Reminder: in the US The military already has the power to arrest and hold Americans indefinitely. Only difference is they don't use yet videos to openly show it.

Slavyansk, one day after the nazis entered the city: All men aged 25-35 arrested and taken to unknown location

Hitler's Condor Legion was the first to air bomb civilians, at Guernica, Spain.
Milestone was celebrated as mockery of the "human cattle" by Picasso, an illuminati icon in the role of "artist".
Illuminati Icons: Mind control techniques - "Picasso millions hoax" technique exposed 2004

Odessa Mass murder in live stream, all planned - Remix of staged Kiev riots and Kristallnacht 1938
Illuminati Milestones: Odessa Mass murder in live stream, all planned - Remix of staged Kiev riots, Kristallnacht 1933
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