Ukraine Plague Is H1N1 Swine11 Biological Weapon Upgrade

Greetings to All:

Tim Alexander Earl of Stirling on Baxter's Ukraine Advanced Bioweapon Outbreak: ARMAGEDDON HAS BEGUN

November 13, 2009 at 3:37 pm (Uncategorized)

Ukraine’s flu death toll reaches 239

[ 13 Nov 2009 12:09 ]

Baku – APA. 239 people died in Ukraine as a result of influenza and hard respiratory diseases, APA reports quoting Ukrainska Pravda online source. Health Ministry of Ukraine said 26 more people, including three children, died from pneumonia over the past 24 hours. Lab analysis confirmed only 85 “swine flu” infection cases in the country so far and 16 of those cases had fatal results. [this means that over 1000 other cases tested were NOT swine flu and something else entirely!!!!]

Armageddon Has Begun

A Tale of Two Stories: The European BioWar outbreak and the censoring of it by the mainstream news media.

UPDATE: Latest Ukraine Plague figures: 1,253,558 very ill; 65,615 hospitalized in serious to critical condition. These are Ukraine only figures.

The biggest story on the Planet today is the outbreak of a very serious Advanced Biological War virus in Europe. The second biggest story on the Planet is the suppression of this story for almost two weeks by the corporate owned mainstream news media.

There is a lot we know and a lot that we can only speculate on about what is unfolding in Central Europe. We know that in mid-October, less than a month ago, there was a growing number of cases of what many thought was Swine Flu (A/H1N1) in the western part of the Ukraine. We know that many hundreds if not thousands of people in western Ukraine witnessed low flying light airplanes aerosol spraying something over Ukrainian cities during the days of October 29, 2009 and October 31, 2009.

We know that beginning the night of October 29th, massive numbers of people begin to get very sick. We know that the Ukraine government issued a statement denying that it was doing any aerial spraying to combat the growing disease or authorizing any spraying over Ukrainian cities. We know that by October 30th, the Ukrainian authorities closed all schools for three weeks and banned public gatherings.

We do NOT know what disease the people were/are coming down with. We DO know that doctors are describing the disease as Pneumonic Plague, or as some type of hemorrhagic fever, or as hemorrhagic influenza, or as hemorrhagic pneumonia. We know that the illness, whatever it is, does not appear to be A/H1N1. We do not know if the disease is a recombination of A/H1N1 with other viruses or some totally different virus or if it is in fact a virus. We know that the World Health Organization (WHO) has had several days to sequence the genes of the disease but has failed to release this data.

We know that WHO has NOT called for the quarantining of the Ukraine or the shutdown of all global travel to/from the area of infection and that this is the same thing that they did when Mexican Swine Flu (A/H1N1) first broke out and that the failure to contain that virus early on ensured its spread throughout the world.

We know that the internal temperature of the lungs of those with a terminal case of what many are calling ‘Ukrainian Plague’ is often from 130F to 135F. We do know that autopsies show that the lungs are filled with blood, and are black in color, and that the lung tissue has turned to mush. We know that patients who first show any signs of illness usually crash in less than 48 hours, sometimes the same day.

We know that the disease was spreading by about 200,000 per day but that this has slowed to about 100,000 day now, in the Ukraine, as people take extraordinary steps to contain the spread of the disease. We know that well over one and a third million people in the Ukraine are very ill with the disease (according to published official sources) and that over 60,000 are hospitalized in serious to critical condition. We know that the disease has a very high transmission rate with a likely low amount of viral (if it is in fact a virus) material needed to cause an infection. We know that the official reports of deaths are under 300 in the Ukraine. We also know that it is normal for hospital admissions of people with ARI (acute respiratory infection) to have a fatality rate of from 5% to 10%. We know that non-official sources were reporting over 3,000 deaths several days ago and that this number is more in tune with the 5-10% fatality rate than the official figures.

We do not know what effective treatments are for this illness. We do know that young adults seem to be more in danger of this illness. We suspect that ‘cytokine storming’ similar to that in the 1918 Spanish Flu, that killed approximately 50 million people, is taking place.

We know from official Ukrainian Health Ministry reports that the illness does not test out as Mexican Swine Flu (A/H1N1). We do not know if the existing Swine Flu vaccine has any effect, but based on the non-positive response to Swine Flu in testing, we suspect that the vaccine is ineffective as the viral protean shell is different than A/H1N1 (if in fact it is a virus that causes the illness).

We know that the illness has spread to Poland, where over one quarter of a million people are now very ill. We know that it has spread to Belarus and to Hungary and elsewhere in central Europe. We know that 900,000 people are said to have Swine Flu in Norway but we do not know if this is related to Ukraine Plague in any way.

We know that on November 8th a South African site ( carried the following:

“Suspicious aircraft were forced to land. A US operated (Russian-made long-range heavy transport) AN-124 changed its call sign from civilian to military which then triggered a response from the IAF (Indian Air Force) upon entering Pakistani air space (forcing) the plane to land in Mumbai while (a) second one was forced down by Nigerian fighter jets that also arrested the crew.”

“According to reports, China’s People’s Liberation Army Air Force contacted the Indian and Nigerian intelligence officials about the presence of these US operated Ukrainian aircraft amidst growing concern that the United States was spreading ‘biological agents’ in the Earth’s atmosphere, which some Chinese officials believed to be an attempt to (commit) mass genocide via the spread of H1N1 swine flu.”

These aircraft “were carrying ‘waste disposal’ systems that could spray up to 45,000kg (nearly 100,000 pounds) of aerial type mist from sophisticated….nano pipes” in the planes’ wings – called chemtrails.

We know that Baxter International Pharmaceuticals sent 72 kilos of human influenza H3N2 vaccine materials to 16 labs in European nations which contained live H5N1 Bird Flu viruses. We know that this was only discovered when a Czech lab tested the material on several ferrets (ferrets have a similar respiratory system to humans) and all of the ferrets died in short order. We know that Baxter claimed that this was human error. We also know that such a ‘human error’ is basically impossible with the containment protocols in place at Baxter and any other modern biolabs using Biosafety Level 3 (BLS-3) lab technology.

We know that in mid-August a Joseph Moshe, who is a Mossad biological warfare expert, called in to Dr. A. True Ott’s national radio talk show and reported that Baxter was getting ready to release a deadly plague from its Ukrainian lab and that he was shortly meeting with US Attorneys in Los Angles to give evidence about this. We know that shortly thereafter Moshe was apprehended by Federal agents and LA police and taken to the Israeli Consulate. We know that he was quickly flown to Israel and that no further word has come from him.

We know that over the last three or so years a large number of biological experts, from a number of places all over the world, have died strange deaths and that this has been commented on by various publications in the past.

We know that the sudden appearance of Mexican Swine Flu (A/H1N1) virtually had to have been a release from a biological warfare lab. We know that A/H1N1 has gene sequences from three different types (American, Asian, and African) of Swine Flu, of Bird Flu, of two different types of human seasonal flu, and of Spanish Flu and that such a recombination is so unlikely in nature as to be virtually impossible. We know that the WHO policies of not requiring a major quarantine of Mexico ensured that A/H1N1 would spread throughout the world.

We know that the current Swine Flu “Vaccine” is almost totally untested, and that the manufactures are protected from lawsuits for even deliberate acts that result in deaths and that nations acquiring the vaccines are required to sign contracts agreeing not to release negative information on the “vaccine” to the public. We know that published additives to the “vaccine” include highly dangerous-to-human-health substances.

We know that the corporate owned mainstream news media (with strong links to global banking families) have censored this story in a way that has never happen before. We know that the outbreak of a unknown but deadly and very rapidly spreading disease in Europe is the largest story on Earth but that it is NOT being reported on.

Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)

No. Armageddon has 'not' begun. The 1000 Year Day of the Lord (in blue here and here) is just about to 'begin,' so that Armageddon can take place at the 'END of the Age.' Dr. Deagle's calculations are off by just about 1000 years 'and' the egotistical know-it-all refuses to debate me on the errors in his Bible interpretations (my Topic).

This earth will go through many of the same Swine11 Scenarios at the END of the Age, but on a MUCH larger scale. Dr. Deagle (and Dr. True Ott) fail to realize that their Bible is divided into three distinct parts of Spirit, Blood and Water (like this). Since they mix the 'water and blood' parts together, then their 'END of the Age' calculations are indeed 'off' by just about 1000 years. What 'is' coming to America looks like this:

TrutherGirls Video

And this . . .

[ame=]... Without The Monkey ...[/ame]


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Greetings to All:

The Baltimore Chronicle had done the best job of documenting the important events related to this Ukraine Plague/Upgraded H1N1 Virus.

Baltimore Chronicle Story:

Suspected Hemorrhagic Pneumonia Outbreak Hits Ukraine

by Stephen Lendman
Wednesday, 11 November 2009

The plague or virus in the Ukraine has 10 times the mortality rate (attributed to) normal swine flu. It may signal what's soon heading everywhere.

On October 29, the Australian web site reported that:
"Western Ukraine was hit by a severe epidemic of unidentified influenza, tentatively diagnosed by doctors as viral pneumonia. The number of dead has climbed dramatically. Doctors advise Western Ukrainians to stay home and use preventive medicine."
On October 30, Jane Burgermeister's reported that:

"More than 30 people have died in the Ukraine as a result of a mysterious new virus that has an affinity for the lungs," according to Swiss reports. Ukraine's Health Ministry said the virus' origin is unknown and showed "no signs of mutating to become more virulent." So far, 40,000 people were reported sick and 951 hospitalized.

On October 30, Jane Burgermeister's reported that:

"More than 30 people have died in the Ukraine as a result of a mysterious new virus that has an affinity for the lungs," according to Swiss reports. Ukraine's Health Ministry said the virus' origin is unknown and showed "no signs of mutating to become more virulent." So far, 40,000 people were reported sick and 951 hospitalized.

On October 30, reported that Ukraine's Health Minister, Vasyl Knyazevych, said two laboratories diagnosed 11 of 33 samples tested as "highly influenza A/H1N1." As a result, he considered declaring a nationwide quarantine, even though western areas alone were affected.

Since October 19, 30 deaths, including one child, from "acute respiratory infections," were reported, at first called SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome, a serious form of pneumonia caused by a virus). Influenza A virus affects birds and some mammals like pigs.

WTO Fear Mongering

The WTO says Swine Flu is similar to seasonal strains. Most cases are mild, and many people recover unaided. Yet it called the virus "unstoppable" and, on June 11, declared its highest phase 6 alert, saying: "The world is now at the start of the 2009 influenza pandemic." On July 13, it stopped just short of mandating mass vaccinations to halt the pandemic's spread.

On its November 1 "Pandemic (H1N1) 2009" update, it said "more than 199 countries and overseas territories/communities have reported laboratory confirmed cases of pandemic influenza H1N1 2009, including over 6,000 deaths."

On November 3, it reported the outbreak in Ukraine, "confirmed (as) H1N1 (based on) samples taken from patients in two of the most affected regions," and concluded that "most (Ukraine influenza) cases are caused by the H1N1 virus.

Infectious disease expert, Dr. Donald Lau, disagrees, saying:

"The statistical probability of this being the same H1N1 virus (is) infinitesimally small." He believes a highly virulent new strain is to blame. Public health authority, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz sees a deadly connection between governments and the drug cartel over dangerous, toxic vaccines. On You Tube, he recently warned that:
"These vaccinations contain highly unstable viruses that easily mutate, because they are 'live active' laboratory mutants that are being administered....People shed these 'live' viruses up to three weeks following vaccination. That means if you haven't been vaccinated, and you get near someone who has and then sneezes, you can get their H1N1 laboratory infection."
He explained that anyone contracting H1N1, from vaccinations or other Swine Flu-infected persons, risks combining it with other internal or environmental viruses, creating a lethal mix that can kill. He expressed great concern about vaccines used to transmit dangerous viruses, capable of mutating into deadly ones, believes this may be happening in Ukraine, and thinks America and other nations may be next.

Ukraine Reports of Overhead Aerosol Spraying

On October 31, Kiev newspaper editors got dozens of calls about light planes doing aerosol spraying during the day. In refuting the claims, the district's Emergency Response office said "no permission had been granted for small aviation aircraft to fly within the city limits." Yet eye-witness accounts from Lviv, Ternopil, and other Ukraine cities said the same thing.
On November 8, the South African web site reported that last June 26:
"Suspicious aircraft were forced to land. A US operated (Russian-made long-range heavy transport) AN-124 changed its call sign from civilian to military which then triggered a response from the IAF (Indian Air Force) upon entering Pakistani air space (forcing) the plane to land in Mumbai while (a) second one was forced down by Nigerian fighter jets that also arrested the crew."

"According to reports, China's People's Liberation Army Air Force contacted the Indian and Nigerian intelligence officials about the presence of these US operated Ukrainian aircraft amidst growing concern that the United States was spreading 'biological agents' in the Earth's atmosphere, which some Chinese officials believed to be an attempt to (commit) mass genocide via the spread of H1N1 swine flu."

These aircraft "were carrying 'waste disposal' systems that could spray up to 45,000kg (nearly 100,000 pounds) of aerial type mist from sophisticated....nano pipes" in the planes' wings - called chemtrails.

"Then last week, (aircraft) sprayed (an unknown) substance over Ukraine days before the (mysterious) plague outbreak."
Quarantine and Martial Law Declared

On October 30, president Viktor Yushchenko quarantined nine regions, ordered mobile military hospitals established throughout the country, and was expected to declare martial law. Reports from western Ukraine said a "severe outbreak of UNIDENTIFIED Influenza, (is) suspected by doctors to be a form of viral pneumonia."

On November 4, in a nationwide address, Yushchenko cited:

  • an "emergency epidemic situation in the country," caused by "infections of viral origin, including A/H1N1 flu (that are) rapidly spreading across Ukraine;"
  • "People are dying; the epidemic is killing doctors;"
  • "three pathogens of viral infections came to Ukraine at the same time: two of them are seasonal flu and the third is the A/H1N1; according to virologists, such a combination of infections due to mutation may produce a new, even more aggressive virus;"
  • "It is generally known that the only way to prevent any infection is vaccination;" Dr. Viera Scheibner, the world's foremost vaccine expert, calls it the worst way as vaccines often cause the diseases they're designed to prevent;
  • "in early October," it was known that "viral infections in the west of the country" were spreading;
  • "The current Constitution after alterations in 2004 makes the Government solely responsible for conducting state healthcare policy....(by) my decree I put" the National Security and Defense Council (in charge) of decision-making;"
  • "Failure to comply with its orders will immediately result in application to the law enforcement authorities."
In other words, Yushchenko declared martial law. He also ordered a crackdown on political protests, the arrest of public health officials opposed to mass Swine Flu vaccinations and quarantines, arrests of anyone not complying, and a ban on all infection medicines except Swine Flu vaccines.

By November 6, Deputy Health Minister, Zinovy Mytnyk, said "633,877 people (were) suffering from flu and acute respiratory infections," and "95" had died.

On November 7, updated the totals to "871,037 Influenza/ARI (acute respiratory infection) cases, 39,603 hospitalized, and 135 deaths, and asked if Baxter released a bioweapon in Ukraine, saying "Evidence appears to suggest" it. It cited a February 24 report that "Baxter Sent Bird Flu Virus to European Labs by Error (containing) contaminated (virus) samples...."

The problem was discovered when inoculated ferrets in a Czech lab died. Austrian health minister, Sigrid Rosenberger, confirmed that Baxter supplied batches "infected with a bird flu virus." Company spokesperson, Christopher Bona, blamed "human error." Others were skeptical, including Austrian journalist Jane Burgermeister.

On June 10, she filed sweeping criminal charges with the FBI in addition to earlier April 8 ones with the Vienna State Prosecutor's Office against Baxter AG, Baxter International and Avir Green Hill Biotechnology AG, "for manufacturing, disseminating, and releasing a biological weapon of mass destruction on Austrian soil between December 2008 and February 2009 with the intention of causing a global bird flu pandemic virus and of intending to profit from that same pandemic in an act that violates laws on international organised crime and genocide."

Baxter operates Biosafety Level 3 (BLS-3) labs that take strict precautions to assure against accidental H3N2 (human influenza) and H5N1 (bird flu) co-mingling contamination. Letting it happen suggests something more nefarious than an accident.

BLS-3 personnel are trained in handling pathogenic and potentially lethal agents and are supervised by competent, experienced scientists. In addition, these labs have specially engineered design features for added safety.

By combining H3N2 and H5N1 viruses, "Baxter produced a highly dangerous biological weapon with a 63 per cent mortality rate. The H5N1 virus is restricted in its human-to-human transmissibility, especially because it is less airborne."
"However when....combined with seasonal flu viruses (easily transmitted by air), a new flu virus is created which is unknown to the human immune system and which will have a severe impact on an unprotected population. A deadly virus of this kind could spread around the world in a short time and (potentially) infect millions (or) even billions of people."
Baxter (via Avir) "distributed (72 kilos of) contaminated (live bird flu) vaccines using false concealment and false labels to 16 laboratories in Austria and....other countries at the end of January/beginning of February, potentially infecting at least 36-37 laboratory staff, who (were) treated preventively for bird flu and ordinary flu." On the same day, 18 Avir employees were as well at Vienna's Otto Wagner Hospital. (More).
The question is: Why do the Major American News Outlets ignore this Ukraine Plague Story and the coming "Second H1N1 Pandemic Wave"???


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Greetings to All:

Dr. Scott Johnson's YouTube Video Updates on the Ukraine Plague Pandemic can be seen by clicking on my Swine11 Topic here (Post #568).


Greetings to All:

None of the numbers from the Ukraine Plague are credible, but we can extrapolate what is going on by reading between the lines. Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko "hinted that all three [strains] might have recombined into the deadly new Ukrainian Super Flu." The situation in Ukraine is VERY VERY SERIOUS, but the U.S./Govt-controlled Media is not uttering a single word . . .


H1N1 "super flu" plague in Ukraine spark concern, conspiracy theories about origins

Monday, November 16, 2009 by: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

Key concepts: Ukraine, H1N1 and Super flu

View on NaturalPedia: Ukraine, H1N1 and Super flu

(NaturalNews) Here's what we know with some degree of certainty about the H1N1 virus in Ukraine right now: nearly 300 people have died from the viral strain, and over 65,000 people have been hospitalized (the actual numbers are increasing by the hour). The virus appears to be either a highly aggressive mutation of the globally-circulating H1N1 strain, or a combination of three different influenza strains now circulating in Ukraine. Some observers suspect this new "super flu" might be labeled viral hemorrhagic pneumonia (meaning it destroys lung tissue until your lungs bleed so much that you drown in your own fluid), but that has not been confirmed by any official sources we're aware of.

Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko has issued emergency quarantine orders for nine of the country's regions and ordered the deployment of mobile military hospitals. He announced that the nation had been simultaneously hit with two different seasonal flu strains plus H1N1 -- and then hinted that all three might have recombined into the deadly new Ukrainian super flu.

In his own words, as reported by Daily Mail, "Unlike similar epidemics in other countries, three causes of serious viral infections came together simultaneously in Ukraine: two seasonal flus and the Californian flu. Virologists conclude that this combination of infections may produce an even more aggressive new virus as a result of mutation."

On November 6, Ukraine's Deputy Health Minister Zinovy Mytnyk announced that over 600,000 citizens had already caught the new flu. British scientists are now conducting tests on the new viral strain to find out why it appears to be so deadly (

The mainstream media is blaming Ukraine's poor health care system for the relatively high rates of hospitalization and death (, but they refuse to mention (yet again) the vitamin D deficiency found across this population living at high latitude in the winter, where sunlight is relatively scarce.

Here's a useful blog for staying up to date on the Ukrainian plague:
Ukraine and World Pneumonic Plague Information

What we don't know

Now here's what we don't know about the Ukraine outbreak:

What is the actual genetic composition of this mutated strain?

Scientists have not released any meaningful news about the genetic sequence of the Ukraine strain. For the moment, the WHO is somewhat quiet on the matter. The last WHO update was from November 3 (and the situation has become considerably worse since). (

Was this viral strain released as a bioweapon?

There are numerous reports circulating widely across the 'net that cite aerial spraying across Kiev in the days before the new "super flu" outbreak. People are speculating that this was a bioweapon attack intentionally unleashed upon the Ukrainian population. So far, NaturalNews can find no credible information supporting this theory, but it remains a possibility to be researched further. Article By Dr. Rebecca Carley

The nighttime spraying in Ukraine, that started this 'Second Pandemic Wave,' is now going on in Poland (story). The New World Order Elites have started the 'hard kill' phase of the Rothschild/Rockefeller Eugenics Genocide Campaign (story), which will begin in the USA very soon . . .

Listen to Barbara Loe Fisher


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Greetings to All:

This Upgraded H1N1 Biological Weapon Virus "Second Wave" began in Ukraine about two weeks ago, but the media is pretending that this 'super flu' is something 'new.' Story

H1N1 "super flu" plague in Ukraine *** & *** Suspected Hemorrhagic Pneumonia Outbreak Hits Ukraine

by Linda A. Member since:
May 6, 2008

November 16, 2009 09:45 PM EST (Updated: November 16, 2009 09:48 PM EST)

BREAKING NEWS: A strange new "super flu" is wreaking havoc in the Ukraine. It has the people lining the halls of local hospitals... and politicians running scared.

But what is this "Ukraine strain?" And where did it come from?

We don't have answers to those questions yet, but today will share what is known so far.
PLEASE note the connection of the vaccines and the spraying of chemtrails by U.S. military planes.

H1N1 "super flu" plague in Ukraine sparks concern, conspiracy theories about origins

(NaturalNews) Here's what we know with some degree of certainty about the H1N1 virus in Ukraine right now: nearly 300 people have died from the viral strain, and over 65,000 people have been hospitalized (the actual numbers are increasing by the hour). The virus appears to be either a highly aggressive mutation of the globally-circulating H1N1 strain, or a combination of three different influenza strains now circulating in Ukraine.

Some observers suspect this new "super flu" might be labeled viral hemorrhagic pneumonia (meaning it destroys lung tissue until your lungs bleed so much that you drown in your own fluid), but that has not been confirmed by any official sources we're aware of.

Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko has issued emergency quarantine orders for nine of the country's regions and ordered the deployment of mobile military hospitals. He announced that the nation had been simultaneously hit with two different seasonal flu strains plus H1N1 -- and then hinted that all three might have recombined into the deadly new Ukrainian super flu.

In his own words, as reported by Daily Mail, "Unlike similar epidemics in other countries, three causes of serious viral infections came together simultaneously in Ukraine: two seasonal flus and the Californian flu. Virologists conclude that this combination of infections may produce an even more aggressive new virus as a result of mutation."

PLEASE read the rest HERE!!!
The H1N1 "Herald/Carrier Wave" began in Mexico (my Topic), but the deadly H1N1 "Second Wave" began in Ukraine . . . and 'is' coming to the USA in the weeks and months ahead . . .

The Ukraine Plague Strain Might Already Be In America


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Greetings to All:

[ame=""]The WHO Is Lying In Official Ukraine Report[/ame]

[ame=]Ukraine 3-in-1 Flu BioWeapon[/ame]

The WHO and the CDC are guilty of conspiring with Baxter and other Rothschild/Rockefeller Eugenics Doctors in Global Genocide!!! The WHO and CDC are deliberately withholding genetic sequencing data proving that the H1N1 Herald Wave Virus HAS MUTATED, because they want this super strain to spread and murder more than 90 percent of the Global Population . . .


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Greetings to All: Story

Ukraine; Virus Is Mixture Of H1N1 And Parainfluenza, Causes Cardiopulmonary Failure; Indicates

November 18th, 2009 6:05 AM

Anna Yashchenko

Professor Victor Bachinsky, PhD., is a coroner in the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine. He provides evidence which indicates that parainfluenza mixed with the H1N1 virus, not pneumonic plague, has caused so much illness in Ukraine. Yet more strains of influenza which have combined, a strong indication that we are dealing with a laboratory developed bio-weapon. [Translated from Russian]

Based on autopsies, we have come to the conclusion: it’s not pneumonia, but cardiopulmonary insufficiency and cardiogenic shock … The virus enters directly into the lungs, there is bleeding … Antibiotics should not be used …

Why do we have such a high mortality rate in the country? Because people are going to pharmacies to get medicine instead of going to their doctors to be treated … No it is not pneumonic plague. It’s all nonsense … antibiotics do not help … Those with strong immune systems will survive. People with weak immune systems will succumb to the illness … Face Masks provide 30% extra protection. Wearing glasses gives an additional 10% protection, that is 40%, because the virus penetrates the mucose membranes.

The Head of the Chernivtsi regional forensic bureau, Professor Victor Bachinsky PhD, makes a strong statement: all the victims of the virus in Bukovina (22 persons aged 20 to 40 years) died not from bilateral (double) pneumonia, as previously thought, but as a result of viral distress syndrome, i.e. the total destruction of the lungs. We caught up with Professor Bachinsky, to find out how he came to this conclusion, and how people can protect themselves from this disease.

Professor, you said earlier that the virus, from which many people have died – is a mixture of types of parainfluenza and influenza A/H1N1. How do you cure this disease?

The question of how to treat this virus is not up to me. I am a pathologist. I just found out what it is and made an exact diagnosis. It is important to provide the correct treatment based on diagnosis. (More).

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Hi Candy:

[ame=""]If Candy only had a brain . . .[/ame]

Pneumonic Plague Reported in Eastern Poland

Reports are coming in of people dying of symptoms similar to the pneunomic plague in an Emergency Room in Bialystok in the north east of Poland.

A doctor reported treating three patients with symptoms similar to the pneumonic plague, including burned lungs. One the patients died in his arms. The doctor said that it appeared be a bacterial infection and that no antibiotics worked. He also thought it could be a more virulent strain of the swine flu.

The victims came from small villages close to Bialystok.

Low flying aircraft were heard in the region a few nights ago.

Cases similar to the pneumonic plague have also be reported in Lithuania, close to the Polish border and to Bialystok.

The appearance of something resembling the pneumonic plague in Poland shortly after low flying aircraft made carried out unexplained missions during the night time in the same area has parallels with the recent incident in the Ukraine.

Witnesses reported low flying planes carrying out aerosol spraying shortly before the pneumonic plague was diagnosed in victims a few days later.

The Ukrainian government and WHO moved swiftly to declare the swine flu virus had mutated to become more dangerous and implement martial law.

This is an email from Poland:

My friend a doctor who works in Emergency Room in Bialystok (Eastern North of Poland) called me saying that he had 3 cases of patients with symptoms similar to the pneumonic plague. "If it is h1n1, so it means that it has changed for very virulent form and it kills in matter of hours". One patient died in his hands. I do not know what happened to other two. He is going to inform me how's the situation, but he expects it to get much worse. No antibiotic works for the disease!
The 'Second Wave' is coming to the USA and soon . . .


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Greetings to All: Article

Russia Today "Black Lung" Report

Russia Today "Black Lung" Report 2

[ame=""]Ukraine Outbreak: H1N1 Following 1918 Spanish Flu Mutation[/ame]

[ame=""]Fox News Finally Reports On Ukraine H1N1 Mutation[/ame]

[ame=]Ukraine Plague, Martial Law 'Doc' Interview Part 1[/ame]


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Greetings to All:

Entire Nation Of Ukraine Under Armed Quarantine - Entire Nation Shut Down

November 19, 2009 at 8:26 pm (Uncategorized)


Reports from the Ukraine..
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The entire nation of Ukraine is under quarantine by the World Health Organization and by their own Ukrainian government. No one is allowed to enter the nation, and no one is allowed to leave. All transportation in or out has been grounded. All border crossings are closed and heavily guarded. All schools in the country are closed. Most businesses are shut down. No large gatherings of people are permitted. Only medically necessary and government vehicles are permitted on the streets. People are generally confined to their homes. Not a word of what is happening is being printed or reported on by the news media. There is a complete news blackout. And people are dying by the hundreds every day. A few bodies are being buried when possible. Most are being burned. Almost everyone in the country is wearing masks or bandannas over their faces for protection. The disease is highly contagious and thousands of new cases are occurring daily.

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this is what they are preparing for here in America folks…

Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)

Dr. Bill Deagle and his radio guest are talking about the Ukraine Situation in this edition of the (GNC

Nutrimedical Report Nov. 20, 2009

I have been predicting "Medical Martial Law" (my Topic) and Ukraine is under Medical Martial Law RIGHT NOW as we speak. My predictions say that the U.S. Military has been preparing mass graves for U.S. Citizens (my Topic) and bodies are being burned right now in Ukraine (story). The people living in Ukraine could have heeded my warnings about Surviving the coming collapse (my Topic), because the store shelves 'are' empty and people are dying right now from the panic and pandemonium that 'is' definitely coming to America in the weeks and months ahead.

The H1N1 "Second Wave" is coming and you are wise to make your preparations while there is still time . . .


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Greetings to All: Story

New Mutated H1N1 Virus In Norway And Sweden

According to Aftonbladet, a new mutation of the AH1N1 virus has been found in several people in both Norway and Sweden. In Norway, the only ones being found with this virus were already in Hospitals. This new mutated virus is supposedly more dangerous since it travels deeper inside of the lungs. The three confirmed cases in Norway have been reported to the WHO.

It is expected that the new mutation has been infecting many so far resulting in different milder symptoms and Health authorities in the countries state there is no reason to panic.

It is unclear weather the new mutated virus is supposed to be "covered" by the "swine flu" vaccinations that are being injeted in thousands of individuals in Norway and Sweden. It is suspicious that these new types of viruses appear just after mass vaccinations starts and could indicate that it was in fact present in the "swine flu" shots which was given to already sick in the first wave of vaccinations.

Johan Niklasson Original article

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Terral. You're wasting your time.
You're preaching to brainwashed sheep.
They'll be in denial until the last moment. Then they'll be suicidal.:eusa_pray:

Brainwashed with a basic understanding of microbiology.

Flu A = A virus

Pneumonic plaque = spore form of Yersina pestis, a bacteria.
Hi Geau:

Even the most powerful shadow conspiracy you fear can't turn a bacteria into a virus:

No kidding. The 'pneumonic plague' conclusion is the 'cover story' for what is really an Upgraded Lab-Created H1N1/H5N1/H3N2 Triple-Triple Recombinant Influenza Biological Weapon.

Geau is preaching to the Swine11 Inside-Job Choir . . .


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Greetings to All:

[ame=""]Everything Is A Conspiracy[/ame]

[ame=""]H1N1 Vaccines Will Be Used For Depopulation & Martial Law Part 1[/ame]


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