Debunking the Biden-Ukraine conspiracy theory

Your belief that both can't be true only shows what a pathetic dumbass you are.

So Biden was saving his son (from no one investigating him) and at the same time someone was bribing Biden to do it too?

By God, Biden is a genius....or you are just a crackpot twisting yourself into pretzels trying to reconcile all the incoherent bullshit floating around in your head.
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So Biden was saving his son (from no one investigating him) and at the same time someone was bribing Biden to do it too?

By God, Biden is a genius....or you are just a crackpot twisting yourself into pretzels trying to reconcile all the incoherent bullshit floating around in your head.
Biden was squeezing Burisma for cash. That's the long and the short of it. Only a brain damaged prog moron would pretend that's implausible. The most implausible theory maginable is that Biden is not criminal.
Biden was squeezing Burisma for cash. That's the long and the short of it. Only a brain damaged prog moron would pretend that's implausible. The most implausible theory maginable is that Biden is not criminal.

It's not implausible that you skin a cat every what?

You just never learned that believing something to be fact is not a matter of what is possible and convenient to assume for some politico nutbag like yourself.

There has never been any evidence Burisma was extorted by Biden, never any evidence Joe took a bribe for any official act. All this remains just some baseless bullshit you ASSert.
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It's not implausible that you skin a cat every what?

You just never learned that believing something to be fact is not a matter of what is possible and convenient to assume for some politico nutbag like yourself.

There has never been any evidence Burisma was extorted by Biden, never any evidence Joe took a bribe for any official act. All this remains just some baseless bullshit you ASSert.
We all know it's a fact, you lying piece of shit. You're attempt to defend a criminal fools no one. There is a mountain of evidence. They broadcast it 24 hours a day on cable news. Do you actually believe you're fooling anyone? I think you're brain is being eaten by maggots.
Shokin was investigating corruption that's why he was going after Hunter. Of course, Joe couldn't let that happen so he use US influence to get him fired claiming HE (Shokin) was corrupt.

Hundreds of pages of never-released memos and documents — many from inside the American team helping Burisma to stave off its legal troubles — conflict with Biden’s narrative.

And they raise the troubling prospect that U.S. officials may have painted a false picture in Ukraine that helped ease Burisma’s legal troubles and stop prosecutors’ plans to interview Hunter Biden during the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
In a newly sworn affidavit prepared for a European court, Shokin testified that when he was fired in March 2016, he was told the reason was that Biden was unhappy about the Burisma investigation. “The truth is that I was forced out because I was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into Burisma Holdings, a natural gas firm active in Ukraine and Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, was a member of the Board of Directors,” Shokin testified.
“On several occasions President Poroshenko asked me to have a look at the case against Burisma and consider the possibility of winding down the investigative actions in respect of this company but I refused to close this investigation,” Shokin added.

Shokin was obviously pressured to wind down his investigation of Burisma and, when he refused, Biden got him fired.

Sorry, I'm not taking the word of the guy that was fired. It was, at that time, the policy of both Republicans, Democrats, our allies and the International Monetary fund and that of the State Department to fire Shokin, BECAUSE HE WASN'T INVESTIGATING CORRUPTION, and I'll take their collective word over Shokin's or Solomon's (whose Justthenews is flakey).
Sorry, I'm not taking the word of the guy that was fired. It was, at that time, the policy of both Republicans, Democrats, our allies and the International Monetary fund and that of the State Department to fire Shokin, BECAUSE HE WASN'T INVESTIGATING CORRUPTION, and I'll take their collective word over Shokin's or Solomon's (whose Justthenews is flakey).

I'm still waiting for you to provide a product that those shell companies produced.

Companies earn money by making things, or providing a service, like house cleaning, landscaping etc.

So.....for the 2nd time....what product were those companies producing?

Simple answer it.
I'm still waiting for you to provide a product that those shell companies produced.
You guys are making the claim, the onus is on you to prove your allegation, not me.
Companies earn money by making things, or providing a service, like house cleaning, landscaping etc.
So.....for the 2nd time....what product were those companies producing?

Simple answer it.
Question is a red herring, and I do not engage with red herrings.

Here's the correct question:

What is your proof that Biden took a bribe?

Shell LLC's are not prima facie evidence of wrongdoing.
SARS are not evidence of wrongdoing (says so right on the gov website)
Affidavits to not prove anything.

All the above are predication for query, only.

All the above require corroborative evidence, DIRECT evidence, of which you have failed to provide any.
I'm still waiting for you to provide a product that those shell companies produced.

Companies earn money by making things, or providing a service, like house cleaning, landscaping etc.

So.....for the 2nd time....what product were those companies producing?

Simple answer it.
Legal advice and consulting.
You guys are making the claim, the onus is on you to prove your allegation, not me.


Question is a red herring, and I do not engage with red herrings.

Here's the correct question:

What is your proof that Biden took a bribe?

Shell LLC's are not prima facie evidence of wrongdoing.
SARS are not evidence of wrongdoing (says so right on the gov website)
Affidavits to not prove anything.

All the above are predication for query, only.

All the above require corroborative evidence, DIRECT evidence, of which you have failed to provide any.

Shell companies ARE prima facie evidence of a crime. SARS by themselves are indeed not evidence, they are merely an indicator. However, the vast number of them IS evidence of wrondoing.

So, you have debunked nothing.

Instead, your arguments consist of large numbers of "uh uh", "I know you are but what am I", and outright ignoring of factual evidence of wrongdoing.

That exposes you as the intellectually dishonest, and intellectual lightweight that you truly are.
We all know it's a fact

Who is you all?

It's not me.

It's not Republicans that ran DOJ for 4 years.

It's not congressional Republicans who wrote official report on the matter, basically finding no evidence of anything against Joe Biden.

So who is it? Rightwing nutters? Who cares.
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Who is you all?

It's not me.

It's not Republicans that ran DOJ for 4 years.

It's not congressional Republicans wrote official report on the matter, basically finding no evidence of anything against Joe Biden.

So who is it? Rightwing nutters? Who cares.
You truly are an ignorant toad. The federal government is run by BUREAUCRATS. They are actively ignoring the elected representatives who are demanding documents and the BUREAUCRATS are refusing.

They aren't dem, or repub, they are the DEEP STATE.

They are loyal only to themselves.
I suspect this has been beaten to death, but, of late, I still see a number on the right on this forum promulgating the lie that Biden's withholding of loan guarantees to Ukraine was an attempt to prevent the investigation of Burisma, given that Hunter Biden was on the board.

At issue is this video, (link below) which many on the right falsely believe supports this conspiracy theory. But, context is missing. However, even without the context, there is nothing in the video that supports the claim.

I've seen that video a number of times. There is ZERO evidence the video proves that objective had anything to do with Biden attempting to thwart investigation into Burisma. In fact, the evidence proves the OPPOSITE.

Here are the multiple sourced FACTS.

““The United States, the European Union, the I.M.F., and Ukraine’s leading reform figures were all pressing for Viktor Shokin to be removed from office because he was one of the biggest obstacles to fighting corruption in the entire country. This was a bipartisan goal in Congress as well.”

The withholding of loan guarantees spoken of by Biden in that video was the incentive to get the Poroshenko/Ukrainian Parliament to fire Shokin, the corrupt Ukraine prosecutor, which was the foreign policy of the United States, and the International Monetary Fund with the approval of Democrat and Senate Republicans, at that time.

Why? Because Obama was wary of providing military support to Ukraine, at the time, given the massive corruption in the Country, and SHOKIN was NOT doing his job to fight corruption and naturally Obama didn't want taxpayer funds misappropriated in a corrupt country.

That is precisely the OPPOSITE of the claim.

What, do you (who believe the conspiracy theory) think a man with 30 years in the Senate would be stupid enough to admit to a federal crime on television? If you do, you are unaware of the facts and haven't thought it through.


The conspiracy theory alleges that then-Vice President Biden withheld loan guarantees to pressure Ukraine into firing a prosecutor to prevent a corruption investigation into Burisma and to protect his son. The United States did withhold government aid to pressure Ukraine into removing the prosecutor, in accord with the official and bipartisan policy of the federal government of the United States. The US government, along with the European Union, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, believed the prosecutor to be corrupt and ineffective and too lenient in investigating companies and oligarchs, including Burisma and its owner. A January 2018 video shows Biden taking credit for withholding the loan guarantees to have the prosecutor fired, acting to implement bipartisan US policy rather than for the reasons the conspiracy theory alleges.

Donald Trump said Ukraine’s former chief prosecutor was an honest, wronged man, fired after Joe Biden tried to shut down an investigation into his son’s gas company. In Kiev, Oliver Carroll speaks to people who know Viktor Shokin, and finds a different story

Republicans wanted Shokin removed, as well:

(Even the GOP chairman of the Homeland Security Committee which spearheaded this report, Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, backed the effort to remove Shokin, saying the “whole world” agreed he wasn’t doing a good job.)

Factchecking right wing lies

(Even the GOP chairman of the Homeland Security Committee which spearheaded this report, Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, backed the effort to remove Shokin, saying the “whole world” agreed he wasn’t doing a good job.)

April 21, 2014: Biden, then vice president, visited Ukraine’s capital, Kiev, in a show of support for the country’s government amid rising tensions with Russia.

May 13, 2014: Burisma Group, a private company that has drilled for natural gas in Ukraine since 2002, announced that Hunter Biden would be joining its board. Around that time, Burisma’s founder, a former government official named Mykola Zlochevsky, was under investigation for alleged money laundering by Britain’s Serious Fraud Office.

Dec. 8, 2015: Biden visited Kiev again and spoke out against bureaucratic corruption that he said was eating Ukraine “like a cancer.” Biden threatened to withhold loan guarantees unless Ukraine’s top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, who had been widely accused of corruption, was removed.

Shokin had investigated Burisma but the probe was dormant at the time Biden pushed for the prosecutor’s termination, Bloomberg reported earlier this year, citing a former Ukrainian official.

March 29, 2016: The Ukrainian Parliament voted to remove Shokin.

Jan. 23, 2018: Biden, at a Council on Foreign Relations event, detailed how he had threatened to withhold funds from Ukraine if Shokin was not removed.

April 2019: Hunter Biden’s term as a Burisma board member expired and he stepped down from the company.

May 16, 2019: Bloomberg quotes Ukraine’s current top prosecutor as saying he had no evidence of wrongdoing by Hunter Biden or his father.

quoting someone as dumb as you son, is no way to go thru life
Who is you all?

It's not me.
Everyone without brain damage.

It's not Republicans that ran DOJ for 4 years.
Only the deluded believe Republicans actually ever ran the DOJ.

It's not congressional Republicans who wrote official report on the matter, basically finding no evidence of anything against Joe Biden.
When did this fantasy happen?

So who is it? Rightwing nutters? Who cares.

We know criminals like you don't care.
Everyone without brain damage.

Only the deluded believe Republicans actually ever ran the DOJ.

When did this fantasy happen?

We know criminals like you don't care.

Jeff Sessions, Rosen and Bill Barr are all Republicans. They ran the DOJ during Trump administration.

Those are facts nutbag, can you somehow find a way to deal with it?
Jeff Sessions, Rosen and Bill Barr are all Republicans. They ran the DOJ during Trump administration.

Those are facts nutbag, can you somehow find a way to deal with it?
No they didn't. The underlings ignored their instructions. Rosen is just another deep state troll. Sessions as a spineless weasel.

If there's one thing the next Republican president needs to do is exclude any career politicians from his administration. None of them can be trusted.
Sorry, I'm not taking the word of the guy that was fired. It was, at that time, the policy of both Republicans, Democrats, our allies and the International Monetary fund and that of the State Department to fire Shokin, BECAUSE HE WASN'T INVESTIGATING CORRUPTION, and I'll take their collective word over Shokin's or Solomon's (whose Justthenews is flakey).
A claim that has no tangible support. It's a myth. There is no documentation supporting the claim. None.

Do you ever stop lying?
Jeff Sessions, Rosen and Bill Barr are all Republicans. They ran the DOJ during Trump administration.

Those are facts nutbag, can you somehow find a way to deal with it?

No, they are all swamp creatures. Beholding only to the swamp.
A claim that has no tangible support. It's a myth. There is no documentation supporting the claim. None.

Do you ever stop lying?
Shokin WAS investigating Burisma. That’s why Joe fired him because he feared Shokin would out Hunter and the Biden crime syndicate. Biden accused Shokin of what he himself was doing. Also, the Democrats impeached Trump for a phone call when he asked Zelenskyy about it.
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