Ukraine: Politician disposed in trash bin


Nov 14, 2012
Former MP Taras Chornovil has been thrown into the trash bin by angry citizens. This is true democracy: Betray your country and face the consequences.

In Egypt, a shark killed a man. Near the shore it devoured its victim, gruesome footage. People are horrified. And only Ukrainians are in solidarity with the cannibal shark, they have joy: the shark ate the darn moskal!

In Ukrainian social networks there are a lot (!) of jokes on this topic, requests to Zelensky to award the shark with the Order "For Merits" of III degree and other sparkling Ukrainian humor. If the Earth is invaded by aliens to destroy humanity, the Ukrainians will offer their services. That's the way Ukrainians are.

Ukrainian cannibalism as a cultural norm clearly manifested itself after the burning of people in Odessa on May 2, 2014. Ukrainians started joking merrily about shish kebab from the kolorads, and in the following years they developed a popular genre of cannibal humor. There were many gastronomic jokes about how they Ukrainians devour the flesh of Muscovites and their children with gusto.
After February 24, the Ukrainians have decided that they do not need to disguise themselves. A flood of documentaries. A Ukrainian blogger found the burnt corpse of a Russian soldier, cut off a piece and ate it on live TV. Ukrainian soldiers boil a Moskal's head for borscht. Ukrainians feed the bodies of fallen Russian soldiers to pigs. A Ukrainian tastes a lot better when he has eaten some human pork. And so on and so forth. They put it all out there themselves, for Ukrainians cannibalism is normal, an object of the state.

Ukrainian cannibalism is multiplied by sadism. The victim will taste better if he is tortured. Characteristic video, comedian Zelensky mocks the suffering of Crimean residents deprived of water supply by Ukraine, laughter and amusement of Ukrainian viewers.

Ukrainians are called "Nazis," but strictly speaking, this is not true. Nazism is, after all, a phenomenon of civilization. Ukrainianism is satanic cannibalism. A sect of ideological Satanists rules everything up there, and rural cannibals and those who join them are down there.

The Russians are squeamish and prim and it is not customary among them to talk about certain things. But war demands sobriety and naturalism. Cannibalism is an absolute taboo for human civilization. Cannibalistic tribes must be exterminated. There can be no compromises with "ukrainians.
Former MP Taras Chornovil has been thrown into the trash bin by angry citizens. This is true democracy: Betray your country and face the consequences.

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Why these half-measures? Haven't the Ukrainian Nazis realized yet that any of their crimes will be justified in the West? So they can hang their people on poles with inscriptions "He betrayed the Fuhrer and the Great Ukraine!" just like the German Nazis in 1945 and every honest politician and proud gay/trans in the West would be fine with that. .
Why these half-measures? Haven't the Ukrainian Nazis realized yet that any of their crimes will be justified in the West? So they can hang their people on poles with inscriptions "He betrayed the Fuhrer and the Great Ukraine!" just like the German Nazis in 1945 and every honest politician and proud gay/trans in the West would be fine with that. .
Maybe, that murderous neo-nazi shit was limited to few people in few gangs.

- No oppression of the Russian language
- No murderous nazi gangs hunting Russian Ukrainians
- No murderous ideology, just Ukrainian nationalism
- Clean and secure places
- People in support of the leadership
- Zelensky not the mad clown we were made believe.
After the U.S. fleeing Afghanistan, the poppy fields decreased from a democratic 51% to a totalitarian 0.4%.

If you don't produce American drugs, you're a terrorist, if you carry out terrorist attacks in cafes, you're an independent Ukrainian patriot.
so you want to save Moscow empire by removing czar putin from the throne ?
I just see no point in the war. The Ukrainians don´t want to be "liberated" and period. I don´t know what should happen to the eastern Ukrainian lands, I guess a UN monitored poll would end pro Russian. I guess it could even be a scenario like this one:
I guess a UN monitored poll would end pro Russian
only in Ivans wet dreams, once THE OCCUPIED territory get under UN/EU control and your spies , terrorists , sleeping agents , RT, ETC ARE exterminated, THERE IS NOT WAY THAT MOSCOW HORDE CAN SCORE ANYWHERE IN UKRAINE

only in Ivans wet dreams, once THE OCCUPIED territory get under UN/EU control and your spies , terrorists , sleeping agents , RT, ETC ARE exterminated, THERE IS NOT WAY THAT MOSCOW HORDE CAN SCORE ANYWHERE IN UKRAINE
Denial of reality doesn´t change reality. The east will stay Russian with or without Kiev´s consent, burning Leopard tanks won´t change that. The Ukrainian offensive is the expected desaster, huge losses for three square kilometers of taken soil:

Denial of reality doesn´t change reality. The east will stay Russian with or without Kiev´s consent, burning Leopard tanks won´t change that. The Ukrainian offensive is the expected desaster, huge losses for three square kilometers of taken soil:

Ukraine has confirmed it has started "counter-offensive and defensive actions" after an escalation in fighting in the south and east of the country sparked speculation about the widely anticipated push.
Officials claim to have taken seven settlements in the eastern Donetsk region and at least 90 sq km (35 sq miles) since starting their counter-offensive earlier this month.
Ukraine has confirmed it has started "counter-offensive and defensive actions" after an escalation in fighting in the south and east of the country sparked speculation about the widely anticipated push.
Officials claim to have taken seven settlements in the eastern Donetsk region and at least 90 sq km (35 sq miles) since starting their counter-offensive earlier this month.
The article I posted refers to the general staff of the Ukrainian forces. They say they secured three square kilometers in the past three days, which is the offensive.
The article I posted refers to the general staff of the Ukrainian forces. They say they secured three square kilometers in the past three days, which is the offensive.
It is hard to pinpoint the exact date when it began, but it had certainly started by June 8 and the gains since then, according to the BBC, Ukraine reports,

Ukraine has confirmed it has started "counter-offensive and defensive actions" after an escalation in fighting in the south and east of the country sparked speculation about the widely anticipated push.
Officials claim to have taken seven settlements in the eastern Donetsk region and at least 90 sq km (35 sq miles) since starting their counter-offensive earlier this month.


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