Ukraine propaganda claims Zelensky's insurgents are winning the war.

An excellent talk with background on the psychopaths. Vickie's fuel is nazi fuel.

'Resentment, that's something the Germans knew about.'
(Making it with Death: Remarks on Thanatos and Desiring Production)
An excellent talk with background on the psychopaths. Vickie's fuel is nazi fuel.

'Resentment, that's something the Germans knew about.'
(Making it with Death: Remarks on Thanatos and Desiring Production)

You're losing, Russian troll

This would translate to the convenient objects burned alive at Odessa for CIA-sponsored 2014 Euromaidan.
Academicized Tarpit

That's my take on Lenin: to that university-trained ideologue, people were just puzzle pieces, or mathematical ciphers, or swabs of paint to be brushed onto a picture of an ideal society that had no basis in human character or values.
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Do you by any chance know Russian? I'd say Каждый русский, который живёт здесь... though Каждый русский, что живёт здесь... would fly too and nobody, I think, would feel the difference.
Ignorant and Unstructured Grammar Leads to Ignorant and Unstructured Thought

Do any Russians actually use that anti-human construction? It doesn't matter if they wouldn't know the difference consciously; deeper in the mind, the feeling that all others are merely things is set and ready to be used when they get further brainwashed.

What about using a plural pronoun to refer to a singular antecedent? This retarded and secretly brain-damaging construction is universal in the Netrix:

"If someone lives in Kiev, they will see the death of their city." Yesli kto-nibud zhivyot v Kieve, oni yvidyat cmert eekh goroda."
The story of the burnings at Odessa will be expounded upon at USMB, because we must include the history of a primary psychopath molesting Ukraine for the last 70 years: CIA.
Keep It Simple to Make Us Stupid

Also, the Glowbulls want us to believe that the 1990s didn't see the fall of Communism; they saw the reversal of the de-Stalinization that had been started by Khrushchev in the 1950s.

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