Ukraine Ramstein Meeting Carpe Diem!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
For this meeting today in Ramstein Germany of fifty countries of the Free World who are friends of Ukraine whose purpose is to help Ukraine repel the Russian invasion and protect its sovereignty I hope all the leaders exhibit great wisdom which Ukraine needs in their friends not the shallow analysis reported by Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin in her remarks reported to be that only if in 2014 the sanctions against Russia were tougher and at that time NATO allowed Ukraine to join its membership the world wouldn't have to deal with this war involving the stealing of its neighbor's land by Russia. The Prime Minister wasn't acting responsibly because in 2014/2015 Nato could not have admitted Ukraine because Russia had occupied Ukraine sovereign territory that being Crimea and so Ukraine was in a state of war which if Ukraine was admitted would have put NATO in that war; plus, sanctions would not have stopped Putin what the world has learned from Putin's own tongue is that he doesn't think Ukraine is a legitimate country and its people are a legitimate people all these things are Russian in Putin's eyes so sanctions' would not have stopped a "taker" like Putin. This group of leaders need to see Putin as he is, the countless atrocities in this war and the repeated disregard for moral norms by him, demonstrates he is not human in the moral and spiritual sense he is a barbarian an animal that only understands power and strength and should be dealt with accordingly.

Those media commentators like Trudy Rubin, William Galston and countless others advocating the following are right! Ukraine should be given the Leopard and M1 tanks. This war is turning into a meat grinder on the eastern battle lines in the provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk you have both sides concentrating massive artillery on small areas of the front lines with high numbers of fighters on both sides and the result is a shocking stream of dead and wounded. The only way for Ukraine to break the stale mate is for the Free World to give them a significant number of good tanks like the Leopard and M1 so they can break through the Russian lines and cut off Russian units so they have to retreat. Ukraine currently has Russian made tanks T72 which are very vulnerable to being destroyed in todays battlefields because the tank gun shells are stored in the turret and if an enemy shell or missile penetrates the turret its set-off the tank's own shell depot and blows up the tank, the M1s and Leopards don't have this vulnerability and the armor of these tanks are much stronger than the T72 further improving effectiveness on the battlefield.

Germany setting the condition the U.S. must agree to giving the M1 to Ukraine in order for it to authorize the transfer of Leopards is a big mistake because it is subjecting Germany's and Europe's national security to America's internal politics put the Putin threat to you and your neighbors' countries back in a cage where it belongs by helping Ukraine win this war. It is no big secret that after this year's State of the Union address President Biden is going to announce that he is running for reelection and that means he doesn't want to be a president that got America into another war! The Afghanistan and Iraq wars to a significant degree are viewed as mistake by the American public and so Biden is intensely aware of the political risk of getting America in as a party to the Ukrainian war so to protect his reelection chances he is slow walking help to Ukraine he parcels out the help to Ukraine so that when the parcel is handed out in America people are saying finally and its about time and so he avoids the moniker of "Pushing America into the Ukrainian war". It is an outstandingly good bet the Ukrainian people will get America M1 tanks after another ten thousand terrific Ukrainian soldiers are killed and wounded in the World War I type battles going on in the Donbas so that the timing will be such that the American public will be moved to say the Ukrainians really deserve this help and Joe Biden will look like he is coming through for the Ukrainians!

The Free World should come through for Ukraine with more Patriot missile batteries because on the remote chance Putin follows the smart play for himself and ends this war this will help facilitate it. The Mayor of Kyiv, Vitali Klitschko, in an editorial article in the Wall Street Journal on Jan. 19, 2023 wrote that Ukraine should be given these air defense systems not only to stop the severe physical and emotional injuries on Ukrainian civilians from the Russian bombing campaign on civilian infrastructure but to reveal to Putin the futility of his effort so that he will relinquish this dream of his of rebuilding the old Soviet Union or Russian Empire. Think of this Ukraine shooting down ninety percent of the cruise missiles in these Russian missile barrages; missiles like the KH 22 missile with its 2000 pound warhead laying in some Ukrainian field from a Patriot missile hit with a CNN news crew filming the remains with a commentary this is what the great Russian super power with its vaunted military has been reduced to a laughing stock. The smart play for Putin is to negotiate some face saving security measures with Ukraine and the international community and pull all his troops out of Ukraine; Putin could then focus on securing and shoring up his domestic position, he would take a political hit for losing Crimea but that would blow over after a short while - losing and having severely wounded an additional one hundred thousand Russian sons won't blow over after a short while!

The Free World should get Ukraine these Atacms missiles that can travel up to two hundred miles and these top level drones and allow Ukraine to bomb the Russian launch sites in Russia responsible for these missile barrage attacks against Ukrainian civilians. When you think about it every one of these days when there is these huge missile barrage from Russia it is a major war crime Russia is perpetuating the Free World should bring serious consequences on Russia over it like allowing the launch sites to be bombed you major countries in the coalition if Russia did to you what it is doing to Ukraine here wouldn't your response be to bomb the launch sites? Well! A lot of people are afraid if inside Russia is bombed however just Putin will respond with tactical nuclear weapons there should be two considerations here. First, how much should the world take and not stop the harm because of this "use of nuclear weapon threat" Putin has the character where he would turn the entire country of Ukraine into rubble, and aren't you guys incentivizing bad guys to get their hands on nuclear weapons because once they do they can commit atrocity after atrocity with little obstruction. Further, Putin may be as bad a dictator as one can be but he is not stupid he maneuvers things like a master chess player. Retired American Generals who have the experience to know what they are talking about have said if Putin uses a nuclear tactical weapon America will severely bomb Russia with conventional weapons that is inside Russia to maintain the deterrent to the use of such weapons of mass destruction. Further these American Generals have said America will first send sorties inside Russia to take out their SAM sites so American bombers won't suffer high losses on their bombing campaign inside Russia. So after U.S. air power degradation of Russia's air defense systems and the punitive bombing campaign Putin will have lost significant air power and artillery he is using in the Ukraine war and he will have to at least spend a lot of Russian's military resources whether it be the Russian military industrial complex or Russian military assets shoring up Russia's defenses to the homeland and he won't have these assets for the Ukrainian war. Bottom line the Russian military in the Ukrainian war will be dramatically weakened and be it that they are currently just at a stand still weakening them will put them on a trajectory of losing the war. In short, Putin uses a tactical nuclear weapon he seals his fate which will be he loses the war; so good judgment says he doesn't use nuclear weapons in the war!
The degeneratization of Western society has led to the idiotic idea that Russia's defeat in Ukraine leads to the Third World War. Idiots do not understand that this defeat of Russia leads to the last nuclear war in the northern hemisphere. Idiots think that now we will defeat Russia, and then we will deal with China. No, idiots, it is China that will deal with the remnants of the white civilization of Europe and America infected with nuclear charges.
For this meeting today in Ramstein Germany of fifty countries of the Free World who are friends of Ukraine whose purpose is to help Ukraine repel the Russian invasion and protect its sovereignty I hope all the leaders exhibit great wisdom which Ukraine needs in their friends not the shallow analysis reported by Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin in her remarks reported to be that only if in 2014 the sanctions against Russia were tougher and at that time NATO allowed Ukraine to join its membership the world wouldn't have to deal with this war involving the stealing of its neighbor's land by Russia. The Prime Minister wasn't acting responsibly because in 2014/2015 Nato could not have admitted Ukraine because Russia had occupied Ukraine sovereign territory that being Crimea and so Ukraine was in a state of war which if Ukraine was admitted would have put NATO in that war; plus, sanctions would not have stopped Putin what the world has learned from Putin's own tongue is that he doesn't think Ukraine is a legitimate country and its people are a legitimate people all these things are Russian in Putin's eyes so sanctions' would not have stopped a "taker" like Putin. This group of leaders need to see Putin as he is, the countless atrocities in this war and the repeated disregard for moral norms by him, demonstrates he is not human in the moral and spiritual sense he is a barbarian an animal that only understands power and strength and should be dealt with accordingly. Those media commentators like Trudy Rubin, William Galston and countless others advocating the following are right! Ukraine should be given the Leopard and M1 tanks. This war is turning into a meat grinder on the eastern battle lines in the provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk you have both sides concentrating massive artillery on small areas of the front lines with high numbers of fighters on both sides and the result is a shocking stream of dead and wounded. The only way for Ukraine to break the stale mate is for the Free World to give them a significant number of good tanks like the Leopard and M1 so they can break through the Russian lines and cut off Russian units so they have to retreat. Ukraine currently has Russian made tanks T72 which are very vulnerable to being destroyed in todays battlefields because the tank gun shells are stored in the turret and if an enemy shell or missile penetrates the turret its set-off the tank's own shell depot and blows up the tank, the M1s and Leopards don't have this vulnerability and the armor of these tanks are much stronger than the T72 further improving effectiveness on the battlefield. Germany setting the condition the U.S. must agree to giving the M1 to Ukraine in order for it to authorize the transfer of Leopards is a big mistake because it is subjecting Germany's and Europe's national security to America's internal politics put the Putin threat to you and your neighbors' countries back in a cage where it belongs by helping Ukraine win this war. It is no big secret that after this year's State of the Union address President Biden is going to announce that he is running for reelection and that means he doesn't want to be a president that got America into another war! The Afghanistan and Iraq wars to a significant degree are viewed as mistake by the American public and so Biden is intensely aware of the political risk of getting America in as a party to the Ukrainian war so to protect his reelection chances he is slow walking help to Ukraine he parcels out the help to Ukraine so that when the parcel is handed out in America people are saying finally and its about time and so he avoids the moniker of "Pushing America into the Ukrainian war". It is an outstandingly good bet the Ukrainian people will get America M1 tanks after another ten thousand terrific Ukrainian soldiers are killed and wounded in the World War I type battles going on in the Donbas so that the timing will be such that the American public will be moved to say the Ukrainians really deserve this help and Joe Biden will look like he is coming through for the Ukrainians! The Free World should come through for Ukraine with more Patriot missile batteries because on the remote chance Putin follows the smart play for himself and ends this war this will help facilitate it. The Mayor of Kyiv, Vitali Klitschko, in an editorial article in the Wall Street Journal on Jan. 19, 2023 wrote that Ukraine should be given these air defense systems not only to stop the severe physical and emotional injuries on Ukrainian civilians from the Russian bombing campaign on civilian infrastructure but to reveal to Putin the futility of his effort so that he will relinquish this dream of his of rebuilding the old Soviet Union or Russian Empire. Think of this Ukraine shooting down ninety percent of the cruise missiles in these Russian missile barrages; missiles like the KH 22 missile with its 2000 pound warhead laying in some Ukrainian field from a Patriot missile hit with a CNN news crew filming the remains with a commentary this is what the great Russian super power with its vaunted military has been reduced to a laughing stock. The smart play for Putin is to negotiate some face saving security measures with Ukraine and the international community and pull all his troops out of Ukraine; Putin could then focus on securing and shoring up his domestic position, he would take a political hit for losing Crimea but that would blow over after a short while - losing and having severely wounded an additional one hundred thousand Russian sons won't blow over after a short while! The Free World should get Ukraine these Atacms missiles that can travel up to two hundred miles and these top level drones and allow Ukraine to bomb the Russian launch sites in Russia responsible for these missile barrage attacks against Ukrainian civilians. When you think about it every one of these days when there is these huge missile barrage from Russia it is a major war crime Russia is perpetuating the Free World should bring serious consequences on Russia over it like allowing the launch sites to be bombed you major countries in the coalition if Russia did to you what it is doing to Ukraine here wouldn't your response be to bomb the launch sites? Well! A lot of people are afraid if inside Russia is bombed however just Putin will respond with tactical nuclear weapons there should be two considerations here. First, how much should the world take and not stop the harm because of this "use of nuclear weapon threat" Putin has the character where he would turn the entire country of Ukraine into rubble, and aren't you guys incentivizing bad guys to get their hands on nuclear weapons because once they do they can commit atrocity after atrocity with little obstruction. Further, Putin may be as bad a dictator as one can be but he is not stupid he maneuvers things like a master chess player. Retired American Generals who have the experience to know what they are talking about have said if Putin uses a nuclear tactical weapon America will severely bomb Russia with conventional weapons that is inside Russia to maintain the deterrent to the use of such weapons of mass destruction. Further these American Generals have said America will first send sorties inside Russia to take out their SAM sites so American bombers won't suffer high losses on their bombing campaign inside Russia. So after U.S. air power degradation of Russia's air defense systems and the punitive bombing campaign Putin will have lost significant air power and artillery he is using in the Ukraine war and he will have to at least spend a lot of Russian's military resources whether it be the Russian military industrial complex or Russian military assets shoring up Russia's defenses to the homeland and he won't have these assets for the Ukrainian war. Bottom line the Russian military in the Ukrainian war will be dramatically weakened and be it that they are currently just at a stand still weakening them will put them on a trajectory of losing the war. In short, Putin uses a tactical nuclear weapon he seals his fate which will be he loses the war; so good judgment says he doesn't use nuclear weapons in the war!


Tell me Jim, did you turn in your term papers as eruditely composed?
If Stalin were alive, each time the ukrainian army killed a single russian soldier with american weapons, 2 or 3 thermobaric bombs would be dropped on a residential neighborhood in Kiev.


1 - 15 minutes later Zelensky would be begging the West to stop "helping" Ukraine.

2 - 1 week later Ukraine would raise the white flag.

and best of all:

3 - This blowhard/super patriotic american clown from Pennsylvania would finally shut up.
For this meeting today in Ramstein Germany of fifty countries of the Free World who are friends of Ukraine whose purpose is to help Ukraine repel the Russian invasion and protect its sovereignty I hope all the leaders exhibit great wisdom which Ukraine needs in their friends not the shallow analysis reported by Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin in her remarks reported to be that only if in 2014 the sanctions against Russia were tougher and at that time NATO allowed Ukraine to join its membership the world wouldn't have to deal with this war involving the stealing of its neighbor's land by Russia. The Prime Minister wasn't acting responsibly because in 2014/2015 Nato could not have admitted Ukraine because Russia had occupied Ukraine sovereign territory that being Crimea and so Ukraine was in a state of war which if Ukraine was admitted would have put NATO in that war; plus, sanctions would not have stopped Putin what the world has learned from Putin's own tongue is that he doesn't think Ukraine is a legitimate country and its people are a legitimate people all these things are Russian in Putin's eyes so sanctions' would not have stopped a "taker" like Putin. This group of leaders need to see Putin as he is, the countless atrocities in this war and the repeated disregard for moral norms by him, demonstrates he is not human in the moral and spiritual sense he is a barbarian an animal that only understands power and strength and should be dealt with accordingly.

Those media commentators like Trudy Rubin, William Galston and countless others advocating the following are right! Ukraine should be given the Leopard and M1 tanks. This war is turning into a meat grinder on the eastern battle lines in the provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk you have both sides concentrating massive artillery on small areas of the front lines with high numbers of fighters on both sides and the result is a shocking stream of dead and wounded. The only way for Ukraine to break the stale mate is for the Free World to give them a significant number of good tanks like the Leopard and M1 so they can break through the Russian lines and cut off Russian units so they have to retreat. Ukraine currently has Russian made tanks T72 which are very vulnerable to being destroyed in todays battlefields because the tank gun shells are stored in the turret and if an enemy shell or missile penetrates the turret its set-off the tank's own shell depot and blows up the tank, the M1s and Leopards don't have this vulnerability and the armor of these tanks are much stronger than the T72 further improving effectiveness on the battlefield. blah blah

Good luck with the Nazi meeting at the HQ of the US military mission in Ramstein .

OP is 100% Fake garbage .
Rambling nonsense aimed at Gullibles and fools by fools .
If Stalin were alive, each time the ukrainian army killed a single russian soldier with american weapons, 2 or 3 thermobaric bombs would be dropped on a residential neighborhood in Kiev.
Stalin would never have done that. Kiev is the "Mother of Russian cities". There is no need to poison with radioactive substances what belongs to you.
Ukrainian soldiers are in the US being trained to use Patriot missiles and now Russia has a spy ship off of Pearl Harbor. I expect to see an escalation by Russia because the US is meddling in a war that we have no business in.

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