Ukraine Size Bus Rolls Over Rudy Giuliani As State Dept. Denies They Sent Him On Mission

I see where Rudy will not testify if Trump tells him no by claiming Lawyer/client privilege.

If Rudy went to belly Ukraine into investigating to get dirt on Biden, then it just magnifies this impeachment complaint where trump is using government funds to extort a foreign leader for personal gain.

If he went representing the US, then he testifies.

He's there to meet secretly with Putin and work on the Trump/Putin 2020 election strategy snowflake. :itsok:
I see where Rudy will not testify if Trump tells him no by claiming Lawyer/client privilege.

If Rudy went to belly Ukraine into investigating to get dirt on Biden, then it just magnifies this impeachment complaint where trump is using government funds to extort a foreign leader for personal gain.

If he went representing the US, then he testifies.
Rudy was going to call the Ukraine Pres and talk to him about Russian Interference.
Does CrowdStrike ring a bell, Dickhead????
I see where Rudy will not testify if Trump tells him no by claiming Lawyer/client privilege.

If Rudy went to belly Ukraine into investigating to get dirt on Biden, then it just magnifies this impeachment complaint where trump is using government funds to extort a foreign leader for personal gain.

If he went representing the US, then he testifies.
Rudy was going to call the Ukraine Pres and talk to him about Russian Interference.
Does CrowdStrike ring a bell, Dickhead????
Did he go as Trump's personal Attorney or representing the US?

Which is it dickhead.'

Rudy said he discussed Biden.
I see where Rudy will not testify if Trump tells him no by claiming Lawyer/client privilege.

If Rudy went to belly Ukraine into investigating to get dirt on Biden, then it just magnifies this impeachment complaint where trump is using government funds to extort a foreign leader for personal gain.

If he went representing the US, then he testifies.

Giuliani in Ukraine - government employee or Trump lawyer?

Neither...just a thorn in your side.....
So Hunter Biden was trying to overthrow the government by taking a seat on the board of a Ukrainian company?
No.......he was using his Daddy to get a high paying job.....and he was committing crimes for the Obama Administration.
His Daddy was the VP and threatened the Ukraine government with pulling a $1 billion dollar aid package.
So you say Hunter Biden sought the board position. You have proof assfuck or just lying again.

Other countries wanted that prosecutor removed. I guess their leaders had kids on the board too.
I see where Rudy will not testify if Trump tells him no by claiming Lawyer/client privilege.

If Rudy went to belly Ukraine into investigating to get dirt on Biden, then it just magnifies this impeachment complaint where trump is using government funds to extort a foreign leader for personal gain.

If he went representing the US, then he testifies.

Giuliani in Ukraine - government employee or Trump lawyer?

Neither...just a thorn in your side.....
So Hunter Biden was trying to overthrow the government by taking a seat on the board of a Ukrainian company?

That he had absolutely no qualifications for, was collecting 600,000 a year while his dad was vice president of the country who was holding a Billion dollars of loan money over their head, was being investigated for illegal activity and his dad had the prosecutor fired who was digging into his sons activities. And EVEN ADMITTED IT ON TAPE.

Yea. That's corrupt. The saddest part is....your blind partisan hatred of Trump won't let YOU see it.

You act like Hunter had no experience & that is a lie. He took a board seat & made big money. Was he supposed to turn it down?

So if Biden was trying to bail out his son, what did the other countries that were pushing for removal want?

There is no evidence Hunter Biden was under investigation.
I see where Rudy will not testify if Trump tells him no by claiming Lawyer/client privilege.

If Rudy went to belly Ukraine into investigating to get dirt on Biden, then it just magnifies this impeachment complaint where trump is using government funds to extort a foreign leader for personal gain.

If he went representing the US, then he testifies.

Giuliani in Ukraine - government employee or Trump lawyer?

Neither...just a thorn in your side.....
So Hunter Biden was trying to overthrow the government by taking a seat on the board of a Ukrainian company?

That he had absolutely no qualifications for, was collecting 600,000 a year while his dad was vice president of the country who was holding a Billion dollars of loan money over their head, was being investigated for illegal activity and his dad had the prosecutor fired who was digging into his sons activities. And EVEN ADMITTED IT ON TAPE.

Yea. That's corrupt. The saddest part is....your blind partisan hatred of Trump won't let YOU see it.

You act like Hunter had no experience & that is a lie. He took a board seat & made big money. Was he supposed to turn it down?

So if Biden was trying to bail out his son, what did the other countries that were pushing for removal want?

There is no evidence Hunter Biden was under investigation.

There is a hell of a lot of evidence he was under investigation. HIS OWN FATHER SAID HE WAS.

WHY WAS HE OFFERED A SEAT ON THE BOARD OF A COMPANY THAT HE HAD NO EXPERIENCE IN THE INDUSTRY? Since when does no experience equal a 600K a year job? A company only pays someone 600G's a year if they can bring a hell of a lot of value to the company. Since someone with no experience can't do this......there was SOMETHING going on somewhere.
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Giuliani in Ukraine - government employee or Trump lawyer?

Neither...just a thorn in your side.....
So Hunter Biden was trying to overthrow the government by taking a seat on the board of a Ukrainian company?

That he had absolutely no qualifications for, was collecting 600,000 a year while his dad was vice president of the country who was holding a Billion dollars of loan money over their head, was being investigated for illegal activity and his dad had the prosecutor fired who was digging into his sons activities. And EVEN ADMITTED IT ON TAPE.

Yea. That's corrupt. The saddest part is....your blind partisan hatred of Trump won't let YOU see it.

You act like Hunter had no experience & that is a lie. He took a board seat & made big money. Was he supposed to turn it down?

So if Biden was trying to bail out his son, what did the other countries that were pushing for removal want?

There is no evidence Hunter Biden was under investigation.

There is a hell of a lot of evidence he was under investigation. HIS OWN FATHER SAID HE WAS.

WHY WAS HE OFFERED A SEAT ON THE BOARD OF A COMPANY THAT HE HAD NO EXPERIENCE IN THE INDUSTRY? Since when does no experience equal a 600K a year job? A company only pays someone 600G's a year if they can bring a hell of a lot of value to the company. Since someone with no experience can't do this......there was SOMETHING going on somewhere.
can you tell us what Hunter Biden's law firm and Hunter was hired for that you say he was not qualified for...?
I see where Rudy will not testify if Trump tells him no by claiming Lawyer/client privilege.

If Rudy went to belly Ukraine into investigating to get dirt on Biden, then it just magnifies this impeachment complaint where trump is using government funds to extort a foreign leader for personal gain.

If he went representing the US, then he testifies.

He clearly said he was asked to go by the state department. He clearly said he sent reports to the state department.

Now he claims he wasn't working for the state department.

He is playing it both ways
Giuliani in Ukraine - government employee or Trump lawyer?

Neither...just a thorn in your side.....
So Hunter Biden was trying to overthrow the government by taking a seat on the board of a Ukrainian company?

That he had absolutely no qualifications for, was collecting 600,000 a year while his dad was vice president of the country who was holding a Billion dollars of loan money over their head, was being investigated for illegal activity and his dad had the prosecutor fired who was digging into his sons activities. And EVEN ADMITTED IT ON TAPE.

Yea. That's corrupt. The saddest part is....your blind partisan hatred of Trump won't let YOU see it.

You act like Hunter had no experience & that is a lie. He took a board seat & made big money. Was he supposed to turn it down?

So if Biden was trying to bail out his son, what did the other countries that were pushing for removal want?

There is no evidence Hunter Biden was under investigation.

There is a hell of a lot of evidence he was under investigation. HIS OWN FATHER SAID HE WAS.

WHY WAS HE OFFERED A SEAT ON THE BOARD OF A COMPANY THAT HE HAD NO EXPERIENCE IN THE INDUSTRY? Since when does no experience equal a 600K a year job? A company only pays someone 600G's a year if they can bring a hell of a lot of value to the company. Since someone with no experience can't do this......there was SOMETHING going on somewhere.

Actually he had experience and had sat on other boards. That your lie number 1.

Why he was hired is irrelevant. Maybe they valued his opinion, maybe they thought the name would boost their reputation.

There is no evidence Hunter Biden was under any investigation.

Now lets talk about your orange buddy extorting political favors from foreign leaders.

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