Ukrainian Government Going To Trip-up On Russian Problem!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The vast majority of people throughout the world are rooting for the country of Ukraine to succeed. For twenty-five plus years Ukrainians lived under the oppression of the Soviet Union and since then the country has struggled with corruption and escaping the control of Russia. It now seems like the Ukrainian people have a real chance to succeed the current political leadership in Ukraine apjpear to be good people that have and are making concrete changes to turn Ukraine into a good and successful country. The unknown is whether Russia through its proxy agent the separatists will succeed in taking control of the eastern part of Ukraine or for that matter the entire country. Ukraine's current government has overall handled the "Russian military intervention in mainland Ukraine" problem very well! They've done their best to militarily defend their country and they've elicited the assistance of the international community to stop this Russian aggression very prudently.
However, it has recently come to light at least in a recent Wall Street Journal article some very upsetting and disheartening actions by the current Ukrainian government. Reports are that the current Ukrainian government has stopped making pension payments to ordinary Ukrainians permanently living in the separatist controlled eastern provinces, they have blocked the transportation of food and medicine into these separatists areas. The Ukrainian government has instituted a permit or visa requirement for people traveling from the separatist areas into government controlled areas of Ukraine which has triggered a huge corruption problem with people exiting the separatist areas having to pay bribes to secure their exit. This is so short-sighted and unsophisticated thinking on Ukrainian government officials part, they probably think they will make it so hard on ordinary citizens living in the separatist areas that they will leave the separatist areas or work to throw the separatist out both courses weakening the separatists' power. The Ukrainian government needs to permanently reverse all these policy initiatives yesterday!
This mentality is so foolish on the Ukrainian government's part. The separatists only are able to offer ordinary citizens in the separatist areas a future as part of the Russian Federation which is living under a totalitarian form of government where if ordinary people challenge government authorities they can find themselves in prison or in a worse state and a life in a society where corruption and lack of prosperity abounds. The Ukrainian government wants to offer ordinary citizens in the separatist areas what it offers ordinary citizens in government controlled areas a future of prosperity, non-government corruption and where the government and its laws work for the citizens of Ukraine. This is such a bad decision by the Ukrainian government these policies are driving the population in the separatist areas into the arms of the Russian government as they provide food and medicine for them, exactly what Ukrainian authorities should not want to do!
The Ukrainian government should keep an optimally wise perspective on this Russian problem, the country of Ukraine's fate rest on military issues. Specifically in part the issue of how much military force Vladimir Putin wants to invest in taking Ukrainian territory which involves the calculation for Mr. Putin of assessing the costs to Mr. Putin personally and the Russian Federation in carrying out such an invasion what are the fissures that will be created and what are the pressures that can be created into these fissures that harm him and his country's well being! Further the issue of what kind of defense Ukrainian government security forces can present against invading separatist forces, the Ukrainian government would be prudent in not relying on needed weapons from NATO. Ms. Merkel and Mr. Obama essentially control that decision and they are so conservative that one could reasonably say that the separatist forces would have to be in plain sight of the city of Kiev before these two will send the needed weapons. The Ukraine government would be wise to rely on buying and building the weapons they need for their defense. They should remember that during the first half of World War II the Allies had battlefield success against the Germans even though the German Army had better planes and tanks than the Allies because the Allies used greater numbers of forces and utilized prudent tactics for the military resources they had!

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