UN and Kenyan govt secretly sterilize the women

I think its effective as a sterilization agent if give with a vaccine.

they call you a health care provider? -------STRILIZATION is not contraception----
sterilization is a permanent situation ------the kind of stuff done by your Nazi kith and kin. You "think" ??? -------you make diagnoses based on your iinner voices? I really enjoy that "if given with a vaccine" what would the vaccine have to do with
the action of HCG?

HCG needs a carrier, just like the Jews carried themselves around for centuries with pseudo names.
I think its effective as a sterilization agent if give with a vaccine.

they call you a health care provider? -------STRILIZATION is not contraception----
sterilization is a permanent situation ------the kind of stuff done by your Nazi kith and kin. You "think" ??? -------you make diagnoses based on your iinner voices? I really enjoy that "if given with a vaccine" what would the vaccine have to do with
the action of HCG?

read some pub med.

Pub med does not describe exogenous HCG as an agent used to "sterilize" a female nor is there information indicating "combination of exogenous HCG with vaccine produces an agent that sterilizes a female"

Really, it has a lot of info on it. Look up Talwar Vaccine.

I believe this is true story, was it done by an organization or the government, who knows, probably a few individuals who got their hand on the vaccine.

wrong again-----your entire libel has been debunked by snopes------the MOST
you HCG cocktail could do is produce very short term contraception. You have
employed the typical GOEBBELS technique-----modified for cyberspace ----
"TRUTH BY NUMBER OF HITS" which Is nothing more than the typical
ISLAMO-CATHOLIC-NAZI approach of REPEAT THE LIE over and over and
over again. the lie was created by people eager for 14 year old girls to have
lots of babies --------most of which will die. Sterilize means ------make the girl unable to have babies forever-----like the kind of thing your kith and kin did in Nazi
Israel is also guilty and they admitted it and knew what they were doing, the gov.

Jan 28, 2013 @ 07:54 AM 156,251 views

Israel Forcibly Injected African Immigrants with Birth Control, Report Claims

Jan 28, 2013 @ 07:54 AM 156,251 views

This weekend, a report revealing that African women immigrating to Israel were subjected to mandatory contraceptive injections, effectively amounting to forced (if temporary) sterilization made global headlines.

Some 130,000 Ethiopians, most of them Jewish, live in Israel. The community experiences higher poverty and unemployment rates than the rest of the country’s Jewish population. In the past decade, the birth rate among Ethiopian-Israelis has declined by at least 20 percent. Advocacy groups now claim this decline is the result of a birth control regimen forced upon Ethiopian immigrant women.

Israel Forcibly Injected African Immigrants with Birth Control, Report Claims
Doctors: UN Vaccines in Kenya Used to Sterilize Women
Less than a year after the United Nations unveiled a sweeping population-control plot aimed at reducing the number of people in Kenya, a supposed UN “vaccine program” is under fire by doctors and Catholic bishops for deliberately sterilizing millions of women. The explosive revelations were released after medical researchers and the Catholic Church found a sterilization agent in tetanus inoculations being foisted on Kenyan women by two UN agencies in cooperation with the national government. Incredibly, it is not the first time that international vaccine campaigns by the UN targeting Third World populations have been exposed as covert sterilization and eugenics programs. Some critics have even referred to the latest plot as race-based genocide.
In a statement released last week by the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, the medical organization said it had ordered laboratory tests of tetanus vaccines being administered in Kenya by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF). “The unfortunate truth is that the vaccine was laced with [sterilizing agent Human Chorionic Gonadotropin] HCG just like the one used in the South American cases,” Dr. Wahome Ngare said in a statement for the Catholic doctors group that helped expose the scheme after the test results came back positive. “Further, none of the girls and women given the vaccination were informed of its contraceptive effect.”

Probably population control.
In all reality, we will probably have to start doing something one day..

Surprised we didn't do this sooner. Can't let population proceed unchekced indefinitely. Do this sort of thing now, or down the road gonna have worse options to implement like China's doing.

"Starship Troopers" made mention of needing a license to have a kid. Not a bad idea.
Doctors: UN Vaccines in Kenya Used to Sterilize Women
Less than a year after the United Nations unveiled a sweeping population-control plot aimed at reducing the number of people in Kenya, a supposed UN “vaccine program” is under fire by doctors and Catholic bishops for deliberately sterilizing millions of women. The explosive revelations were released after medical researchers and the Catholic Church found a sterilization agent in tetanus inoculations being foisted on Kenyan women by two UN agencies in cooperation with the national government. Incredibly, it is not the first time that international vaccine campaigns by the UN targeting Third World populations have been exposed as covert sterilization and eugenics programs. Some critics have even referred to the latest plot as race-based genocide.
In a statement released last week by the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, the medical organization said it had ordered laboratory tests of tetanus vaccines being administered in Kenya by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF). “The unfortunate truth is that the vaccine was laced with [sterilizing agent Human Chorionic Gonadotropin] HCG just like the one used in the South American cases,” Dr. Wahome Ngare said in a statement for the Catholic doctors group that helped expose the scheme after the test results came back positive. “Further, none of the girls and women given the vaccination were informed of its contraceptive effect.”

Probably population control.
In all reality, we will probably have to start doing something one day..

Surprised we didn't do this sooner. Can't let population proceed unchekced indefinitely. Do this sort of thing now, or down the road gonna have worse options to implement like China's doing.

"Starship Troopers" made mention of needing a license to have a kid. Not a bad idea.
Have you ever heard of the show "the 100"?

right----TEMPORARY contraception ------in at risk 14 year old girls in Kenya where
many of the babies ALSO die of tetanus. Sterilization was accomplished by your kith and kin by ripping out the ovaries or the uterus

It may need a few boosters, I guess depending on the dose given. I am sure its been played with and changed unknown by us little people.

right----TEMPORARY contraception ------in at risk 14 year old girls in Kenya where
many of the babies ALSO die of tetanus. Sterilization was accomplished by your kith and kin by ripping out the ovaries or the uterus

Sterilization was begun in Ca and Britain.

really? with HCG? I am very aware of the history of sterilization------I am a real
health care worker. You have nothing to tell me
Doctors: UN Vaccines in Kenya Used to Sterilize Women
Less than a year after the United Nations unveiled a sweeping population-control plot aimed at reducing the number of people in Kenya, a supposed UN “vaccine program” is under fire by doctors and Catholic bishops for deliberately sterilizing millions of women. The explosive revelations were released after medical researchers and the Catholic Church found a sterilization agent in tetanus inoculations being foisted on Kenyan women by two UN agencies in cooperation with the national government. Incredibly, it is not the first time that international vaccine campaigns by the UN targeting Third World populations have been exposed as covert sterilization and eugenics programs. Some critics have even referred to the latest plot as race-based genocide.
In a statement released last week by the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, the medical organization said it had ordered laboratory tests of tetanus vaccines being administered in Kenya by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF). “The unfortunate truth is that the vaccine was laced with [sterilizing agent Human Chorionic Gonadotropin] HCG just like the one used in the South American cases,” Dr. Wahome Ngare said in a statement for the Catholic doctors group that helped expose the scheme after the test results came back positive. “Further, none of the girls and women given the vaccination were informed of its contraceptive effect.”

Probably population control.
In all reality, we will probably have to start doing something one day..

Surprised we didn't do this sooner. Can't let population proceed unchekced indefinitely. Do this sort of thing now, or down the road gonna have worse options to implement like China's doing.

"Starship Troopers" made mention of needing a license to have a kid. Not a bad idea.
Have you ever heard of the show "the 100"?

Doctors: UN Vaccines in Kenya Used to Sterilize Women
Less than a year after the United Nations unveiled a sweeping population-control plot aimed at reducing the number of people in Kenya, a supposed UN “vaccine program” is under fire by doctors and Catholic bishops for deliberately sterilizing millions of women. The explosive revelations were released after medical researchers and the Catholic Church found a sterilization agent in tetanus inoculations being foisted on Kenyan women by two UN agencies in cooperation with the national government. Incredibly, it is not the first time that international vaccine campaigns by the UN targeting Third World populations have been exposed as covert sterilization and eugenics programs. Some critics have even referred to the latest plot as race-based genocide.
In a statement released last week by the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, the medical organization said it had ordered laboratory tests of tetanus vaccines being administered in Kenya by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF). “The unfortunate truth is that the vaccine was laced with [sterilizing agent Human Chorionic Gonadotropin] HCG just like the one used in the South American cases,” Dr. Wahome Ngare said in a statement for the Catholic doctors group that helped expose the scheme after the test results came back positive. “Further, none of the girls and women given the vaccination were informed of its contraceptive effect.”

Probably population control.
In all reality, we will probably have to start doing something one day..

Surprised we didn't do this sooner. Can't let population proceed unchekced indefinitely. Do this sort of thing now, or down the road gonna have worse options to implement like China's doing.

"Starship Troopers" made mention of needing a license to have a kid. Not a bad idea.
Have you ever heard of the show "the 100"?

We ruined Earth by nukes. They all moved to a space station. The women could have one child. If they had more, they would get floated(sent out into space). They started running out of resources and sent some people to see if Earth was ok to return.
They just "floated" like 300 people..

right----TEMPORARY contraception ------in at risk 14 year old girls in Kenya where
many of the babies ALSO die of tetanus. Sterilization was accomplished by your kith and kin by ripping out the ovaries or the uterus

It may need a few boosters, I guess depending on the dose given. I am sure its been played with and changed unknown by us little people.

watta an idiot come-back. It is not a way to STERILIZE a female. People of your ilk LIVE ON LIBELS Your filth has been promulgating libels for more than 1700
years as an emulation of your ROMAN "gods"

right----TEMPORARY contraception ------in at risk 14 year old girls in Kenya where
many of the babies ALSO die of tetanus. Sterilization was accomplished by your kith and kin by ripping out the ovaries or the uterus

It may need a few boosters, I guess depending on the dose given. I am sure its been played with and changed unknown by us little people.

watta an idiot come-back. It is not a way to STERILIZE a female. People of your ilk LIVE ON LIBELS Your filth has been promulgating libels for more than 1700
years as an emulation of your ROMAN "gods"
Eugenics in California - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This was happening in the US long before Hitler and also Churchill and Britain were all for it.

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