UN and Kenyan govt secretly sterilize the women

Were sterilizing people in the US up until the 90s think it was. One of the Carolinas had a eugenics program including sterilization.

not quite-----there was a time------like more than 100 years ago when insane or criminal females could be sterilized by court order-------the idea fell out of use long ago. Some laws may still be on the books----but not done-----of course a female or male can OPT to be sterilized. HCG mixed with tetanus vaccine can stimulate
anti bodies to HCG which can result in temporary contraception------temporary
contraception is not STERILIZATION
Were sterilizing people in the US up until the 90s think it was. One of the Carolinas had a eugenics program including sterilization.

not quite-----there was a time------like more than 100 years ago when insane or criminal females could be sterilized by court order-------the idea fell out of use long ago. Some laws may still be on the books----but not done-----of course a female or male can OPT to be sterilized. HCG mixed with tetanus vaccine can stimulate
anti bodies to HCG which can result in temporary contraception------temporary
contraception is not STERILIZATION

"Debra Blackmon was about to turn 14 in January 1972, when two social workers came to her home.

Court and medical documents offer some details about what happened that day. Blackmon was "severely retarded," they note, and had "psychic problems" that made her difficult to manage during menstruation.

Her parents were counseled during the visit, and it was deemed in Blackmon's best interest that she be sterilized.

Blackmon is among the more than 7,000 people in North Carolina — many poor, many African-American, many disabled — who were sterilized between 1929 and 1976 in one of the country's most aggressive eugenics programs."
Payments Start For N.C. Eugenics Victims, But Many Won't Qualify

right----TEMPORARY contraception ------in at risk 14 year old girls in Kenya where
many of the babies ALSO die of tetanus. Sterilization was accomplished by your kith and kin by ripping out the ovaries or the uterus

It may need a few boosters, I guess depending on the dose given. I am sure its been played with and changed unknown by us little people.

watta an idiot come-back. It is not a way to STERILIZE a female. People of your ilk LIVE ON LIBELS Your filth has been promulgating libels for more than 1700
years as an emulation of your ROMAN "gods"
Eugenics in California - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This was happening in the US long before Hitler and also Churchill and Britain were all for it.

I am fully aware of the history of forced sterilization in the USA ------I am, unlike you, a REAL health care worker-------the practice fell out of use long ago. It had
been applied mostly to women incurably insane. There was also a time when the
catholic church CONFISCATED "illegitimate" babies. Today---no one is "STERILIZING" anyone with HCG
Were sterilizing people in the US up until the 90s think it was. One of the Carolinas had a eugenics program including sterilization.

not quite-----there was a time------like more than 100 years ago when insane or criminal females could be sterilized by court order-------the idea fell out of use long ago. Some laws may still be on the books----but not done-----of course a female or male can OPT to be sterilized. HCG mixed with tetanus vaccine can stimulate
anti bodies to HCG which can result in temporary contraception------temporary
contraception is not STERILIZATION

"Debra Blackmon was about to turn 14 in January 1972, when two social workers came to her home.

Court and medical documents offer some details about what happened that day. Blackmon was "severely retarded," they note, and had "psychic problems" that made her difficult to manage during menstruation.

Her parents were counseled during the visit, and it was deemed in Blackmon's best interest that she be sterilized.

Blackmon is among the more than 7,000 people in North Carolina — many poor, many African-American, many disabled — who were sterilized between 1929 and 1976 in one of the country's most aggressive eugenics programs."
Payments Start For N.C. Eugenics Victims, But Many Won't Qualify

were the parents FORCED to give consent?--------there is no question that there was a time in the USA when mentally unfit , by virtue of severe retardation or insanity females were FORCIBLY sterilized --------beyond that even today-----
a woman can be sterilized at her own will or for reason------YOUR POINT?
that is not exactly "eugenics" in the sense of hitler's concept of MASTER RACE.
In my own experience------I have run into a few cases which--------should have been
sterilized --------not my focus of interest however
Were sterilizing people in the US up until the 90s think it was. One of the Carolinas had a eugenics program including sterilization.

not quite-----there was a time------like more than 100 years ago when insane or criminal females could be sterilized by court order-------the idea fell out of use long ago. Some laws may still be on the books----but not done-----of course a female or male can OPT to be sterilized. HCG mixed with tetanus vaccine can stimulate
anti bodies to HCG which can result in temporary contraception------temporary
contraception is not STERILIZATION

"Debra Blackmon was about to turn 14 in January 1972, when two social workers came to her home.

Court and medical documents offer some details about what happened that day. Blackmon was "severely retarded," they note, and had "psychic problems" that made her difficult to manage during menstruation.

Her parents were counseled during the visit, and it was deemed in Blackmon's best interest that she be sterilized.

Blackmon is among the more than 7,000 people in North Carolina — many poor, many African-American, many disabled — who were sterilized between 1929 and 1976 in one of the country's most aggressive eugenics programs."
Payments Start For N.C. Eugenics Victims, But Many Won't Qualify
How could anyone object to sterilization under these circumstances?
Tipsy, that disproved nothing.
HCG is not a sterilization agent. While there may be sterilization going on, it's not HCG doing it.
I provided a link that mentioned it could be when the circumstances were right. Even the Snopes page saying the cliam was false said when mixed with TT bad things could happen. In fact, from what I could tell, the only reason they said "false" was because the globalist UN said they didn't have the capabilities to properly test for HCG
A Catholic health care group says tetanus vaccines used in Kenya are not secretly laced with anti-pregnancy hormones, but it is urging the government and public health officials to conduct more tests to confirm it.

The previous lab results that appeared to show evidence of the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone in Kenya’s tetanus vaccines were “false positives,” said leaders of MaterCare International, a respected health organization that works in Africa."
Kenya tetanus vaccines void of anti-pregnancy hormones, Catholic group says
A Catholic health care group says tetanus vaccines used in Kenya are not secretly laced with anti-pregnancy hormones, but it is urging the government and public health officials to conduct more tests to confirm it.

The previous lab results that appeared to show evidence of the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone in Kenya’s tetanus vaccines were “false positives,” said leaders of MaterCare International, a respected health organization that works in Africa."
Kenya tetanus vaccines void of anti-pregnancy hormones, Catholic group says
The only problem I have with that article is, they are listening to the people that are the suspects lol
The Kenyan Bishops initially expressed concern in March and again in October of 2014. The neonatal tetanus vaccine, which is normally given to women of reproductive age, was being given to women in five doses, rather than the usual two or three doses. Given past abuse regarding informed consent and sterilization in Kenya (see table), the extraneous vaccinations provoked concern. The Catholic Church requested the Kenyan Ministry of Health to test the vaccines for the presence of sterilizing agent, beta HCG. After the Health Ministry declined to test the vaccines, the Catholic Church in Kenya acquired nine vials of the vaccines and tested six vials in five different Kenyan laboratories.

Three of the these vaccines returned positive for Beta HCG.[1]

The Ministry of Health stated that they had separately tested the tetanus vaccine but found the vaccine to be safe.

After ensuing public outcry and confusion, Kenya’s Ministry of Health and the Catholic Church formed a joint committee in of experts in November to jointly test the vaccines. The Catholic Church resubmitted their nine vials.

The Ministry of Health did not have any samples from their earlier testing, so they acquired new samples from the field and central store with the same batch number of the other samples. The Ministry of Health submitted 50 such vials.

A private Kenyan laboratory, AgriQ Kenya, tested the 59 samples (50 from the Ministry of Health, and 9 from the Catholic Church) with a method called High Performance Liquid Chromatography. High Performance Liquid Chromatography separates components of a given mixture using a pressurized liquid solvent and is commonly used to test hormones, poisons, and pesticides. Of the 59 samples tested, 56 returned clean; the same 3 vials which had tested positive for Beta HCG previously, returned positive again.

Although the presence of Beta HCG in the three vials is now undisputed, officials on both sides are concerned about how the Beta HCG made its way into neonatal tetanus vaccines.
Kenyan Bishops not Satisfied with Government Response to Vaccine Controversy. | PRI
A Catholic health care group says tetanus vaccines used in Kenya are not secretly laced with anti-pregnancy hormones, but it is urging the government and public health officials to conduct more tests to confirm it.

The previous lab results that appeared to show evidence of the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone in Kenya’s tetanus vaccines were “false positives,” said leaders of MaterCare International, a respected health organization that works in Africa."
Kenya tetanus vaccines void of anti-pregnancy hormones, Catholic group says
The only problem I have with that article is, they are listening to the people that are the suspects lol
Unfortunately, that's always the nature of these things...when both sides possibly have an agenda it takes more research to cut through to the likely truth.

Look at the other article where they re-tested.
Why were the Catholic original samples the only ones to show positive?
A Catholic health care group says tetanus vaccines used in Kenya are not secretly laced with anti-pregnancy hormones, but it is urging the government and public health officials to conduct more tests to confirm it.

The previous lab results that appeared to show evidence of the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone in Kenya’s tetanus vaccines were “false positives,” said leaders of MaterCare International, a respected health organization that works in Africa."
Kenya tetanus vaccines void of anti-pregnancy hormones, Catholic group says
The only problem I have with that article is, they are listening to the people that are the suspects lol
Unfortunately, that's always the nature of these things...when both sides possibly have an agenda it takes more research to cut through to the likely truth.

Look at the other article where they re-tested.
Why were the Catholic original samples the only ones to show positive?

Good question.

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