UN Doesn't Feel Pain: Despite Sequester Cuts, U.S. Boosts UN Funding...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Even as the mandated sequester bites into U.S. federal spending -- and newly appointed Secretary of State John Kerry boasts that he is cutting his budget by 6 percent -- the State Department is planning to boost spending on the United Nations in 2014 by more than 4 percent to at least $3.6 billion.

That is likely to be far from the final tally of Obama Administration support, as hundreds of millions of dollars in U.S. development, health and other funds are usually channeled through U.N. agencies and institutions -- with the U.N. agencies taking administrative fees as part of the deal. The most recent tally on the website of the White House Management and Budget website, for example, lists support for the U.N. at $7.7 billion -- in 2010.

The projected spending increase for the New York-based U.N. Secretariat, for example, is an 8.6 percent hike, to $617.6 million, compared with 2013. It represents the U.S.’ 22 percent annual share –the highest by far of any country--of the Secretariat’s “regular” budget covered by dues levied on richer member states...

Read more: Despite sequester, State Department ups support for the UN | Fox News
They can only cut things that are political, like Tuition Assistance for military and White House tours. They can't cut anything that should logically be cut.
There is absolutely no excuse for more US spending in the United Nations.
If anything there should be a marked reduction in US spending at the United Nations.
It is reasons like this that the whole Sequestration is a joke and the sooner more Americans realize how they are being played the better off they will be.
Of course there's more money for the UN. Obama and Panetta already said that the Military serves the UN.

I'll bet you don't even know that a few of your Supreme Court Justices say it's ok to apply International Law to US Territory. International Law: UN Law and Treaties.

Soon we'll replace your Constitution.
Of course there's more money for the UN. Obama and Panetta already said that the Military serves the UN.

I'll bet you don't even know that a few of your Supreme Court Justices say it's ok to apply International Law to US Territory. International Law: UN Law and Treaties.

Soon we'll replace your Constitution.

It's the NWO.

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